Loki Laufeyson-True Stranger Pt. 2
You hated having to put it up, propping it against the pile of books in the window display with a heavy heart. Etta was even more distressed about having to give up the bookstore and you took it upon yourself to keep the old woman in bright spirits as best you could. You moved to box up the books behind the counter when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, making you yelp in surprise.
"Hello, my love." Loki said as you turned to look at him. He was gazing down at you with a joyful gleam in his eye and the smile he knew could make your knees grow weak. It had taken some time, but after a few months of getting to know him and who he truly was, he had finally asked you out on a date. You didn't know who was more nervous for it-you or him. Admittedly, you had to get over the shock of learning that he was an Asgardian god, he lived with the Avengers as a charge of exile and he had tried to take over New York with an army of aliens that had destroyed half of the city.
You said yes, anyways.
If he hadn't told you any of those things, if you didn't know what he was actually capable of, you'd have thought he was a normal human being that was genuinely enthralled by books and had a personality that could charm the socks off of anyone. He won over Etta the very next day he visited you and it took most people weeks to get in the good graces of that old woman. When you first moved to the city, it had taken you two.
For that, you loved him even more.
Loki was soft spoken with gracious manners—a quality that trumped most men in New York—and you admired how much of a gentleman he was with you. Truth be told, he was a man after your own heart.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were going out with your brother." You asked, kissing his cheek and pulling away to move around the counter. He groaned in protest and leaned against the beam of wood.
"Am I not allowed to see my fair lady when I wish?"
"Not when you have things to be doing with the others."
"Darling, I could honestly care less about my brother when I'm in the company of someone far more attractive."
He gave you a little smirk that made you roll your eyes as you hauled a box onto your stool and began to carefully pack in some books.
"I'm sorry, but don't you usually take those out and sort them upon the shelves?"
You sighed, a sound with sad undertones that made him jump to attention.
"The bookstore is closing down. We can't afford to keep it anymore." You explained sadly.
Loki could see how much this was hurting you as you turned back to the box. He didn't like the thought of you hurting at all. He knew how much the little store meant to you and the old woman. It also held a special place is his own heart as it was the place he had met you. A shining star that had fallen from the heavens and swept him completely off of his feet. He had been intrigued the moment you'd begun to explain the book you'd been reading. Your face had lit up with such happiness, an aura of passion that deeply affected him and after spending the night with you wandering the city, Loki wanted you in a way he'd never wanted someone before.
He wanted you for the way you spoke to him with such patience and understanding, even after he'd revealed who he was and what he'd done.
He wanted you for the way you held yourself with careful pride, yet a humility that simply astounded him.
He wanted you for the way you'd been so kind to a man begging for scraps on the street by buying him a meal.
He wanted you for the way you brightened at the mention of any book and could go on for hours on end talking about the ones you enjoyed and comparing some to others.
He wanted you for the way you looked at him...with eyes that shone with pure love, a look he knew was reflected by his own.
As he realized how crestfallen you were, Loki was determined to make you happy once more. He knew exactly who to go to and what to ask of this person. The real question was if he was willing to put aside his pride to do it and as he watched you tenderly brush your hand over the cover of a book, he knew how willing he was. He'd try and take down the whole of New York again if he had to and quite honestly, for you?
He would most likely succeed.
A tap on your shoulder made your heart jump and you whirled around, dropping the little pile of books you'd gathered onto the floor. A man, just slightly taller than you, with expensive looking sunglasses on his face and a suit that looked like it had been tailored with extreme detail stood with his hands clasped behind his back. You gave him a subtle once over and came to the conclusion that the man was very well-off and as he removed his glasses and looked around the store with interest, your heart sunk with the realization that he might be the one to buy the store.
"Hello, sir. How can I help you?" You said politely and moved to pick up the books. Surprisingly, he bent to help you and as the both of you straightened, he read the title of the book he held before handing it to you.
"Shirley, A Tale. Quite the classic." He said.
You nodded slowly and took the book from him.
"Charlotte Brontë? You know her?"
"Know her? "It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility; they must have action; and they will—"
"Make it if they cannot find it." You finished. "It's a good quote."
"Isn't it? So...I hear you're selling."
He flashed you a smile and you tried to return it.
"I'm not the owner, but yes. This space is up for sale." You gestured to the room weakly and moved around him to find shelter behind your little counter.
"That's a shame. You must be Y/N, by the way."
You recoiled a little as he moved to hop onto the counter, swinging his legs leisurely and talking to you over his shoulder.
"H-how do you-"
"Oh, we all know your name. Loki might know how to lie, but Thor's never been one to keep his mouth shut." He chuckled and you felt your skin prickle weirdly. You went to ask him if he could move when the door swung open and the sound of arguing entered the store.
"I still don't know why we haven't been able to meet her weeks ago!"
"Maybe because Loki said no?"
In front of you stood a few of the Avengers, gaping at you as you were at them. The bookstore seemed a lot smaller with all of them shuffling closer to the counter and you watched as Loki pushed his way to the front of them, shoving Thor aside with a warning glance.
"Um...hi." You said.
"Sorry, love. I know I'd said I'd be back in a few hours, but they were impatient to meet you." He apologized. "Stark, move."
Tony huffed and jumped off the counter, straightening his suit.
"What's going on?" You asked.
"Well, I know how much this little shop means to you and the dear upstairs, so I've asked Stark if he would be gracious enough to purchase the store and keep it open as it is. I wanted to deliver the news myself, but the others insisted on coming along." He explained, shooting them a contemptuous look.
Your hands flew to cover your mouth and he chuckled at your shocked expression.
"Are you serious?" You asked excitedly.
"Quite, my love."
You darted around the counter and before you could control your actions, your lips were on his and your arms around his neck as the others looked on in shock. The fact that you'd just kissed Loki and very much openly was a surprise to them as much as it was to you, but you were far too happy to care.
"Do I get one of those? You know, complimentary, of course." Tony cut off as Natasha elbowed him in the stomach. You pulled away with an embarrassed giggle, keeping your arm around his waist.
"Thank you, Tony. I appreciate this." You said warmly.
He nodded.
"I've gotta say, it's nice to meet you, Y/N. How this one managed to snag you is beyond m-" Natasha elbowed him again and moved to shake your hand as Tony struggled for air.
"Natasha Romanoff. It's good to finally see you in the flesh. Thor can't stop talking about you."
"He's excited his brother's finally found true love. Personally, I think it's great we finally found someone to handle Loki."
You laughed, your heart made light by her words.
True love.
After the others introduced themselves and Thor gave you a hug that almost crushed the life out of you, they stayed for awhile, asking you about yourself and giving you and Loki little glances as though they couldn't believe he'd finally found someone. When they were set to leave, Tony promised to stop by in the next week to sort out the paperwork after making you agree to be at his next party to meet everyone else. He gave you a wink before following the others out, leaving you and Loki alone.
You turned to him and before he could say anything, you pulled him closer and pressed your lips against his, this time much slower than before. His hands moved to your waist and you felt a flush of heat crawl over your skin as the both of you relished the connection, the desire that coursed through your veins as steadily as blood itself. When you pulled away, the absence of his warmth was immediate and he was aware of the feeling, moving you into his arms to hug you close.
"Thank you, Y/N." He whispered softly.
You looked up at him, confused.
"For what?"
He let out a shaky breath as he admired every part of you that he'd taken great care to carve into his mind. Never did he think he'd find what was once foreign to him and of all places, Earth.
True love with a true stranger.
Life was something to be wondered.
"For bringing out the human in me."
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