You Too (Tim Drake x Reader)
Requested by @Crazed_Fangirl0910
Y/N sighed as she twisted her keys when she opened her apartment doors.
Her day has been bad since her boss and all.
She walked into the kitchen, and began brewing some tea, hoping to cheer her up.
Jason and Roy sat on the couch, playing on their Xbox, not having a care for the world.
Y/N looked for some pasta she was going to prepare for lunch.
But there was none.
She sighed, running her hand through her hair.
Y/N glanced at the boys, who still busy killing or dying.
They wouldn't notice, she thought, I'll be quick.
She grabbed her hoodie and some shoes, leaving swiftly.
Her eyes scanned the selection of pasta, looking for some spaghetti or lasagna, she couldn't decide.
Eventually, she chose some spaghetti.
She was about to turned around but met a hard chest.
"Sorry." She quickly, apologized.
She looked up and met vibrant green eyes.
"You're still cute." He commented.
Y/N narrowed her eyes, trying to hold back tears of anger or sadness, she couldn't tell which.
"Hello, Austin." She greeted, coldly.
"Hello? So I get a hello, now?" He smirked, the same smirk she used to find endearing.
But now it was just annoying.
"Yes, that's what you deserve." Y/N said, trying to brush past him.
But he grabbed her wrist, making her turn around to meet his emerald green eyes.
"How are you?" He asked, sincerely.
"Better." She lied, flicking her wrist free.
"You were always a bad liar." He chuckled, "I can tell you want me back."
"Leave me alone."
He pinned her against the shelf.
"C'mom, Y/N." he said.
She pushed him off, throwing he pasta at him.
The corner hit him in the eyes, causing him to go blind for a split second.
She dashed away, embarrassed.
The crowd of people watched astonished.
Some yell, encouragements, while some laughed.
She ran out of the grocery store, rushing back home.
The door slammed, startling the boys.
"Y/N?" Roy asked.
All they heard was shuffling and a sob.
Roy met Jason's eyes, having a silent conversation.
You go
Why? Roy frowned.
Because you lost the last round
Roy rolled his eyes, signaling defeat.
He slowly crept across the hallway, peeking through the door of her bedroom.
She laid o the couch, her hoodie thrown across the room, her face was beet red.
"Y/N?" He asked.
"Go away." She mumbled, burying her face in the pillow.
There were no tears but she seemed obliviously upset.
"What's up?" He asked, again.
"I had the most embarrassing moment of history."
"I doubt that," he snorted, "I mean the 1870 where plenty embarrassing."
She choked back a laugh/sob.
"Are you on your period?" He bluntly asked.
"Smooth, Roy." Jason muttered, coming up behind him.
Y/N groaned, throwing a pillow at both of them.
"Get out!" She moaned.
Jason sat next to her half dead figure.
Roy turned her body over.
They saw a red face, messy hair and her annoyed expression.
"What happened?" Roy asked.
She stared at them, her face turning red again.
"I may or may not have thrown a box of pasta at Austins head." She muttered.
Jason snorted, trying to cover his laughter with coughs.
Roy also started a coughing fit, trying to smother his smile down.
She groaned, throwing another pillow at them, embarrassed.
"Shut up." She muttered.
"It's ok." Jason said, trying to hug her.
She shoved him off the bed.
Roy busted our laughing.
"You have to admit, that's funny." Jason chuckled.
She tried to cover up a small smile, "I... guess."
A silence fell between them.
"I may or may not have thrown a box of pasta at Austins head." Jason mimicked.
They all started laughing.
"Let's go and get you coffee." Jason said, tossing her hoodie at her.
"Yeah, let's cheer you up." Roy said, "It's on us."
Y/N smiled, "You guys are the best."
She slipped on her hoodie, and they walked to the little cafe they loved.
Her rambling and rants made plenty conversations as they walked, the boys laughing at her lack of censor as she cussed.
"I wished a tossed a knife at his eye instead." She groaned as the door chimes once they entered.
Jason scanned the cafe and saw Damien, Tim and Dick. They where all chatting by the window... Next to the only table available.
He kept them in the corner of his eye as they ordered.
Dick seemed to have spot them, waving at them.
Jason held a inward sigh as he waved back.
"Are they your friends?" She asked.
Tim eyed her and did a double take as he choked on his coffee.
Y/N seemed to not have noticed as she sat in the table next to them as they waited for their order.
"Guys, this is Y/N and Roy." He introduced, "Guys this is Damien, Dick and Tim."
Tim stared at Y/N, smiling like a idiot.
"Hey." Roy said, shaking Damien's hand.
"I heard a lot about you guys." Dick said.
"But you didn't say Y/N was hot." Tim whispered harshly in Jason's ear.
Jason held back a laughed, "I see her more as a sister."
"Hi, I'm Tim." Tim said, trying to be smooth.
"Y/N, I never heard about you guys." She looked at Jason suspiciously.
"We are his coworkers." Dick said, not exactly lying.
The group talked amongst themselves as they waited for their order.
"So, are you dating Roy, or..." Tim asked.
Damien snorted, "Smooth."
"Shut up."
Y/N smiled, "It's okay," she said, "No, I'm single, but I just got out of a bad relationship."
Immediately, Tim felt bad for asking. "Sorry, I—"
"No, it's okay." She said,
"Yeah, because she threw a box of pasta at him." Roy snickered.
"What?" Dick asked.
She sighed and told them the story.
Unlike, Roy and Jason, they didn't bothered trying to hide their laughter.
They ended up chatting for 2 hours.
Y/N spotted the sunset and realized how late it actually was.
"I think it's time for me to leave." She said, collecting her stuff.
She glanced at Tim who watched her, slightly disappointed.
She handed him a napkin with her number on it, "Call me." She winked.
"You too." He said, thinking automatically. Then he realized what he said and face palmed him self. Tim felt his face then beet red.
She giggled, while the boys roared of laughter.
"Sorry, I— I just get nervous." He sputtered.
"No, it's okay." She chuckled, "You're adorable."
Tim turned even more red, but smiling like a idiot all day.
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