Clint Barton-Just Come Back
You dodged Natasha's right hook and went to sweep her off her feet, but she quickly gained dominance by gripping your shoulders and somersaulting over you. In a flash, she had you pinned down and you groaned loudly.
"Face it, Nat. I won't be as fast as you."
"You aren't trying hard enough. I know you can do better, Y/N." She said firmly, getting to her feet.
You took the hand she reached out to you and pulled yourself up, trying to steady your heavy breathing. Natasha and Clint had brought you back from Budapest (something that everyone knew not to talk to you about) to save your life and you had grown especially close to Clint. He was like your older brother, the kind that defended you from the mean older sister, who just happened to be Nat. Of course, Natasha wasn't a witch, but she was tough on you when it came to training. She pushed you to your breaking point, knowing you wouldn't give up and that you'd take yourself to the very extent of your psychical abilities to appease her. She wanted you to know how to defend yourself, the quickest way to kill your attacker and how to handle firearms. It was exhausting, but you had to keep up with the others if you wanted to live.
"You ready to go another round, Y/N?" Natasha asked. You weren't surprised at the steadiness in her voice. She didn't even look tired.
"Yeah. One more and I'm done."
She nodded, giving you a small smile. As the both of you took a defensive stance, the training room door opened and Clint walked in with his quiver on his back and bow in hand.
"Hey, girls." He greeted the both of you and slipped into the ring.
"What're you up to?" You asked.
"Infiltration mission. JARVIS located another HYDRA base down in Borovia."
Natasha gave him a confused look.
"Shouldn't the whole team be going?"
At the question, he ducked his head and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
"Yeah that's the idea. Except-" he hesitated.
"Y/N can't come. Cap's orders."
You shook your head in disbelief and Natasha glanced at you as your muscles tensed.
"What do you mean?" You demanded.
Clint sighed.
"He doesn't think you're ready yet, Y/N. You're too young, it's too much of a risk and—"
"A risk? A risk?"
"Y/N-" Natasha laid a hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off. You were angry, to say the least, and your hands trembled furiously at the thought of staying behind. Of being absolutely useless while the others stuck out their necks to protect the world.
All the training you've endured for the past six months must've meant nothing as you watched Clint avoid your eye. "Right." You growled. You calmly left the ring, picked up your duffel bag and exited the training room, leaving the door open behind you. You were 19 years old and yet they still treated you like a child! The anger that simmered in your chest rose and boiled over as you came into the kitchen, where the others were hunting for food and talking amongst themselves.
"Hey, Y/N! Hungry?" Pietro asked around a mouthful of bread. You shook your head and walked away, only to be tugged back by your duffel bag. Steve was holding onto the strap, concern clear on his face as he studied your stiff expression.
"You okay?" Rolling your eyes, you yanked your strap out of his hand. Hurt flashed across his face and you almost felt guilty if it weren't for the fact that he was the reason you couldn't go on any missions. Thinking about it only enraged you even more. "Oh, I'm fine. I eat, sleep and breathe training and yet a hundred year old asthmatic is out in the field more than I am." You shot sarcastically.
"Ooh, I felt that one." Tony crowed, tapping his arc reactor.
"Ouch, Cap. You gonna take that?" Sam teased.
"Y/N, you're not ready. I can't possibly-"
You cut him off with a raise of your hand.
"I get it. I'm young. Whatever." You muttered and with that, you turned and stomped up the stairs, cursing loudly so he could hear you. The men cringed as the sound of your door slamming echoed through the hall.
"Good going, Rogers."
"Shut up, Buck."
An Hour Later
You ignored the tentative knocking at your door. When it stopped, you sighed with relief, only to feel the bed dip slightly. You turned, already knowing who it was.
"We're leaving in less than ten minutes. I just wanted to come check on you before we leave." Clint explained softly. You nodded. When you didn't say anything else, he rose to his feet and walked over to the door, his hand resting on the knob. His hesitation was enough and you crashed into him, wrapping his arms around his waist and squeezing tightly. He adjusted himself so he could hug you back and you nuzzled your head into his chest.
"I'll be fine. I've got the whole team to protect me." He chuckled.
"Just come back. Okay? I don't know what'd I do without you." He smiled into your hair.
"Will do, boss." As he pulled away, he ruffled your hair and winked at you, making you roll your eyes.
"I'll be back in a mo." Clint opened the door and disappeared down the stairs, the sound of his cheery whistling slowly fading.
For some reason, you didn't feel too good.
"Y/N? Y/N?"
You peeled your eyes open, still tired from the late night you spent watching action movies to satisfy your need of violence. Natasha was looking down at you with red rimmed eyes, her face deadly calm as she shook you awake. You were immediately alert and sat up to take in your surroundings, forgetting you had fallen asleep in the living room.
"Nat? How'd the mission go? Where is everybody?" You asked, fighting back a yawn. Once you rubbed the exhaustion out of your eyes, you realized two tear tracks ran down Natasha's grime covered face, making it clear she had been crying.
"Y/N, I-" she choked a little on her words.
"What? What happened..." you trailed off as you caught sight of two paramedics with a stretcher rushing to the far side of the building where the aircraft landing was located. They entered the jet and came back out with a body covered in a white sheet, disappearing around the corner and into the hospital wing. Your heart stopped as Steve and the others exited the jet, their faces full of despair, sadness and anger.
Someone was missing.
You turned back to Natasha.
"It's Clint...isn't it?"
She looked away.
Your heart dropped at the simple gesture. You didn't have to ask to know that he hadn't survived. That they weren't taking him to the hospital wing to tend his injuries. If that was the case, they wouldn't have needed the sheet. Tears began to fall from your eyes, grief washing over you as you thought about the man you considered your brother.
Just like that.
What a cruel world this was.
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