In the bunker underneath Osborn's home
Yelena and Harry sat with one another with Yelena munching on some chops. The sound of Yelena munching on the chips continued to resound in the otherwise silent bunker causing Harry to turn around and glare at her.
"Can you stop that?"
"But I'm hungry" Yelena whined causing Harry annoyance to grow. It had been a few days since the two began working together to capture Mr. H, unfortunately for the duo their attempts had yet to bear any results.
They had raided the places they were sure had connections with him such as a few clubs as well a few warehouses but their actions didn't serve to cause any major damage as unlike that night they had yet to find any of the other weapon shipments which was starting to get to Harry, Yelena's attitude did not help either.
Yelena was... actually Harry did not know how to describe her, her attitude towards things was constantly changing. At one moment she could be absolutely serious, the next she was doing random things that simply had no merit and at other times such as now she could be annoying.
"Well chew quietly!" he exclaimed which caused Yelena to mutter something he couldn't understand... was that Russian. A beep brought him out of his thoughts as he was finding it harder and harder to actually find the stolen tech much less find this elusive Mr. H, "Chip" Yelena offered as she came next to him. "You seem stressed, eating always helps with that"
"Why is this so hard now? It wasn't like this before. There were paper trails to follow but now nothing, anything we find just leads to non important places. We still have no idea who the hell Mr. H is or what he is actually planning to do." Harry could not help but rant as his frustration continued to build up.
"Ever think we are looking at this the wrong way" Yelena spoke as she dipped he hand into her bag to pull out another chip, her expression changed however as she realized she had run out. "Do you have any more chips?"
"You ate it all, now you were saying something about us looking at this the wrong way" Harry turned around to face Yelena.
"I mean all this tech is from Oscorp right, and there is a limited group that divides the gains right. We know all of them, if this guy is getting Oscorp tech then he is definitely getting it from one of the people that divided the gains after Oscorp's fall." Yelena began her face losing the lax expression she had just moments ago.
"We just have to find out who and go to the source I'm pretty sure once we get there we will obtain all the answers not to mention. The last time you followed this trail you have so much faith in, they set a trap for you and you got captured-"
"Why are you saying that like you didn't get captured alongside me"
"That is beside the point"
"Is it though?" Yelena ignoring Harry continued, "for all we know they might be setting up another trap and even if they aren't, the mere fact that they have set a trap for you before proves your way of going after them isn't the best."
"Fine" Harry nodded before turning to his computer, "it will take some time but I believe I-"
"No need I'm in, let me put it up on your screen" Yelena spoke before files from the agencies which had gotten their hands on Oscorp tech popped up on the screen
Harry turned to give her a look which she simply responded to with "Bat Tech, benefits of the Batfamily"
The two began shifting through the files when they finally settled on one agency which after having a closer looked way too suspicious. "S.H.I.E.L.D" Harry grit his teeth with Yelena thinking to herself that it was time she answered her sister's calls.
Mr. H stood before floor to ceiling windows looking over the city as he answered a call. "Hello old friend"
"You have a problem"
"I have people handling it"
"They are not good enough, a couple of agents have begun looking into the Oscorp tech at S.H.I.E.L.D and not just agents but two Avengers and if that wasn't enough I hear a Bat got involved which means the slightest thing could end up attracting the batman himself. Last I remember you were dealing with one nobody so do tell how one nobody became two Avengers and a member of the Bat clan."
"The Avengers are overrated, last I checked Iron Man was fighting some terrorist and is probably dead. Now I doubt it's either the god or the green beast as I'm pretty sure stealth is their forte and please we all know it's not the captain and Batman is always busy. As for the last two who I can't even be bothered to remember their names, they will be no more when I'm done with them."
"You are beginning to sound cocky"
"Tell you what old friend lets meet, then I can truly show you what I have planned" As Mr. H spoke he turned to face what seemed to be some sort of metal suit in construction.
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