Tony Stark- Time (h)
You knew that Tony would do anything to protect you, and that had always been somewhat surprising considering how he used to be.
Everyone had told you of Tony's past, explaining that he had only really cared about himself, but he had eventually had a reality check and realised hat there were people other than him in the world.
Tony had come so far in himself, so you were beyond proud of him.
It hadn't been long since you and Tony had moved into the new house, it was up in the hills and relatively out of the way, but the rest of the team knew where you were.
Tony had insisted on having a lab and a workshop, so as he wanted to build his own house it worked out for him.
Since seven that morning, Tony had been down in the lab and he had promised to come out after an hour or so but four hours later he was still down there.
You weren't annoyed as such, just more upset that he hadn't followed through as he always made sure to put time aside for you.
"Tony?" you called out as you walked down to the lab.
He looked up as soon as he heard your voice.
"Do you want to come up for some lunch?"
He shook his head, going back to focus on whatever he was working on.
"Tony, you need to eat."
Sighing, he looked up from his project. "I'm fine Y/N."
"What's so important down here?" you questioned as you walked towards him.
He put his hand out to stop you from getting closer. "It's something for Rhodey, his suit needed an upgrade."
"And why do you have to do it now?"
"Because it needs to be finished."
You sighed, placing your hand on his arm. "Take a break for lunch, and then you can come back to it."
He shook you off, but as he did it with more force than expected so you fell back against a table behind him causing Tony to be shot with one of his projects.
You gasped as he fell to the floor, running to help him but he was unconscious.
As you got up, you knocked over another one of his projects that blasted around the room, so you had no choice but to run out and try to drag Tony with you.
Tony woke up that morning to see you lying beside him, he smiled at the sight of you sleeping and wished he could go back to sleep but he knew he had to finish the upgrade for Rhodey.
Rhodey had asked him to do it months ago, but Tony had put it off because of moving into the house with you – the look on your face when you saw the house all finished made his heart swell.
He went down to the lab around seven in the morning but left you a note beforehand to say that he would only be working for an hour or so.
In pure Tony style, he managed to lose track of time, but he was worried that he wouldn't get the upgrade finished and he didn't want to put Rhodey off for much longer.
"Tony?" he heard you call out to him.
He looked up as soon as he heard you and furrowed his brow when he realised you seemed to be annoyed.
"Do you want to come up for some lunch?"
He shook his head at your words, but as he did so a strange sense of déjà vu came over him.
"Tony, you need to eat."
He stood up properly, turning away from what he was working on to face you. "Haven't you already asked me this?"
You shook your head in confusion. "This is the first time I've spoken to you today Tony."
He nodded in acknowledgement.
"What's so important down here?" you walked closer to him as you spoke.
Out of habit, he put his hand out, so you couldn't get closer as he didn't want you to get hurt if anything malfunctioned.
You placed your hand on his arm but as it shocked him, he shook you off but then his eyes grew wide as he realised he'd used too much force and had managed to push you into the project behind.
The project then shot at him and he fell, everything going black.
Again, Tony woke up at seven that same morning.
As he woke up, realisation hit him that he was living the same day over again – something must have happened when he got hit by the project.
It seemed so far fetched but as he thought it over to himself he knew that that could be the only explanation.
He had no clue if you'd actually believe him, but it was worth a shot.
"Baby wake up."
He shook you gently and you eventually opened your eyes. "What's wrong Tony?"
"I've already done this day twice."
You sat up, still tired but also confused. "Have you already had caffeine?"
Tony rolled his eyes. "No Baby, but I think I'm stuck in a time loop."
"You're kidding."
He shook his head. "Of course, I'm not, but I don't know how to get out of it."
You sighed, rubbing at your eyes so you could wake up a little more.
"I don't exactly want to repeat this day for the rest of my life."
"Well what do we do?"
He sighed, shrugging slightly. "I really don't know Baby, I don't know."
Written by Hannah.
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