Scott Summers- Worry (h)
You were always unsure of what Scott was thinking – you couldn't tell if he was being serious or if he was joking.
The amount of thoughts that would run through Scott's head was unbelievable, and even so, he would only tell you a handful of those thoughts. He had convinced himself that if he told you everything then you would leave, you wouldn't want to be with him anymore, he would be a burden but none of that was true.
You wanted Scott to tell you everything, even if I meant that the two of you argued or one of you broke down, because it would mean that you could actually help him with it instead of him bottling it all up.
Bottling things up never helped, they got worse if you spend time thinking about them more and more, not allowing them to leave your brain for even a second.
It was hard for Scott to open up, despite having been in a relationship for well over two years, and you understood why – there was a portion of his life where he couldn't tell anyone anything, he was scared of how they would react, worried of what would be said about him, terrified of who would leave.
These were the thoughts that ran through your head when you couldn't sleep.
You had been lying awake for around half an hour, and Scott was sleeping soundly next to you.
It was only when you coughed rather loudly that he woke up with a start.
He turned to you instantly and in panic "What happened? Are you okay?" he fired questions at you quickly.
His panic caused you to laugh which confused him even more, "I'm fine, I only coughed" you stated and he breathed a sigh of relief.
He relaxed again, allowing you to place your head on his chest and cuddle up to him, whilst his arm was protectively wrapped around your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" you asked with seriousness present in your tone.
Scott hummed lightly and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, "Of course I am" he told you simply.
You shook your head whilst you traced shapes on his bare chest "You're've been trying to handle everything yourself lately and I wish you didn't" you began to explain to him "I admire what you're trying to do, I really do, but don't let it pile upon you. At least talk to Logan about it, if not me" you heard him sigh as you talked.
"I don't want to worry you Love" he said softly, so as to not wake up the teachers in the rooms next to yours.
You sat up and turned to face your boyfriend, "I love you Scott Summers – don't ever think that anything you say will worry me to the point that I will leave"
Written by Hannah.
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