Parent!Thor Odinson and Uncle!Loki- Father?
(Spoilers for Thor Ragnarok. Please don't read if you haven't seen the movie yet. ALSO, I DONT DO FIGHT SCENES!)
Caitlyn saw the depressed state Natasha was in and grabbed her hand. They had gotten word that her father and uncle were returning but something had drastically changed.
Thor looked down. "Loki, I need you to see Caitlyn first. I don't need her to see me like this before she sees her people."
Loki put his hand on her shoulder. "Brother, she'll want to see her father after the months of just seeing me in Heimdall's eyes."
The older brother sighed, his head lifting as they reached Earth. Hulk growled as he appeared, stood in the doorway of the room. "Princess of Asgard be like Death Queen?"
Loki growled back. "You do not bring up Caitlyn!"
Hulk growled back, rocking the ship. Caitlyn's grip tightened on Natasha's hand as the ship rocked. Fear had filled the Asgardian Princess, all the lives that would be lost if that ship fell if the driver couldn't handle the shaking.
Thor sighed. "Enough."
Hulk looked toward Thor. "Sorry."
Loki headed out of the room. "I'll go greet my beloved Niece."
The ship landed, Loki stepping off first, preparing himself for the hatred only to get toppled over and get the sound of crying. He rubbed Caitlyn's back. "It's okay, Darling. Uncle Loki's here now."
Caitlyn cried loudly. "You were dead! I was told you were dead! I thought you were something Heimdall was showing me to keep me calm!"
Hulk stepped out, making sure he didn't step on Loki nor Caitlyn. Tony instantly got into defense mode and put himself in front of Natasha, who pushed him out of the way. "Big guy, it's okay."
Hulk almost facepalmed. "I'm fine."
Caitlyn and Loki were pulled aside by Hulk as Heimdall and all of Asgard started walking onto the land of Norway. Thor and Valkary walked out last. Thor's eye patch looked like it glowed.
Caitlyn stood and backed up, shakily, tears still running down her cheeks. "You're not my father!" She didn't want to believe what she saw.
"My father isn't you!"
"Where is my father!?"
Loki ended up having to hold her as Caitlyn screamed for the Thor Odinson she knew.
"Where is Thor Odinson!? Where is my father?"
Caitlyn ended up passing out, her body forcing her to sleep. Loki held her, looking at Thor. "Brother, it'll be fine."
Thor escorted the Asgardians to a few tents that were set up to house them. Heimdall and Loki took care of Caitlyn.
Heimdall looked toward Loki. "I think Hela's trying to keep someone doing her legacy."
Caitlyn woke up, her dark hair framing her face. "Uncle Loki, what's going on?"
Loki ran his hand through her hair. "It's alright. It's okay."
"No, someone's trying to invade my mind." The young Asgardian Princess said.
Heimdall looked at Loki. "I'll go inform The Allfather"
Loki nodded and tried shushing the panicking Princess. Caitlyn's eyes changed from the hazel color to green. Loki scrambled back as Thor hurried into the tent. "Someone get me Valkyrie! Now!"
One of the younger Asgardian children ran for the ship, knowing that Valkyrie had gone to stay in the ship. Valkyrie was lying in her bed when the Asgardian child knocked. "The Allfather is asking for you."
Valkyrie hurried out of the room. "Go, we don't need your parents rushing around for you." The child ran back to their parents as Valkyrie hurried for Thor. "What is it, Your Highness?"
Caitlyn turned to look at her, forcing Valkyrie to step back. "Her eyes weren't always green."
Thor nodded. "Hela can't possibly possess people."
Loki looked at Thor. "She's our sister, she has the same magical ability as me, even worse."
Thor looked back. "Asgard is gone! Hela is dead! She can't possess people."
"Maybe she's stronger than we thought!"
Valkyrie growled. "Hela's magic came from the eternal flame! That eternal flame is now Surtur! He crushed her!"
Caitlyn took the chance to bolt, seeing as the three of them were arguing and wouldn't see her go. She ran as far as she could until she reached more civilization. The princess, using her own Aesir magic, made the small Norwegian town ignore that she was there as she took some items to keep her warm and survive. She could hear the thunderclouds gathering and she took off again, she wasn't scared, she just wasn't comfortable with the man who claims to be her father and the king of Asgard.
The storm clouds thundered and growled as Thor's anger worsened. Loki was backing away, in slight fear. Valkyrie was already feet away ready for the lightning strike.
Hiemdall stood a bit closer. "Where's the Princess?"
Thor calmed down and looked around. "Where is she?" Fear filled his body, what if someone took the heir to the throne of Asgard? Hiemdall had started to look around, suddenly seeing something, Caitlyn talking to a young Midguardian
"Valhalla? You worship Norse gods?" Caitlyn asked the young Midguardian.
"Yeah, some people do. I really like Thor and Loki, and The Warriors Three."
"What happens to Loki and Thor?"
"Well, Loki killed Thor's brother and shapeshifted to look like his brother. He has a few children, Hela, Fenrir, and another that I forget. Hela was half undead and Fenrir was a wolf and the one that I cant name is a horse." The Midguardian child said.
Caitlyn nodded and shook the child's hand. "Thank you."
The child smiled. "Your welcome."
Caitlyn smiled and left, heading for another town. Her eyes scanning the land, until jumping back as Loki appeared in front of her. "Uncle."
Loki grabbed her arm, only to faze through it.
"You're not even really here," Caitlyn smirked, her now green eyes glowing softly.
Loki stepped back, scared. "Your not yourself, Caitlyn. We need to see you in person."
Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. "Never."
Caitlyn then put her hand through his illusion before walking away and going for the town she was heading for before he interrupted her walk. Her hand went up in the air as her hair was let down, sliding down to her lower back and her outfit changed to be her war armor, she fought in the minor wars with her grandfather and Father. Loki watched in fear as he started behind her, actually.
"You aren't getting this world, Hela!"
"Come on, Caitlyn, you aren't going to play me like you would your father."
"I'm not. I'm going to do worse than play him."
Caitlyn continued walking away, a look on her face that would scare others. Loki hurried to get Thor and Valkyrie. Caitlyn's eyes started to turn back to hazel, then to brown. Her plan was working, it took faster for Hela's soul to come to Caitlyn than to Valhalla, where most spirits go. Caitlyn gained Hela's Aesir magic.
Loki, Thor, Valkyrie, and Hiemdall were waiting at the town, already evacuated. Caitlyn growled as she walked in. "Why, Uncle?"
"We aren't going to let you murder innocent humans, Caitlyn." Thor said for his brother, his eyes glowing the electric blue to control his own Aesir magic.
Caitlyn growled, louder. "Father, you wouldn't kill me. The one and only heir to the throne, or truly be like Grandfather, banish me and then hide the fact that I'm even alive and have one of my siblings believe they hold the title of the throne until I come back."
Thor growled back. "Who told you?"
Caitlyn smirked. "All of my subjects, obviously. You'd really believe they wouldn't talk about Odin's crimes? To their future queen as well?"
Valkyrie raised an eyebrow. "Hold up. Loki, are you sure this isn't your daughter?"
Loki sighed. "She isn't mine because I'd wouldn't be like Odin and fill my child's head with lies."
Caitlyn chuckled, grabbing the hilt of her sword. "Can we please stop talking? If I'm to not rule, then I'll make sure that I will."
Suddenly, Hulk dropped in, growling. "Princess is like Death Lady."
Caitlyn sighed and rushed them, aiming directly for Thor, her own father. Thor growled and headed straight for her as well. Lightning and sword clashing together. Loki and everyone else held back just in case Thor could take her down on his own. Caitlyn pushed her sword closer to Thor, growling. Thor pushed closer to her with his lightning being his direct weapon, making the woman shield herself with her sword when she got an idea, smirking and pulled a move that only Loki could inspire, she suddenly pulled her sword downwards directing the lightning toward herself. The princess was shot back, landing feet away, the lightning burning her chest and her neck.
The burn mark on her chest bubbled slightly with her skin as she whimpered. The armor didn't protect the skin above her breasts. The princess' eyes started to close in the pain. Thor hurried over. "It's okay, I promise you'll be okay."
"I'm sorry."
"There's nothing to apologize for, it wasn't you.
"Y-yes it was."
Thor picked her up and headed back for the camp. Caitlyn whimpered each time something touched or even skimmed the burn. Eventually, she passed out from the pain.
When Thor reached camp, he hurried for Tony and the rest of the team. Asgard standing in shock at the sight of their princess. Natasha quickly grabbed Caitlyn and headed for the small medicine tent that had been set up for all of Asgard. The healers were living in there for the time being. The healers quickly got to work on Caitlyn making sure that the healing process wasn't going to be disturbed as Hulk was forced to wait outside just in case. Caitlyn's healing took days, making Thor nervous that it wasn't working.
The day finally came when Caitlyn woke back up.
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