Once Upon A Blood Moon
Phew, this was a long one, but I loved writing it!
Enjoy the read!
Requested by: AnnieMcClory
"Guys, hey. This is serious, alright? I want to get out of this as much as you do and as fast as we can, but I need your focus." Steve demanded.
The murmuring of the other men (and boy) ceased as they looked to their unspoken leader, hoping he wasn't feeling the same way as they were.
A little frightened.
Quite clueless, in fact.
They didn't know how to deal with the craziness they've found themselves in and there were many crazy moments that they'd gotten used to. Sure, it was something they could work with individually, but the rarity of such a situation...it was inevitable that all hell would break loose if one of them even stepped in the wrong direction.
"Cap, there's no way we're all getting out of this one alive." Tony said, slumping in his chair with a hand over his face.
"Uh...Mr. Stark. Since I'm not eexaactly a part of this problem, would it be okay to say, I'm not really ready to die yet?" Peter asked nervously.
"Remind me why the kid is here again." Steve said.
In the chaotic rush of everything, he'd forgotten Peter was at the Tower.
Tony gave him an eye roll.
"May's out of town, so he's staying with us. I say, bad timing, Petey."
"Aww, come on. Look at the bright side, Tony."
Bruce paused and scrunched his eyebrows together as the men waited eagerly for what he saw as "the bright side."
He shook his head.
"Jeez. I got nothin'."
They all visibly slouched in on themselves.
The grim feeling of defeat was almost tangible in the air. Steve knew trying to motivate them was helpless. It was something that none of them could have ever prepared for, but he wasn't about to give up now. Day three of walking on eggshells, trying to do everything as right as they could and seemingly making it all worse.
They were exhausted, tired of fighting.
Steve could see it and as he was gearing up to give one of his stirring speeches—
Tony was out the door like a lightning bolt as his name echoed through the Tower, followed by a high-pitched scream. A string of Russian curses floated into the conference room and vehement arguing erupted from the lower floor.
Steve winced.
"That one's mine."
They all paused and the sudden sound of something big being smashed into pieces made them jump, Peter being so on edge, he ended up stuck to the ceiling.
Bucky sighed and looked over at Steve.
"And that one's mine."
After coming down to see the living room absolutely destroyed by two furious assassins and a mutant with a deadly look on her face, each man took their girlfriend and retreated into their own rooms. A girl's period wasn't her best friend nor was it her boyfriend's although it was his designated duty to do everything in his power to make her comfortable.
This was how each dealt with it.
"Sweetheart, you can't always use violence as the answer."
Steve said gently as Nat threw herself on the bed.
"Maybe if Wanda wasn't such an insufferable cu—"
"Ah." He raised an eyebrow, making her huff.
"Don't call me sweetheart. I'm nobody's sweetheart." She growled, throwing an arm over her face.
Steve smiled despite her mood and sat on the edge of the bed. He carefully moved her arm and she begrudgingly cracked open an eye.
Steve leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips, stroking the side of her jaw with open tenderness.
When he pulled away, a triumphant feeling rose in his chest at the soft smile she was giving him. Nat couldn't deny that Steve always knew exactly how to make her feel better, but she wanted something more.
"Steve?" She said huskily, running a finger down his chest.
"I need you...to make me some pancakes. I'm starving."
He chuckled and fluffed the pillows behind her head before heading for the kitchen.
"Anything for my sweetheart." He gave her a wink and disappeared, making the assassin blush.
"Sweetheart." She grumbled, covering her cheeks.
Loki was having trouble understanding what Wanda was going through, but he wasn't going to stand idly by as she suffered the pains of womanhood. He made sure her favorite movie was on with a box of tissues and a few packs of peanut MnM's right beside her.
When he finally convinced her not to go looking for the others and her eyes stopped glowing a bright red, she sunk onto the bed with a heavy sigh.
"You sound exhausted, my darling. Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything at all?" He asked urgently.
She nodded and leaned back, drawing the covers up to her chest.
"Can you make me a cup of tea?"
He grinned and pecked her on the forehead, glad she'd overcome her desire of causing the other girls pain.
"Of course, dear. I'll be right back."
Wanda watched as he practically sprinted out of the room and sighed again, this time with adoration. Loki had come a long way and she was immensely happy he'd decided to stay on Earth with her.
"Nat started it!" You argued as Bucky ran a hand down his face, trying not to lose it.
"Jesus, Y/N. That doesn't mean you try and snap her neck."
"It means I can and I will."
Bucky sat up from his position on the bed and watched as you paced back and forth angrily. Deciding enough was enough, he grabbed your wrist and yanked you next to him, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
"Babe, you gotta calm down. This isn't healthy." He whispered into your ear, making you squirm as his breath tickled your cheek.
A searing pain shot through your forehead just then and you winced, making him jump to attention.
"You okay, babe?"
You nodded and sat up, waving him towards the door.
"Get me some Tylenol, Buck, please?"
He was out the door before the words had left your mouth, a man on a mission for his girlfriend on her period.
(He looks so done with life, I love him so much *sob*)
"Arghh, it hurts!"
Tony was desperately doing everything he could to make Pepper comfortable, smoothing her sheets down and refilling her glass of water even when it didn't need to be filled. He'd panicked and piled up boxes of tampons under the bathroom sink and lit a few cinnamon scented candles. Now, Pepper was groaning and muttering, but wouldn't tell him what she wanted, trying hard to suppress her cramps.
"Pep, you gotta give me something to work with." Tony pleaded.
"They...tore up...the living room, didn't they?" She panted, giving him the evil eye. Tony shrugged helplessly.
"Damn it, Tony. It...took forever...to decorate that room."
"Pep, focus on you. What do you need, hun, come on." Pepper took a deep breath and flinched as another cramp twisted her stomach.
"I want a Snickers bar. Now."
Clint was lounging in the living room with Sam and Peter, playing a game of UNO as carefully as they could on the spiderweb cracked glass coffee table and sitting on armchairs that had their stuffing viciously ripped out. He paused, hearing the sound of multiple feet running down the stairs, and cracked an amused grin as Steve, Loki, Tony and Bucky flew into the kitchen.
"Where's the box of Snickers I had in the fridge?"
"Move, Stark. I need the Tylenol."
"Pancake mix, pancake mix, pan—Oh! Found it."
"Rogers, would you kindly hand me the tea bags in that cupboard?"
Sam chuckled as all four men rushed around, doing whatever task they'd been assigned as fast as they could before the name-calling started.
He could see the faint circles under Tony's eyes, the crazed exhaustion in Loki's. Steve had been wearing the same shirt for three days now and Bucky's hair was a tangled mess, but they all worked together to get everything done. Sam remembered the first day it had all started.
Absolute chaos that had been burned into his mind so vividly that he winced on occasion of just remembering it.
Thor, who made the mistake of walking in front of Nat when she was watching the TV, locked himself in his room after she'd threatened to string him up and gut him. Steve provided him with provisions from time to time. After that, Bruce had holed up in his lab and told them to come get him when the "period-apocalypse" was over. Sam didn't know when that was gonna be, but he hoped it wasn't for long. One of the girls were bad enough, but for all of them to be on their period at once?
The devil must've been hard at work.
"Stark, hand me that plate." Steve said as Tony dug around in the drawers.
"On it."
"Barnes, would you mind—"
"Oh, yeah, sure thing!"
Bucky took the whistling kettle off the stove as Loki prepped the tea bags and moved to toss him the bottle of Tylenol.
"Thanks, man."
"Tony. Snickers."
Steve used his free hand to grab the box of Snickers atop the fridge and hand it to the man before slipping the pancakes onto a plate.
Bucky gave the bottle to Steve and moved to grab the glass of water that Loki had filled for him.
"Oh! Don't forget this!" Tony threw a big bag of MnM's to Loki, an illusion quickly peeling off of him to catch it.
"Thank you, Stark."
Clint, Sam and Peter were watching, stunned as the men moved in memorized sync before each of them hurried up the stairs as fast as they could, leaving the kitchen in an eerie silence. Three days of fetch and they'd already managed to summon a pattern.
"Can you imagine what they'd look like if they were dads?" Sam threw a card onto the table.
"Can I not?" Clint mumbled.
Before anyone could say anything else, the elevator doors slid open revealing a crying teenage girl. The men stood up, concerned, and as Sam was about to ask who she was, Peter rushed around the couch and hugged the crying girl to his chest.
"MJ! What's wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen?" She shook her head and lifted her face to look at Peter, her cheeks a flushed red.
"I-I was watching this puppy commercial and it was in-in black and white. And it was so sad, Pete, nobody wanted it. I need a bloody puppy and you're gonna help me get me one, okay?"
"MJ? I don't—"
"Pete, I need a puppy." She said flatly.
Peter looked over his shoulder and mouthed one word:
Bucky had seen you at your absolute worst.
He'd seen you get into fights at Tony's parties with women who'd get too cozy with him. He'd seen you take down a room full of HYDRA soldiers without breaking a sweat. He'd even seen you get shot twice in the stomach and walk away, cracking jokes like your life wasn't in peril. So, when that time of the month came around, he was usually prepared and as you snuggled into his chest, finally asleep, Bucky sighed with relief.
It'd been some time since there was peace and quiet, what with you girls at each other's throats.
"Damn it! I said I wanted vanilla ice cream, not this crap!" Natasha shouted.
She slammed the freezer shut, breaking the handle off in anger.
"Hands off the hazelnut, Romanoff." You said and flipped her the bird from the couch.
"Oh really? How would you like it if I just decided it was mines?"
You sat up, leveling an evil glare at the redhead as she reached for your ice cream carton.
"Don't you fucking—" you were interrupted by a ball of glowing red energy grazing the tip of your nose and you whirled on Wanda.
"I'm tired of hearing your voices."
"Do that again and I swear I'll break your wrists, Twinkle Fingers." You snarled, making Wanda get to her feet.
Feeling threatened, you did the same and Bucky rushed to sit you back down. Loki was holding onto Wanda's hand with a pleading look on his face.
"Darling, I need you to calm down. Can you do that for me?" He asked.
"No." Wanda replied shortly and left the living room.
Natasha rolled her eyes and stalked off, mumbling under her breath and you, deciding that you wanted an exit as well, jumped to your feet and headed for the training room.
"Peter? You got any Skittles?" MJ asked, wandering into the room. He jumped to his feet and led her to the kitchen to take care of her there, away from the exhausted men. He thought it would be good if MJ stayed and no one complained about it, especially when they saw her throw a knife at Peter with incredible speed that, if he hadn't any of his spider reflexes, would have been lodged in his chest. She cried shortly after, apologizing profusely until Peter, who had never dealt with something like this before, had to drive her to the nearest pizza place.
"What do we do now?" Loki asked. Bucky massaged his temples as Tony walked in, his shirt torn in half and the circles under his eyes even darker than before. He slumped on the broken couch beside Steve and nudged him tiredly.
"I told you...we aren't all making it out of this one alive."
"And here I thought it'd be something bigger and badder to take us out." Steve said, closing his eyes and leaning back. "What's bigger and badder than four women and a teenager on their period at the same time?"
Steve shook his head and sighed.
"Who the hell knows?"
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