Cuddle- Charles Xavier (c)
Most mornings you didn't want to leave the bed, but this morning was far harder than normal to get you to continue with your daily business. You had a stack of paperwork to get on with, but you were a lot more interested in staying under your covers, cuddled up with your husband and pretending that the day didn't hold tasks that needed to go on.
Charles had work to do as well but seen as he had an arm draped around you as you rested your head upon his bare chest, he was equally not wanting to get on with his work.
"I have to do work," you moaned, not wanting to actually do it nor move from your current position but that didn't mean that it didn't need to get done at some point.
"You have three day's worth of paperwork to catch up on," he corrected, knowing better than anyone that there was a lot of things that the two of you had put off doing to allow you to spend time together and relax- something that had been well needed.
"You don't need to remind me, Charles," you frowned. "I'd much rather just stay here with you and cuddle until we are forced to admit that we wasted the day and just go back to sleep tonight."
Charles' chest rumbled beneath you as he let out a deep chuckle.
"I wish that we could, but we have ignored responsibilities for long enough, we need to actually do work or this whole school venture is going to go down the drain along with both of our futures," he stated.
You grunted unhappily, clinging onto your husband tighter than you had before.
"Please," you begged. "Just a little longer."
He ran a hand through your hair, leaning down to press his lips to the top of your head. Even though he knew what would be responsible, he also wanted to spend time just lying in bed with you and he didn't have enough will power to say no.
"Ten more minutes," he stated. "Then we have to go about our day and actually get stuff done."
Letting out a sigh, you accepted that it was a good enough response and didn't want to try and test him to get more time as it might end up with both of you leaving the bed earlier.
You snuggled up closer to him, pressing a kiss to his chest, just happy to have a little longer cuddling with him.
Written by Charlotte.
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