Clint Barton- Twenty-Two (c)
Pizza was the best. Well technically your boyfriend Clint was the best- if he asked that was. However pizza was amazing and you very much loved the fact that you were able to have it for dinner tonight. Clint had ordered two pizzas for the two of you, and you were just waiting for them to arrive. The waiting period was the hardest part of the day seen as you knew there would be pizza but it seemed to be so far away.
You had made camp in the living room waiting for the doorbell to go whilst Clint was having a shower, having been at work earlier.
As soon as you heard the doorbell ring, you jumped onto your feet running towards the wooden object separating your house from the rest of the world. You hesitated there for a moment not wanting to seem too desperate even though you very much were.
Flinging the door open it revealed a man with his arms filled with pizza boxes.
"Here," he said gruffly, dropping the many boxes into your arms, kicking the next few in as well forcing you away from the door.
"I'm sorry, there must be a mistake," you confusedly stated trying to hand them back to him.
As you put the boxes down you realised he had walked away and you were stuck with the boxes. With a sigh you began to move them all into the lounge, counting them as you went. Overall there were twenty-two boxes of pizzas filling your living room.
Not too impressed with what had happened you yelled for your boyfriend to appear in the room. Hearing the annoyance in your voice, he rushed into the room, only a towel hung around his waist.
"What- wait why is there so much pizza?" He asked raising an eyebrow thoroughly confused with what was before him.
"That's what I wanted to ask you. How many people are coming for dinner?" You frowned.
The smile on his face made you more annoyed. Had he done this one purpose? Was he trying to annoy you? Or had he thrown a party and not told you about it?
"It must have been a mistake," he laughed gently. "I must have pressed the '2' key twice by accident so rather than two pizzas we ended up with twenty-two."
"You find this amusing?" You frowned.
"Of course I do," he grinned "Who wouldn't find twenty-two pizzas amusing? Not only do we have pizza for dinner tonight but I we have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for like the next week."
You went to argue with him but it did seem like a rather great idea. You loved pizza and you were happy to get to eat it more frequently even if you are eating it cold.
Written by Charlotte.
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