Scott Lang- Kiss (c)
One moment you were simply walking down the street, minding your own business, and the next some guy ran in front of you, looking out of breath and shocked.
"Quick, kiss me," he exclaimed.
Before you could ask him in what world that was a normal thing to say to a complete stranger, his lips were already on top of yours, stopping you from questioning his sanity. Even though it had taken you by surprise and was by far the last thing you expected to be doing today, it wasn't completely unpleasant.
Not that you'd kissed too many people, you were actually rather impressed by what you felt. It was surprisingly enjoyable until it hit you that this was a complete and utter stranger kissing you for no apparent reason.
As soon as this realisation dawned upon you, you gave the man's shoulder a shove pushing him away from you. He took a step back and attempted to compose himself, looking behind him wearily possibly at the two police officers whom had just ran by.
"Firstly, what the hell? Secondly, you're a good kisser. Thirdly, what the hell!?" You exclaimed becoming rightfully annoyed by his peculiar actions.
It took him a moment to realise you had said something to him, but a smirk formed on his lips as he attempted to act charming towards you, however it was a bit late for that.
"Sorry. I needed to hide from some people, and PDA makes people uncomfortable," he shrugged.
"It shouldn't make the people involved uncomfortable," you said bitterly crossing your arms over your chest.
"Yeah... I'm sorry about that."
"So these people you're hiding from, do they happen to be the police that just walked past?" You asked pointedly.
He narrowed his eyes, going to say something but changing his mind at the last second and falling silent. For a moment he looked up thoughtfully, before turning back to you with his smirk.
"Do you have a pen?"
"Is this the start of some terrible chat up line? Because really that should have happened before you snogged me."
He chuckled at your expression. "No. Genuinely do you have a pen?"
You took a moment to think about it, before you reached into your bag to hand him the biro you had in your bag.
He took it gratefully before delicately taking your hand, giving you time to pull it away but you didn't as you wanted to know what was going on.
Slowly he wrote out numbers onto the back of your hand and underneath placing some letters.
Once he had finished he handed you the pen allowing you to turn you hand to read what was scribbled on it. It was a phone number with the word Scott written underneath it.
"Call me some time."
With that he took off running in the opposite direction that the police had gone in.
Written by Charlotte.
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