Natasha Romanoff- Russian Lessons (a)
"NATASHA!" The shouts echoed through the halls of your house as you shouted up the stairs to your girlfriend. After a few short minutes of thuds and bangs she hastily walked down the stairs in her pyjamas and fluffy bunny slippers
"What?" She did not look amused that you had interrupted whatever she was doing, probably napping.
"You said that tonight you were going to start teaching me some Russian. So... what better time than the present right?" She didn't look as excited as you hoped she would.
"Why do you want to learn Russian so bad anyway?" She unenthusiastically pulled a chair out from under the table and slumped herself onto it.
"I don't know, I just do, and you promised that you would, so you are!"
"Ugh, fine, what do you want to know?" You followed suit and sat opposite her.
"Oh, you know, just some basics, hello, my name is whatever." You sat filled with hope, with a pen and a notebook ready.
"Pree-vyét." She looked as unamused as she did before.
"And that means...?"
You quickly jotted that down in the notebook.
"pogovorit', i ya ub'yu tebya." You noted that one down after asking her to spell it out for you.
"Okay and that one means?"
"Talk and I will kill you." That came as a little bit of a shock.
"I was thinking more along the lines of nice to meet you, you know, stuff that is a bit more day to day greetings, please and thank you, that kind of stuff."
"I am giving you my day to day, it is not my fault that I am a secret agent superhero and you run an accounting firm." This was a very good indicator that you should never interrupt Nat whilst she is sleeping, which for somebody so active, was quite a lot.
"Anyway, what is next, something useful this time?" You knew you weren't going to learn anything tonight, but it was probably at least worth a shot,
"Eto glupo." That one was a lot easier to spell.
"Okay, and what is that one?"
"This is stupid."
"Don't worry Nat, next time I will just buy a book or something, maybe a dictionary, but can you at least tell me what that one meant?"
"I already have, it means, this is stupid, and as such, I am going back to bed." Before you could say anything she had stood up and was out of the door, making her way back to her bed.
Written by Aaron.
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