Clint Barton- Star (c)
It wasn't as though this was to be your first Christmas with your boyfriend Clint, seen as you had spent many a festive period together, however this was the first year that you were living together and preparing for the holidays with each other. You loved the idiotic man, but sometimes you did wonder where his logic came from seen as he was a peculiar guy.
For some reason you had trusted him to set up the tree, mainly due to the fact that he was taller than you so he could actually set it up a lot better than you were going to be able to. However you had planned to assist him in decorating the tree, but no such luck.
He was quite successful in the decorating, it didn't look as much of a tip as you had planned it to be, but when you returned to the living room and saw your partner pointing his bow and arrow at the tree.
"What the heck are you doing?" You shouted slapping his shoulder, forcing him to turn his attention away from the arrow he was aiming towards the tree.
"Trying to put the star on the tree," he said turning to you, stating the fact as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, making you once again question whether he was on a different planet.
You moved your mouth as though you were going to speak, but no words would come to you as your eyes blinked attempting to figure out any form of logical words you could possibly say to him.
"Why do you need the bow and arrow then?" You frowned. "I know you're the almighty Hawkeye, but you don't need to use your bow and arrow for every mundane task. Next thing we know, you'll be making a sandwich with that blasted thing."
He grinned at you, making you know he was thinking about how to make a sandwich with his bow which frankly didn't surprise you.
"It was easier than having to attempt to reach all the way to the top. Just shoot the arrow with the star to the top of the tree and we're done," he shrugged.
"Or be a normal human and put it on there like anyone else would rather than supporting everyone's theory that your life force is reliant on holding that weapon," you sighed.
He rested the bow on the sofa so that he could wrap his arms around you and press his lips to yours.
"Now Love, where would the fun in that be?" He smirked.
"Why the hell do I love you?" You huffed.
"Because I love you even more."
Written by Charlotte.
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