How You Dance Together || GIF Preference
Steve Rogers:
Steve is very much so old school. He will put on an old record with a slow mellow tune, tied together with some melodic saxophone, and ask for your hand. He would lead you to the middle of the living room and slowly sway to the music.
Sam Wilson:
Sam is very much so the showman. He enjoys showing off his keen dancing skills, but of course, anything to impress you.
Thor Odinson:
Thor is a very slow dancer. His mother had taught him to dance at a very young age, but of course, Thor was more interested in learning to fight. Every time he hears a soft tune on the radio and immediately thinks of you. You are no ball room dancer yourself, but you never pass up a slow waltz with him whenever he asks.
James 'Bucky' Barnes:
Bucky Barnes' one weakness is dancing. The small fragments of memories he can recall of his younger years almost always include a dance of some sort. Bucky isn't one to listen to the hits on the radio but rather old Swing records he scavenged from a small pawn shop. As soon as a song he loves comes on he will take your hand and start dancing. He enjoys teaches you how to dance step-by-step, and he loves to see your face light up when you master the moves. He never dances in one place, but rather manages to move the two of you around the entire living room with ease.
Tony Stark:
Tony would never openly admit his obsession with dancing. But you caught him one night in his workshop dancing by himself and immediately knew he needed a partner. Tony is a very bold dancer, but only when he is dancing with you does he pull out his best moves.
Loki Laufeyson:
Loki had always had fascination with the arts as a child, as his mother had early on discovered. While Thor was off at war, Loki was practicing his waltzing with his mother in the Grand Ball Room. Loki was never admired for his dancing, but when he dances with you, it is as though he is the greatest dancer in the world. You make him feel alive again, and that is all he ever wanted.
Pietro Maximoff:
Pietro is a show off. He uses his speed to impress and stun you with intense dance moves at unbelievable speed. When he first danced with you he thought he had the upper hand, but little did he know, you have been a professional dancer since the age of 5. You didn't see that coming?
King T'Challa:
He's a King. He is an absolutely graceful dancer, but not a fan of displaying his talent. He will usually enjoy a small waltz with you at night to clear his mind of the day's events.
Clint Barton:
Clint takes pride in his ability to dance. He takes you out dancing whenever he gets the chance and he finds it absolutely enthralling. He loves dancing to things that are upbeat and jazzy. He believes it is more challenging and fun this way.
Peter Parker:
Peter has never been a big dancer. He is awful at it. He can never get the steps right which has led to a phobia of standing on your toes. You usually take the lead, holding him close to you and swinging back and forth to a slow tune on the homemade radio in his small bedroom.
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