Clint Barton- Gremlins (c)
You and Clint had been discussing getting a kitten for a long while and you'd finally agreed on it. One of your friend's cat has just had a litter of kitten and they were allowed away from their mother now.
Clint went to pick up the kitten whilst you were out getting the last few bits needed for your new pet. He insisted that he would be fine bathing the cat whilst you were out just to make sure it wouldn't bring in flees to your home. You were happy to help out, but he was sure he'd do it on his own without any problems- he lied.
When you got home all you could here was wailing. It was a mixture of a crying cat and your husband cursing into the air.
"Clint?" You called out dropping the bag onto the floor.
You hastily made your way over to the kitchen were your husband stood with a fair bit of blood covering his arms and the work surface.
"What happened?" You exclaimed running over to him. "Where is the cat?"
He was dabbing open cuts on his arms with a tissue however it seemed futile.
"It's in the bathroom. I tried to clean it, but it just kind of exploded in teeth and claws," he hissed as he tried to dab away the blood.
"Where's the first aid kit?" You asked.
"That creature is holding it hostage in the bathroom," he frowned.
"What did you do to get it to attack you?"
You grabbed some more kitchen roll holding it down firmly onto the large gashes that coated Clint's arms.
"I filled the sink up with a little water and just put it in it. It didn't like it and took it's no found anger out on me," he said sadly. "The little bugger already hates me."
You gave him a pitiful smile. Didn't he know that cats hated water?
"Why did you just put it in water you imbecile?" You questioned still attempting to stop the bleeding.
"How was I supposed to know putting it in the water would do that?" He said sounding annoyed even though he was the one that made the idiotic decision.
"Have you never seen Gremlins?!" You exclaimed.
He gripped hold of your hand which was on top of his arm, glaring at you. He didn't seem amused and hated your lack of useful sources in your argument.
"It's not a bloody mogwai Y/N, it is a cat. I didn't know it was going to attempt to murder me," he said forcefully.
"Calm down. It's a cat. You fight people on a daily basis, you can't lose to a kitten. Now I'm going to make sure the poor thing hasn't hurt itself and I will get the first aid kit too."
You kissed his cheek as he muttered something about you caring more about the kitten than him, but you left the room nevertheless. When you got upstairs the cat crying was very audible, you went to the airing cupboard and grabbed a towel.
Going to the bathroom, you slowly opened the door, closing it behind you not wanting to allow the cat to escape. On the edge of the bath was the tiny kitten, soaked to the bone crying its lungs out. You felt bad for it. Making a sudden movement you tackled the kitten pulling it into the towel.
It's crying seized as it shivered in your arms. Seen as it was already soaked and you didn't want to torture it anymore, you combed in the flee shampoo quickly and trickled little amounts of water on it to wash it out. It was still terrified it was going to be permanently scarred but at least it was clean.
You grabbed the first aid kit and carried the kitten down stairs.
"What took you so long?" Clint frowned.
"Our little gremlin is lovely and clean now, aren't you honey," you smiled at the kitten curled in the towel.
He frowned at you as you placed the towel onto the floor with the kitten in it, allowing it to roam around when it wanted to.
You pulled out some antiseptic wipes going back to Clint.
"This is going to hurt," you stated.
As you rubbed the wipes over his arms, he hissed out a breath but he was used to it. You wrapped his arms with some bandages before kissing him once you were done.
"There you go sweetie. The gremlin is sorry," you smiled.
"We are not calling it Gremlin or Mogwai or Gizmo," he frowned.
"We'll figure out a name soon enough," you stated. "But for now, you two are going to solve your differences."
Written by Charlotte.
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