Steve Rogers-Hope You Remember
Dedicated to:
You groaned as your alarm went off, drilling holes into your ears and making your head pound viciously. As the shrill ringing continued, you swiftly grabbed your phone and hurled it into the opposite wall, cutting the sound off.
"Damn thing," you mumbled before tumbling back on the pillows.
The door opened to reveal a smirking Wanda.
"That's the third phone you've smashed to pieces this month. You should use JARVIS as an alarm clock. He doesn't break easily and he'll get you up no matter how drunk your ass is," she said with a hint of amusement.
"I'm...I'm not drunk."
"Right. I made pancakes, so if you want any, you'd better get downstairs before the guys do."
She closed the door and even though you wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep, the mention of pancakes was making your mouth water.
You huffed angrily before getting up and slowly...very slowly, making yourself look presentable.
"You look like shit."
"Feel like it, too."
You pulled yourself onto a stool between Pietro and Tony, laying your head against the cool marble island.
"Uggh..that feels so...good."
"Are you alright, Y/N? You look ill." Thor asked, concerned.
"She looks perfectly normal to me."
Loki flashed you an innocent smile as you flipped him off.
"How'd you come home, anyways?" Natasha walked into the kitchen and bumped Wanda's hip to move her away from the stove.
"I dunno. I can't..."
You broke off as Steve and Bucky entered the room.
For some reason, Steve's face flushed a little as he met your eyes.
"Morning, guys," Bucky greeted, slipping onto a stool near Bruce.
Steve sat on the other side of him, avoiding your eye as a chorus of "morning's" went around the room. There was a little tiny niggle that bothered the back of your head the moment you saw Steve and you tried to make sense of it, but nothing was surfacing, much to your frustration.
"Where'd you disappear off to last night, Y/N?"
The previous night
You were gonna get yourself killed, Steve was sure of it. The way you hovered near the edge of the bar and began to dance atop the counter with Natasha and Wanda on either side of you. He wasn't the only man with eyes on all three of you and it was something that he and the others were very aware of as you twisted and dipped. Clint, Tony, Pietro and Thor were planted on stools near the bar just in case someone decided to get handsy. Sam, Bucky and Steve were on the outskirts of the little crowd that gathered.
A heavy hand clapped onto his shoulder and Bucky pulled him back a little.
"Ya know, staring isn't gonna do a damn thing."
He shook his head.
"They're drunk. I'm just watching out for them."
"Aren't we all? Although you have your eye on a particular someone, I won't pressure you."
Bucky tucked his hands into his pocket and gave him a big, goofy grin—one that immediately faded when he looked over his shoulder.
Steve whirled back around and he watched as a middle aged man that managed to sneak around the bar grabbed ahold of your wrist and yanked you off the counter.
Rowdy cheers erupted through the crowd and Steve was blindly shoving everyone aside as Clint and Pietro quickly removed the two other women. Thor and Tony had pried you away from the man and Steve instinctively drew you into his arms. He gave the man a deadly glare as he backed away from them and ran into the dark.
"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked urgently.
You shook your head slowly and leaned into him, taking a deep breath.
"I'm...a bad can't kill me, hmmmm. Take me home, Steve." You said sleepily.
"A-are you sure?"
"I'm tired."
"Okay. Hey, I'm taking her back to the Tower. Let the others know."
Thor nodded and slipped off with Tony to check on Wanda and Nat.
Steve held you gently against his side, one arm wrapped firmly around your waist as he led you out of the bar.
"Let's get you home."
"Don't leave."
Steve smiled to himself.
It was nice to know that you needed him.
Of course, you were drunk and that really added onto the choice of your words, but he still felt a little spark light up in his chest as you nuzzled closer to him.
He had carried you back to the Tower and all the way up to your room after you went limp getting out of the cab.
Succeeding in taking off your jacket, he had laid you down on the bed and had just slipped off your heels when you pulled him down next to you and wrapped your arm around his torso.
And that's where he had stayed for a whole hour before trying to leave, making you tighten your grip.
"Please, Stevie." You mumbled into his chest.
A weird feeling grew in the pit of his stomach as he watched your eyes close and listened to your breathing settle into a rhythm.
"I won't. I promise." He whispered, kissing you on the forehead.
"I wish I could remember." You said with a frown before grabbing a plate of pancakes and drowning it in syrup.
"It'll come back to you. Don't worry." Bucky said, shooting Steve a knowing glance. Steve held back a crazy smile as you furrowed your brows in obvious confusion.
He had reluctantly left your arms around 5 in the morning so as not to make you panic and while he liked the fact that it was his little secret, he was a bit disappointed that you couldn't remember a thing.
Maybe he'd tell you. Maybe he wouldn't.
Although he was hoping you'd remember telling him that you loved him, a faint whisper before you had drifted off.
Because he had said the same thing about you.
And he had meant every word.
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