Chapter 6
Loki was jerked awake by more noise than any one should hear at three in the morning. He listened carefully, and heard footsteps and shouting, loud enough to wake him up through the facility's thick walls. He was only one level below the ground level. He pulled himself out of bed and flipped on the light. He pulled a shirt on so that he was at least fully dressed and ruffled his hand through his hair, still listening and trying to figure out what was going on.
He turned to directly face the tiny security camera in the corner; he had noticed it several days before and had consequently started changing clothes in his bathroom after realizing they could see everything he did. Now he wanted them to see him more than ever, but judging by what he could hear, he was the last thing on anybody's mind. He stared into the camera, hoping someone would see him. If only even Jarvis would notify somebody.
"What do we do, Captain?" Tony asked. He had already suited up; only his head was visible from the armor.
"I- I don't know, let me think," Steve said tensely. Everyone stood around him in the lab, ready to go, looking sleepless and somber.
"Alright." Steve looked around. "We know why they're here. There's no other reason for this. We have to keep them from that. This isn't a take-down-the-army type of fight; we're protecting our own land. If they have to die for that to be accomplished, that's their decision. We aren't fighting if we can help it."
"Agreed," Natasha said. "And we have a little bit of a head start, let's take advantage of it."
"How are we looking over there, Banner?" Steve asked.
"Scans are showing they're about twenty miles above the surface. Lucky I had all this running, or they would have sneaked down here and it would have been a mess."
"Okay, what's the game plan?" Clint asked, sounding impatient. "Seriously. Those twenty miles are going to go quickly."
"Do we even know what they are?" Steve asked.
"No. All we're getting on the scans is their aircraft," Bruce replied.
"You guys, he might know." Clint glanced around at everyone.
"No. No, no, no. Not happening," Tony said. "We'll be fine."
"In the past, whatever we've all fought, it's never been aliens. This is new." Steve said. "I think I agree with Clint." Their debate was interrupted by the intercom.
"Mr. Stark, Loki is awake. And Sir, he found the security camera. I think he wants someone down there."
Steve and Clint looked at each other. Bruce avoided everyone's eyes. Tony rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Fine. Cap, go find out what he wants. Banner and I will keep an eye on all this," he motioned to the tech, "and we need to be ready in the next five or ten minutes, so make it quick."
Steve pressed his hand to the scanner and the door slid open, revealing Loki sitting on his bed, waiting. The young god smirked.
"Someone got my message," he said.
"Jarvis told us. What do you want?"
"To know what's going on. You all woke me up," Loki replied. Steve looked annoyed.
"Well, sorry to disturb your beauty sleep. Turns out I need some help from you, so I'm glad you're up."
"Do tell," Loki said.
"Over the past few days, our scanners have registered four atmospheric disturbances, making a perfect circle with us at the center. Tonight, a huge ship, some sort of spacecraft, entered the Earth's atmosphere and it came up on our stuff. They sent something down in a grid and used them to break through the atmosphere to get down here, and the ship almost here."
"That does sound like a problem," Loki said, sounding unconcerned.
"Yeah, well, there's only one reason that we would be visited by even more aliens, and that's you. So we need your help, whether that be you telling us who they are, or otherwise."
"How do you know that they're coming for me? Maybe news of the Avengers has gotten around," Loki replied. Steve's patience was running thin.
I don't think so. You and Thor told us that Thanos is looking for you, and he can't be the only one. Whoever it is, they're here because of you."
"And you want me to, what, act as bait? Are you going to trade me for the earth's safety?"
"That was not the plan," Steve said quietly. "We just need to know who you think it might be, how to fight them, anything. We made a promise to your brother that we would keep you safe, and I intend to keep that, despite our differences. However, I expect you to reciprocate the generosity, because it's in your best interest to help us." Loki sighed. He hated it, but Steve was right.
"Listen," he said. "I can't tell you who it is for sure, of course, not without seeing them. But there are a few different people who would be looking for me. It's not in Thanos's best interest to find me. He has more things to worry about. He wants me, yes, but he has bigger plans that don't necessarily involve me."
"Well, then who is it?" Steve asked. "Or who could it be?"
"Well, keep in mind that these are only my best guesses. There are only a few races who want me, and only a few that would come to Earth. It could be the Kree; if it's them, you'll be fine as long as there aren't too many of them. It could be the Frost Giants; they have every reason to want me dead. But, Rogers," Loki jumped up. "Listen, I can help. I want nothing to do with anyone who wants me dead. Right now, that's not you. I'll know who it is, I can fight well, even without magic."
"Why are you pitching yourself to me? I know I can't trust you, Loki. I'm not stupid."
"Exactly. You're not stupid. I can help. I can fight. I don't want to end up dead or captured, and if I don't help, that's exactly what will happen because the 'Avengers' won't be able to stop them."
"And why is that?"
"You don't know extraterrestrials like I do."
Steve was fighting a loosing battle with himself about what to do. He's right; he'd be an asset. But he'll betray you. But he can help. He won't betray you. He obviously has other plans. No one volunteers for a fight. You can't win without him.
"Stark is going to kill me," Steve said quietly. Loki looked up quickly, surprised.
"If you betray us, there won't be anywhere you're safe from us, let me be very clear about that." Loki smirked, a dark look in his eyes.
"I understand. Let's go." Steve glanced at him, wondering if he was making the right choice.
"Let's go," he repeated quietly.
Bruce was the first to spot them approaching the lab, and he gasped and jumped. Everyone else turned to look, most with the same reaction.
"Rogers, this is why we can't have nice things," Tony said. "I knew you had a soft spot for him, we shouldn't have trusted you to do such a simple job." Steve glared at Tony.
"Want to explain yourself, Cap?" Clint asked.
"He'll know our enemies better than we will. He can fight. We need him. How far away is the ship?"
"You're not getting off on just that explanation," Tony said. At the same moment, Bruce answered,
"Five miles above the surface. We could probably see it by now. We need to be prepared, soon. Now."
"Here's the plan. They're probably here because of him," Steve looked at Loki. "Keep him in the back, out of sight until I have a chance to confront them. We find out what they want. If they want a fight, we do. I'll do the talking. Loki, you let us know what we need to know, whenever you get the chance."
"Do I have my magic up here?" Loki asked. "I have no armor, nothing."
"It's only blocked down there," Tony said reluctantly.
"Perfect," Loki smiled. Within seconds, a gold wave had washed over him, and he stood in front of them, completely decked out in his green and gold armor. Steve raised his eyebrows.
"I may regret this," he said.
"You think?" Tony retorted.
"Shut up, girls," Clint interjected. "They're almost here." If looks could kill, Steve and Tony had just blown each other up.
They all left the lab and headed for the main doors. Everyone was in their suits, carrying their respective weapons. Steve ran his free hand along the rim of his shield and took a deep breath. The six of them stepped out into the night air and all their faces turned to the sky.
The ships (yes, ships plural) were hard to miss. They lit up a huge spot in the sky, easily distinguishable from the stars around them. Steve heard Loki draw a sharp breath behind him. He turned to look. In the dim light, Steve could see the look on Loki's face. The smirk was gone, replaced by apprehension.
"What is it?" Steve asked.
"Those aren't Kree ships, or the Titans. Thanos's race," he added. "That- I think that's the Frost Giants. Took long enough," he muttered.
"Why?" Clint asked.
"I killed their king last year, and tried to destroy their race. They're my people. Their king was my real father. They have every reason to try to kill me. They probably couldn't find me until Thanos didn't have me anymore."
"Okay, so how do we stop them?" Steve asked, watching them approaching quickly.
"They're huge, and strong. But they can be killed. They're particularly susceptible to heat, if you can manage that somehow. Don't let them touch your skin, they'll freeze-burn you. And stay clear of their hands, they can make ice daggers. However, we will have an edge on them because this planet is much warmer than their home world."
"Great," Steve said sarcastically. "Let's do this." He was getting harder and harder to hear as the ships descended in front of them. They crashed to the ground; three ships that took down the trees beneath them as if they were twigs.
The six of them stood their ground, and Steve was the first to walk forward, approaching the ships as their doors opened up. The others followed him forwards. Steve refused to let his fear show as the first of the Giants stepped out. The army and the Avengers approached each other. They stopped simultaneously about thirty feet apart. Steve would have been flat out lying if he said he wasn't intimidated and terrified of the sheer number of them, all standing about ten feet tall with dark blue skin. There must have been at least couple hundred that unloaded off the ships.
"I believe you have something we want." The first Giant spoke, his voice low and gravelly.
"Really? I hate to disappoint. But Earth has lots of great sightseeing opportunities, so maybe your trip won't be a complete waste," Steve replied coolly.
"Do not mock me, soldier," the leader growled. "Where is the boy?"
"I'm glad you care for him so much, but I'm afraid the feelings aren't mutual. He's ours."
"You must not know how he has treated us, what he has done!" the Giant roared.
"I do, actually. Really, it's just normal family drama. Get over it. You can't have him. Now, here's the deal. Leave, or we kill every one of you."
"If you will not hand him over willingly, then it's war we want and war we shall get." A horrible smile spread over the Giant's face. "I suggest you make peace with your deaths now."
A/N: So sorry this chapter took so long. I actually just cranked it out in a couple hours after spending a few weeks trying to figure out how to do it, and actually didn't even end up going with my original idea! I love writing lol (I say sarcastically) Actually, I do love it, when I have any clue what I'm doing. But does any writer really ever know?
Hope you guys like this chapter. I'm excited for the next one. I think this major story event was the hardest of this book to come up with, and I'm ready to get the rest written! I hope it's gonna be good, haha. Thank you so much for reading, all five of you (at this point XD).
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