John Allerdyce- Boyfriend (h)
People often wondered how you and your brother were related – complete polar opposites.
Your brother was a hot tended to stay calm.
Your brother had the ability to manipulate fire whereas you could manipulate water.
Your brother kept to himself, only having few friends whilst you enjoyed being with your friends and having a good time.
Even the two of you questioned it sometimes, but soon enough you both realised that there was no way that you couldn't be related.
John was the closest person to you, with the exception of your boyfriend, and you had always been close.
He had been there for you in your worst times – just as you had been for him – and you felt as if nothing would ever change it, because when things like that happened you knew who you could turn to and talk to.
However, there was thing that John wasn't so aware of; your boyfriend, Bobby.
You knew that Bobby and John hadn't exactly always gotten along, but you were aware of them being somewhat friends so you were hopeful that the reveal would go kind of well.
You and Bobby had been hiding out in your room for the past hour, not wanting to venture downstairs.
Suddenly, you stood up "Come on, we're going to tell my brother" you told your boyfriend as you held your hand out to him.
Bobby took your hand, but looked up at you with a confused look "I know we've been talking about it Baby, but are you sure?" he asked as he stood up.
You sighed and shrugged "If I don't do it now then I don't know when I will, and neither of us can go much longer about hiding it" you explained.
Bobby nodded in agreement with you, and began to lead you out of your room "Alright then. He's probably down in the common room with everyone else" he said.
You groaned as the two of you walked "Telling John this, in front of a lot of people will not go well" you spoke in a worried tone "I hope to god he doesn't have his lighter" you mumbled to yourself but you knew that Bobby heard you.
The two of you made your way to the common room, and you saw John playing table football with Rogue – he was clearly letting her win.
John looked up at you once you had walked over "Hey lil' sis" he greeted you with a hug as he spoke.
You rolled your eyes, "I am two minutes younger than you, let it go" you told him with a stern look but that just caused him to laugh and then continue his game.
When you placed your hand on your brother's shoulder, he stopped what he was doing and turned to you properly "Will you come on a walk with me?" you asked.
John glanced over at Rogue, who smiled at him, "It's okay, I will just battle Bobby" she said as she looked at your boyfriend who laughed.
"Game on" Bobby commented with a smirk as he took John's place.
Bobby gave you a reassuring glance before you left the common room with John, and went outside into the sunshine and warmth.
After a few minutes of idle conversation, you took a deep breath "John, I can tell you anything, right?" you asked with uncertainty in your voice.
John stopped walking, so you did too, and he looked you in the eyes "Y/N, you never need to be worried to tell me something" he told you, smiling at the end.
You nodded quickly, " see...I have a boyfriend" you told him, saying the last part as quickly as you could but based on John's expression, he made it out.
John's expression was priceless, and for once it seemed as if he didn't know what to say "Y-you...huh...what?" he mumbled a bunch of words, and then started laughing "For a second there, I thought you told me you had a boyfriend" he managed to get out some form of a sentence between laughing.
"I do have a boyfriend John" you clarified to your brother "It's Bobby"
Written by Hannah.
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