Clint Barton- Crazy: Part 2 (h)
To say that the team were surprised when you'd revealed yourself as Clint's girlfriend would be an understatement.
Tony prepared to all but threaten Clint, Steve was shaking his head in confusion and Natasha looked as if she couldn't choose between throttling you or throttling Clint for not telling them all sooner.
Sam and Bucky were more chilled about the whole thing, they each congratulated Clint on tying you down as Bucky admitted to you in private, he'd been working up to asking you out.
Thor had also congratulated you both but helped with holding Tony back when he finally decided to advance on Clint.
"You hurt her," Tony had said with a surprisingly protective look on his face. "I will make your life living hell."
Clint had scoffed but nodded his assent, nonetheless.
Since then a few more weeks had passed and for the most part yours and Clint's relationship was going smoothly, that was until he'd heard you throwing up at 3am.
"Y/N? Baby?" his voice had drifted through to you in the bathroom.
You groaned and quickly flushed the toilet, dragging yourself up to rest on the sink counter. "I'm fine, I'm fine."
Even though he wasn't next to you, you heard his sigh and he pushed the bathroom door open slowly.
He took one glance at you and he concluded then and there that he couldn't stand you being ill.
"Oh baby," he breathed out as he took a few steps towards you. "What happened?"
You shrugged. "I just woke up and needed to be sick, I'm fine Clint I promise."
You could tell that he didn't believe you based on the look on his face, but he relented, taking your hand gently to lead you back to bed.
He got you under the covers before settling himself, he pulled you close and dropped a kiss to your forehead.
"Wake me next time baby," he whispered against your hair as he curled himself protectively around you before falling back to sleep.
Despite Clint falling back to sleep easily, you didn't quite manage it. You had too many thoughts swirling through your head, and you'd neglected to mention to Clint that this wasn't the first time you'd been sick in the past couple of weeks.
You'd essentially come to your own conclusion in your head, but you weren't 100% on anything – what you did know was that you were late that month.
When you woke up later that same day Clint's side of the bed was cool, telling you he'd been up for a while, so you dragged yourself out of bed still feeling the aftereffects of being ill.
Not wanting to bother with getting dressed properly, you threw on one of Clint's big jumpers and some shorts before padding into the kitchen.
"You look rough crazy," Tony's voice startled you.
"God Tony, don't do that!"
He chuckled, moving to pour you a cup of coffee and you took it gratefully. "Barton keep you up last night?" he questioned with a smirk on his face.
Rolling your eyes, you shoved his arm. "Not in the way you think."
Tony titled his head in confusion so you sighed, deciding you might as well tell someone.
"I'm pretty sure it was his baby keeping me up,"
"My what?" a new voice came from behind you causing you to groan at your obvious bad luck.
Tony chuckled clearly finding amusement in the situation.
"Pretty sure she said she has your baby Barton," Tony reiterated, simply smirking when you shot him a glare. "Congratulations might I add, you're gonna have one crazy baby."
Sighing you stared into your own mug, hoping it would take you away from the situation but alas it could do no such thing.
You only looked up when you realised Clint was standing in front of you. "This morning wasn't the first time was it?"
"No," you admitted as you shook your head. "I was sick for the first time about a week into your last mission."
"But I got back from that mission a couple weeks back," he commented absentmindedly but you could tell he was doing the maths in his head. "You've not sent me out for any of your 'monthly supplies' yet."
Smiling slightly sheepishly at him, you placed your coffee cup on the side. "I'm not 100% sure yet, everything only clicked into place last night...I mean I didn't, you know, think too much about my period being late, it's been messed up for a while...but when I put that with the sickness and everything-"
Clint cut off your rambling by pulling you into a hug. "You're cute when you're nervous."
Giggling at his comment you wrapped your arms around him and resting your cheek against his chest.
"And for the record you don't need to be nervous, never be nervous with me okay?" he told you as he lifted your chin up, so you were looking him in the eye.
The loving look in his eyes made you practically melt then and there. "But Clint it's too soon, we've been together for a few months, not a few years!"
"Who says we won't be together for a few years?" he quizzed with a smile. "I, for one, am confident in the fact that you're it for me and this baby, if there's a baby, solidifies it."
As he always did, he'd reassured you with a few words and you smiled right back at him. "Maybe we should go and get a test."
"Ah yes, let's get you a stick that you can pee on."
Written by Hannah.
Tumblr Request.
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