Steve Rogers-Who You Are
Pre-Serum Steve & Bucky Barnes
(18 years old)
Year: 1940
Requested by: Thanossexual
"How are my favorite boys doing?" You asked brightly, sliding into the vinyl booth of the diner you waitressed at. Your shift had just finished and thank goodness because you didn't think you could walk another step in the heels you were required to wear.
"We're fine. And how's our favorite girl?" Bucky said in a formal tone.
"As good as good can get now that I'm with you guys."
The tips of Steve's ears went pink at your words and you couldn't help yourself, leaning over the plastic tabletop to give the skinny boy a big hug. Bucky opened his arms expectantly and you squeezed him tightly before sitting back down.
"So? Anything new? Anything exciting going on?"
"Yeah, I've got a hot date tomorrow night." Bucky wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively.
"Mhm. And who's the special broad this time?"
Steve snorted with laughter and you gave Bucky an innocent look as he playfully glared at you.
"Down, dame. She's got a good head on her shoulders, I'm guessing. Her name's Betty." He added as an afterthought.
"Betty, huh? Sounds better than the one we had with us last night. What was her name?"
"Margaret." Steve said absentmindedly.
"That's the one. Margaret. Sure gave you a run for your money." You teased.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get us a couple of burgers, I'm starving." Bucky jumped over the booth and into the empty one on the other side before strolling off to order, leaving you alone with Steve.
How you came to know your best friends was something strange.
It had been almost two months since you'd ran away from home and the first week, Sarah Rogers had found you in the middle of a big street brawl. That's what you were good at, what had gotten you the money needed to get away.
Street fighting.
She managed to drag you out almost immediately after realizing you were a girl and took you back to her home to clean you up.
And that's where you had met Steve and Bucky.
A clumsy asthmatic that was as fiery and determined as he was awkward and a smooth talking player, as handsome as he was annoying. After introducing yourself and letting Sarah take care of you, you decided to move into the apartment above her, much to her dismay.
She was very motherly hen about you and Bucky. You weren't that much older than the boys at 19, but you were mature enough to be able to clinch it and begin life by yourself. By the time you decided to enroll in school, the three of you were inseparable.
You didn't think you'd be able to find such a good deal after running from your alcoholic father, but what shocked you the most was the way you began to feel for Steve. Bucky had told you all about how much trouble Steve liked to get into and the first time it happened around you, the guy was beaten into a pulp before he could reach around your shoulder. You were almost too overprotective of him and although he didn't especially like it, you realized that Steve being your best friend wasn't the only reason you watched out for him.
"And you? Any girls you planning on taking out with Buck?" You asked casually. You, of course, knew the answer what with the way girls talked about him, but you hoped he'd get the hint sometime soon that you were kind of waiting for him to ask you.
He shook his head, averting his eyes as you studied him.
"Nah. Nobody wants—"
"Wants to dance with a guy they can step on, yeah I've heard that one. Look, I want to get you out there as much as Bucky does. What do you say? I'll bring a date if I have to."
"It's okay, Y/N. I'm fine being the little guy. No need to worry about me."
You went to argue when you heard a low wolf whistle and, turning around, you saw a few guys from school walking in and eyeing you with open interest. Steve stiffened as they slowly inched towards your booth and you sat up straight, keeping your gaze on him.
"What's a pretty gal like you doing with this tiny little mutt?" The boy with dark hair and pale green eyes leaned against his friend's shoulder and regarded you shamelessly.
"Minding my own business is what I'm doing. Something I suggest you do before-"
He slammed his hands atop the table, bringing his face only inches from yours.
"Before what?"
"Hey, show the lady some respect." Steve snapped. Your heart dropped into your stomach as they all turned on him and his face went red, but he kept eye contact with the green eyed boy determinedly.
"What'd you say, mutt?" The boy snarled.
"Excuse me, gentlemen. We have a problem here?" Bucky's voice was instant relief to the tension in your muscles and they all retreated, sitting in the booth right behind yours. He eyed them suspiciously and turned to Steve, who was looking out the window with intense concentration.
You and Bucky picked over your food, shooting furtive glances at each other, and you pushed Steve's tray closer to him, silently urging him to eat. He sighed and reached for his burger, making you smile. You jumped a little as raucous laughter came from the booth behind you and a string of mumbling followed. Loud enough for you to hear and almost as if they were doing it on purpose.
"The mutt looked like he actually wanted to do something."
"And that girl? You think she's his?"
"She'd have to be crazy to be going steady with that midget."
"Unless he's payin' her."
"Like what? Like an escort?"
"Like a prostitute!" The boy with the green eyes almost shouted before snickering like crazy with his friends.
Those last words were enough to enrage anyone and you grabbed both Bucky and Steve's hands as they moved to stand up, their faces bright with anger. Steve strained to pull away from you, but you tightened your grip and shook your head.
"I'll deal with it."
You ignored their furious protests, standing up and walking the few steps from your booth to the other. They looked up at you with amused grins.
"Can we help you?" The boy asked, his eyes raking up and down your body with relish.
"Actually you can. Are you any good at cleaning?"
Grabbing him by the arm, you hauled him to his feet and pushed him over to the marble counter, gripping his hair and pulling his head back.
"Can you get this spot for me?" You asked sweetly before slamming his face into the counter. He popped back up with a scream of pain, blood gushing out of his nose and overflowing through his fingers as he clutched at it.
He didn't get to finish, cutting off with a choking sound as you swiftly punched him in the throat and linked your fingers around his neck, thrusting your knee into his stomach with as much force as you could.
The boy was practically a fish out of water.
Gasping desperately for air.
"You're spilling, pretty boy." You forced him to his knees and kicked him in the back, making him lay on the floor. He groaned loudly as you pressed your high heeled shoe against his skin and dug the sharp point in between his shoulder blades.
Peering at your watch, you made a so-so gesture with your head.
"Down in almost a minute. Not bad." You put your hands on your waist and gave his friends a sultry smile as they stared in horror.
"Anyone else wanna help me clean?" They shook their heads rapidly and you dropped the smile, removing your shoe from the boy. "That's what I thought."
Steve and Bucky watched in amazement as you lightly dusted off your apron and slid back into the booth, ignoring the scuffle of boys trying to get out the door all at once.
"I'm up for a milkshake. Think you could grab us one, Buck?"
You discreetly gestured to Steve with your eyes and he nodded, jumping up and heading to the farthest side of the counter.
"Don't listen to them, Steve. They're jerks. Good for nothing bullies."
"They're right, Y/N. I'm just a mutt, a little nobody. How could anyone like me?" He said sadly.
The look on his face was enough to make you cry and you bit your lip, steeling yourself for what you were about to say.
"Steven Grant Rogers, you are NOT a little nobody and if you weren't so stupidly blind, you'd know that I like you." You declared boldly. His head shot up and a faint blush colored his face, his big blue eyes widening as you gave him a crooked smile.
"Y-you like me?" He stuttered adorably.
"Yes, doofus. I like you and I like you a lot."
"B-but why me? You could have anyone! Bigger, stronger, more handsomer than-"
You cut him off with a determined kiss, planting your lips firmly on his and capturing his face in your hands. Partly because you wanted to, partly to shut him up. When you broke away, he stammered incomprehensibly for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and repeating himself, this time more softer.
"But why me?"
"You don't have to be big or strong for me to like you, Rogers. I like you for who you are. The little guy that always stands back up and does his damn best to do the right thing."
Steve flushed an even deeper shade of red as you took his hand in yours.
"I like you, too, Y/N."
You smirked.
"You'd better or that kiss was for nothing."
"Maybe we should try again?"
"I like the sound of that."
A bit long, but totally worth the write!
See you guys in a few weeks!
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