The Avengers-Potion Mixing
You slumped against the couch, tilting your head to look at Bucky with curious interest. You'd be lying if you said you weren't fascinated by his metal arm. He looked up from the notebook he was writing in, catching your eye.
"Checking me out, Y/N?"
"In your dreams. Your arm is pretty rad though."
"Sorry. I forget how old you are sometimes."
Steve chuckled as his friend looked at him in disbelief.
"Anybody seen Bruce? I wanna mix potions." You said, swinging your legs over the arm of the couch.
"It's chemicals, Y/N. And if I have to tell you again to stop playing around with those things, I'm banning you from the lab." Tony said absentmindedly. He was busy trying to fix the control panel near the kitchen area and didn't see when you flipped him off, mouthing "Ban this."
Clint snickered from the floor where he was coloring in a children's coloring book. Natasha and Thor were doing the same while Loki had taken possession of Tony's armchair and was occupied by his latest novel. Sam, Steve and Pietro were playing War on the small coffee table and Wanda was snoozing on the couch near the fireplace.
Too busy or sleeping, no one saw you slip off.
"Bruuuuuce!" You hollered, speeding into the lab.
"Y/N, I thought Tony told you to stay out of here." He muttered. You rolled your eyes as you watched him scribble on a file before moving onto another one.
"When do I ever listen to Tony?" You scoffed and edged around his work table, eyeing the tubes of colored liquid.
"That's...that's a very good point."
He fell silent as he tried to concentrate on the figures he was looking at and he didn't look up once as you lifted the tubes from the racks and set them down.
One tube was a deep blue and clouds of smoke were rolling off the top. You shook it hard and suddenly, it had burned a tiny hole in the bottom of the glass, the blue liquid streaming into another tube. In a frenzied panic, you dropped the empty tube into the rack and watched as the mixed liquid bubbled viciously before settling into a transparent color.
Much like settled water.
You breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.
Mixing potions: done.
"You know what? I think I'm gonna go to sleep, it's kinda getting late. Night Bruce!" You quickly legged it out of the lab, not bothering to stay to hear his mumbled goodbye. As you slipped into bed, you shook the fear of blowing up the Tower out of your head. If Tony Stark hadn't done it yet, surely you couldn't have possibly set a bomb to take out everyone in this bloody metal house.
And the next morning, as you woke up, your fears were put to rest. You were alive, weren't you?
Unfortunately, you woke up in a completely different room.
Where your walls had been Y/F/C, it was now a dull gray and the posters you'd hung to spice up your room were now gone, replaced with a single, round mirror. Your closet wasn't haphazardly bursting with laundry.
Even your sheets were different.
"What the hell?" You groaned.
You cut off with a strangled choke.
Your voice wasn't that deep! That was a man's voice that had just come out of your mouth! Suddenly, a strange whirring sound came from your left.
You slowly looked down.
And you screamed like the Devil himself was trying to drag you to the pits of Hell.
"How the hell did this happen?"
Tony—or rather, Wanda—demanded.
Loki lifted his hands helplessly.
"I have no idea. Some sort of experimental gas leak must've travelled through the Tower's ventilation system from the lab."
"Okay, please stop. It's weird enough Loki's talking science while Bruce is looking at everyone likes he gonna kill us all." Steve said.
Well, not Steve.
After you screamed bloody murder and a few of the others let out horrified yells of their own, you had all figured out the problem.
Everyone had switched bodies.
Tony and Wanda.
Bruce and Loki.
Steve and Clint.
Thor and Sam.
Pietro and Natasha.
You and Bucky.
Served you right for being the tiniest bit interested in his arm.
"This body is too slow for me." Natasha snapped.
Pietro rolled his eyes.
"Get used to it. Besides, you speeding all over the place is a hazard, anyways."
"I have boobs." Wanda poked her breast and Tony slapped her wrist.
"Hands off, perv."
"This...I am very tiny. Too tiny. I am sorry, Sam, that you have to suffer from being so small." Sam apologized to Thor. You stifled a laugh as Thor's face contorted in annoyance. It was rare to see the God of Thunder in such a mood, even if it wasn't actually him.
"I'm totally ripped! This is fucking awesome!" Steve cheered, flexing his biceps.
"Oh, shit. Sorry."
"How ya holdin' up, doll?"
You looked up from observing your metal arm, trying to come to terms that you were staring at...well, you. You felt a bit awkward with such broad shoulders and hovering over most everyone else.
"Alright, I guess. Arm's kinda heavy."
"You're kinda small."
"Gee, thanks."
Bucky laughed and the two of you turned to watch as the team began to argue. Wanda was making sure Tony didn't touch her chest again and Sam was trying not to punch himself in the face. Bruce looked like he was in the mood to go on a killing spree-not a good look on him.
"There has to be a way to reverse this!" Tony protested.
"There is! I just need to find a way! I don't know how long this will take!" Loki ran his hands through his hair frustratedly.
"Well, it'd better be soon, Banner, I'm in no mood to be dealing with the body of a mortal." Bruce snapped.
"In the meantime, I suggest we all get acquainted with our new bodies because this is going to be a long day." Wanda smirked at Tony, who gave him a deadly glare.
"Thank goodness I didn't get stuck in one of the girls. That would've been awkward." Steve huffed.
"You'd better not damage me. I'll punch you in the face if you do." You said to Bucky.
He gave you a smile.
"I'll try not to. But you'd be punching yourself, ya know. Even if you punched me, you'd be punching you. That's a lose-lose."
You looked around as the others began to yell and wrestle with each other, the sound of things ripping and smashing resounding through the room as it escalated into an all-out brawl. And you hoped, beyond anything, that the little glass tube you had messed with last night wasn't the cause of all this.
"Tony's gonna kill me."
"You've got that right, Y/N."
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