Loki Laufeyson-Trust
You slammed your hands on the table, pushing yourself to your feet and glaring at the members of your team as they stared back in surprise and confusion.
"I don't want to hear another word going against him," you said in a low voice, pointing to the man that hovered quietly in the corner of the room.
"Y/N, come on—"
"Don't start with me, Steve. You vouched for Bucky when some of us weren't entirely sure about him. No offense, Buck."
"None taken."
Your mind screamed for you to stop, to shut your mouth and sit back down. To keep your feelings and everything you ever wanted to say to yourself.
But, this time you couldn't. This time, it was too much for you to just sit back and listen as the team ripped into Loki with doubts, uncertainty, mistrust and as his piercing, green eyes met yours, you lifted your chin with a surge of determination. You had always tried to make things easy for him, knowing that everyone was still wary due to the attack on New York. He was quiet around the others, but you enjoyed the time you spent with him because of how invested he was in literature. It couldn't be helped as you realized just how much you admired Loki. You learned something new from him everyday and if anything, you were the only other person he was close to besides his brother.
The others didn't know him like you did and if Thor were present, you knew that no one would argue with the both of you.
But, he wasn't.
And you knew it was entirely up to you to change their minds.
"Why do you trust him so much, anyways?" Steve asked.
"Well, why do you trust Bucky so much?"
It was your turn to raise your eyebrows and Loki, clearly amused by your stubbornness, let a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth.
"That's different." Steve said tightly.
You gave Bucky an apologetic look for using him as an example and he merely shrugged in response.
"As far as I know, Loki was mind controlled by a higher force when the attack on New York occurred. Same thing that happened to Bucky and yet you can't, for the life of you, accept that he's changed for the better."
"Just putting this out there, I don't really have a problem with him." Bucky interrupted.
"As all of you shouldn't. We've all made mistakes and did things for our own selfish purposes. What's giving Loki another chance going to take away from any of you?"
None of them answered as you waited in silence.
"I don't understand. How could you trust him so easily?" Clint asked. "Don't bite my head off, but it took awhile for any of us to get within five feet of him without wanting to sock him in the face."
You let out a breathy sigh.
"You want to know why? Because I've taken the time to get to know him. And there's much more in him than just the person that destroyed half of the city."
"He probably mind controlled you, too." Steve muttered under his breath.
"Okay. Okay, this obviously isn't getting through your thick head, Cap. So, let me make it a little bit easier for you to understand." You snapped.
With that being said, you marched over to Loki and immediately pulled him towards you to press your lips against his. He froze for a second before loosening up and kissing you back, his arms snaking around your waist as he leaned into you. You almost lost yourself in the desire that Loki was giving off, but the team was staring open-mouthed and an audience wasn't exactly your thing.
You reluctantly broke away and turned to give Steve a smirk, Loki slipping an arm over your shoulder.
"Well, she really does trust him, doesn't she?" Tony teased.
"I think we get the point." Steve interrupted him before he could throw out any sexual innuendos.
"I didn't see that one coming." Natasha mumbled to Clint, who nodded absentmindedly.
"Well, if Y/N trusts him, that's good enough for me." Wanda spoke up and you smiled as she winked at you.
"For me, too." Pietro chimed in.
Natasha, Clint, Sam, Bucky and Bruce murmured in cautious agreement and you turned to Steve and Tony, bracing yourself for any negativity.
Tony scratched the side of his face and shrugged.
"Fine with me, I guess. But, I want to wear your helmet." He added.
"With all due respect, I don't think it would suit you." Loki replied cooly.
"Oh, is that right?"
"Steve?" You asked softly.
You didn't want to fight with him or even be mad at him. He was one of your best friends, but he had the duty of Captain before anything else. You understood that, but just once you wanted him to see things the way you did.
"Would it matter what I thought?" He asked.
"Not really, no." Despite himself, he gave you a small grin and raised his hands in defeat.
"Then I can't exactly say no, can I?"
"Thank you."
Steve's eyes bored into Loki's as the words left his mouth, surprising him into silence.
"I've never truly felt like I belonged and I still don't in a way. But it is comforting to know that you now consider me an...equal, of a sort."
"If you hurt her—"
"I would never." Loki said in a low voice. You could tell he was a bit offended, so you pecked him on the cheek to comfort him.
"Now, not that it's anyone's business, but me and my boyfriend have a date to go on and I need to get ready. Is this meeting over?"
"Obviously." Tony said with a cheeky grin.
"But, remember, if you don't wrap—"
"Tony, I'll break your jaw if you finish that sentence." You warned.
"Come on, Y/N, lets get you ready!" Wanda squealed, taking your hand and pulling you away from Loki and out of the room, Natasha on your heels.
"So," the men were staring at Loki as though he was a zoo animal and Clint was trying to thaw out the ice, "when did you guys start dating?"
"Awhile ago, I suppose." His answer was short and brief, but it didn't stop Clint from asking another.
"Is she the one?" The man wiggled his eyebrows playfully as the others rolled their eyes.
"Quit ragging him, old man." Pietro chimed in.
"I don't mind. I believe there could always be the one for any person out there, so I do truly believe Y/N is exactly that for me." He smiled to himself. "A soulmate if you will."
Tony let out a low whistle.
"Soulmate. You must really like her, huh?"
Loki cocked his head curiously.
"You think I like her?"
Startled, the men eyed each other as if to ask what he could possibly mean in their own silent language.
"I fell in love with Y/N the second I laid eyes on her. Now if you'll excuse me," Loki pushed his chair back and stood with a smirk, "I have a date."
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