Pietro Maximoff-Moment In Time
"Pietro Maximoff!"
You tensed your muscles and shot out both of your arms, catching the speedster by his shirt as he tried to run by you. He jerked backwards in surprise as you dragged him in and pecked him on the cheek.
"What'd I say about running around in here?"
"I still don't understand how you're able to do that," he grumbled, accepting your kiss before straightening and dusting himself off.
You caught sight of a small pink object near his feet and upon picking it up you realized it was an empty Hubba Bubba Tape container.
"Two years of doing it, I've only gotten better. This what's got you all buzzed?" You tossed it to him and a flash of panic raced across his face before relaxing into a smirk.
"Yes, because I can eat a whole roll of gum by myself."
"I wouldn't put it past you," you giggled as he bear-hugged you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaving light kisses up the side of your neck.
"As much as I like where this is going, I've got a date with your sister."
You wriggled impatiently.
"Shopping again?" He asked, spinning you around.
You walked your fingers up his chest and lightly patted his cheek.
"And we all know how much you like shopping," you said sarcastically.
Pietro gave you a winning grin and gently grabbed both sides of your head, leaning in to plant a kiss atop your hair. You pulled away with a pleasant feeling thrumming through your chest.
"I'll see you tonight?"
His voice was soft, a tenderness in his tone that made you curious as to what kinds of plans he had. His whole demeanor gave off an excited buzz, but that's how he usually went about his day.
The only difference was the fact that you could tell he was hiding something by the way he chewed at his bottom lip vigorously.
It was also kind of hot.
"Yes you will, handsome," you pulled him in for another kiss before skipping away from his outstretched arms and disappearing with a wink.
There was nothing wrong with shopping a little, but you were more of an in-and-out girl. Not the kind that stopped at every single clothing outlet in the mall and spent at least an hour or two in each.
Unfortunately, Wanda was that girl and after what seemed like an eternity looking for the "right" dress, it was all finally over.
You tossed the keys to Wanda as the both of you made your way through the parking garage and towards one of Tony's cars.
"Headache," you explained as she gave you a questioning look.
You slid into the passenger seat and let out a tired sigh, leaning your head against the warm glass window.
"Well, we can't have that," Wanda protested.
Turning, you caught the side of her mouth lift up into a smile before she craned her head to look over her shoulder as she backed out.
"That's why they have mirrors."
"Mirrors. I have eyes, that's good enough," the Sokovian scoffed and you gripped the door handle as she shot through the parking lot at an alarming speed usually meant for open roads.
"I'd like to make it home alive, if that's alright with you," you mumbled.
She jerked the wheel to avoid an oncoming truck and you yelped in fright as she chuckled.
"Oh, he'd kill me if you didn't."
You stared at the piles of clothes you had pulled out of your closet with open distaste.
Not one thing to wear, yet the jumble of jeans, t-shirts, skirts, shorts and dresses seemed to say otherwise. Even the clothes you'd come home with weren't satisfying enough.
You loved dressing up for dates with Pietro and you weren't going to let him down now. You nodded determinedly and as you were about to dig into your laundry, a firm knock sounded at your door. There wasn't much need since Wanda and Natasha barged in anyways, bags in each of their hands.
"Did you take a bath yet?" Nat asked, tossing a few bags onto your bed.
"Yeah. The whole sweats and tank ensemble is my pre-outfit before the actual one." You gestured to your sleeping clothes with a flourish.
"Good. Cause we're here to get you as dolled up as we can."
Wanda handed you a dress bag and shooed you towards the bathroom with the same excited smile she'd had at the mall.
"Go on!"
Confused, you opened the bag and pulled out a handful of red material. It was the dress that you had secretly fallen head over heels for, but you couldn't possibly have afforded such an expensive article of clothing.
"This isn't mine," you said, pushing it towards her. She rolled her eyes and practically shoved you into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
"I got it for you. Surprise!"
"But how-"
You sighed and stripped yourself of your sweats and t-shirt before slipping on the red dress. It was deliciously comfortable and the material slipped over your legs like silk water. Stepping out of the bathroom, you knew you looked even better than you thought when your friends froze in place, their jaws dropping in unison.
"That bad?"
"Bad? You look sexy!" Natasha exclaimed, pulling you to sit on the bed next to her.
"I agree."
"Now don't move an inch. I'm gonna do your makeup and Wanda will do your hair when I'm finished," Nat instructed.
"It's only a date. It doesn't have to be perfect," you said, closing your eyes as she began to brush eyeshadow over your lids.
"You're gonna want to look perfect for this date."
A little yelp made you crack open an eye and you stifled a giggle as Nat rubbed her arm soothingly, giving Wanda a glare. By the time they were finished, it was almost dark and you could see the first stars appearing in the sky. They touched up everything that looked like it needed to be improved before ushering you out of your room and into the elevator.
"Hey!" You grabbed onto the railing, trying hard not to stumble in the heels Nat had let you borrow.
"Sorry! Enjoy your date!"
Wanda pushed the button for the roof and they both gave you meaningful smiles before the doors slid shut and the elevator began to rise. You didn't have time to think about what kinds of things Pietro had planned, but when the doors slid open, you were absolutely blown away.
Candles lined both sides of a small path that was scattered with rose petals, leading to a gazebo where fairy lights were strung up and down the wooden grained posts. Against the sky as the peach colored clouds darkened into a velvet indigo, it was a breathtaking sight that was only made better by the man standing at the end of the path. He was dressed in an immaculate black suit with a dashing bow tie right below his Adam's apple and his hair, usually so wild and out of place, looked like it had been slicked back with generous amounts of gel.
Pietro was smiling from ear to ear as you began your short descent down the candle lit path and an overwhelmingly light feeling made your heart pound fervently. All the love you had for the man in front of you was almost too much and you weren't surprised when tears began to fall from your eyes. How Natasha knew to use waterproof mascara was beyond you, but you were grateful that she had because you didn't want to ruin such a perfect moment as he reached out his hand.
When you took it, he gently drew you into his arms and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb.
"You look absolutely gorgeous, Y/N."
His voice caught in his throat and you wilted into his lean figure, breathing in the scent of his cologne and dancing your fingertips across the muscled ridges of his back.
"I could say the same about you."
Soft music began to play out of nowhere and you looked over your shoulder to see all of your friends gathered near the elevator. They wore huge smiles and you could only grin back as you caught sight of DUM-E, who was holding up the little speaker as it blared music.
The affection, the deep and pure love that resonated in his voice made you turn back to him with electricity in your veins. He was down on one knee and you watched, perfectly shocked into silence as he pulled out—
"You're kidding, right?"
Pietro flashed you an embarrassed grin as he pried open the Hubba Bubba container.
"I kinda lost the box," he mumbled and you couldn't help the bubble of laughter as it tore from your throat and echoed off the rooftop.
"Okay, okay, quit it. I'm trying to propose to you and you're laughing at me."
You nodded your head to compose yourself as he drew a solemn face.
"Y/N, it's been two years since I've met you and it's about the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're the most sweetest person I know, the most caring, the most sarcastic if we're not counting Tony," you heard a meaningful scoff, "and the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. There's not a day that goes by when I stop and think about how lucky I am to have you in my life and this...right now...I'm asking if you want me for the rest of your life. Because I know, without a doubt, that I want you right beside me, every step of the way. You're my future and I could be yours, if only you let me. So...Y/N Y/L/N. Will you marry me?"
His eyes said everything he couldn't say in that moment and you knew there was so much more that he wanted to, but you made it quick.
You knew what you wanted.
And it had always been him.
You watched, mesmerized, as he carefully removed the ring from its container and slid it onto your finger.
A perfect fit.
Before you could do anything, he was on his feet and lifting you into the air amidst raucous cheers and excited hollering coming from your friends. They swarmed around you, lifting your hand to inspect the ring and whispering congratulations as they each hugged you tightly. The atmosphere was buzzing with such intense happiness that you wished it could always be that way for you and your family.
To always be happy.
When you found yourself in Pietro's arms again, he laid his forehead against yours and you quietly admired the way the fairy lights softly illuminated his vivid blue eyes.
"I love you. With everything I am, I love you so much, Y/N."
His words made your nose sting in a familiar way and you pulled him into a deep kiss before the tears could start falling again.
"Save it for the honeymoon, lovebirds!" Clint hooted, sending the group into a fit of laughter.
You smiled softly at them as they made their way down the path and back to the elevator, nudging and teasing each other relentlessly.
"I love you, too, Pietro. More than I could ever put into words."
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, pressing a kiss against your temple.
"Wanna head back in? Tony's got reservations set up for us."
"Not just yet. You did all of this?" You gestured to the beautiful layout of lights and rose petals.
"Sure you could say that."
The both of you stayed in each other's arms and watched as the city came to life in the night beneath you, a surge of euphoria making your cheeks tingle with warmth. Pietro began to hum the tune of the song DUM-E had been playing and you instinctively began to sway. Soon, you two were slow dancing through the gazebo, the fairy lights fading into darkness and leaving you with the twinkling stars overhead and the soft glow of the candles.
A perfect moment in time.
Writing Prompt: At the start of your story, mention object that doesn't seem important. By the end of the story, have this object play a surprisingly key role. Honestly, if someone proposed to me with a Hubba Bubba container, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. Thank you for reading!
Comment & vote! <3
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