Worries (Scott Lang x Reader)
Requested by @Kai_Gabrielle_Rogers
"Scott, really, you need to stop stealing the tip jar from Baskin Robins." Y/N sighed as they got into the car.
Scott shook the jar, watching the coins jiggle. "No, people did that to me so I'm carrying the tradition."
Y/N laughed a little, before shaking her head and drove to the secret hideout of the rest of the team. Scott licked his cookies and cream ice cream cone.
Clint glared at them. "And you didn't get some for us?"
"It was supposed to be a date, birdy." Scott said back. "Don't be salty."
Y/N didn't answer but pulled out another ice cream and handed it to Clint. Clint's eyes brightened and grinned, smugly at Scott.
Scott pouted. "I thought it was a date, babe."
"It was... but I'm considerate so." She gave him a apologetic smile.
Clint grinned and took out the spoon that came with the carton. "Your girlfriend is nicer than you."
"Hey back off, it's not my fault you didn't want to come get groceries." Scott retorted.
"Because I'm too famous, you guys have to go." Clint defended.
"What is that suppose to mean?" Y/N raised a eyebrow.
"Yeah, what is that suppose to mean?" Scott asked, frowning.
"Did you get strawberry yogurt?" Wanda asked, coming into the room.
Y/N tossed her the cartons, Wanda squealed out a thanks. Clint quickly disappeared out of the room.
Scott came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Pressing his lips on to her temple, he stared out the window absentmindedly.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked, quietly.
"Stuff." He murmured.
"Good stuff?" She followed his gaze and saw that he was staring at broken down car. Scott thought of the first time he met her was when he was driving him along with Clint. She almost crashed the car into a truck. Their car ended up broken anyway and they opted for a van.
"Depends what's good and bad to you." He shrugged. "Say, what did you think about me when you first met me?"
She paused for a moment. "You were irresponsible, annoying and too much of a push over." She admitted.
Scott stepped back, his arms leaving from her waist. He put a hand over his heart, making a hurt expression on his face. "Wow, you're so kind." He said, sarcastically.
She chuckled. "But you were wise, good-hearted and always were considerate." She frowned at the last one. "Well, sometimes."
He rolled his eyes. "What is that suppose to mean?"
She stepped forward and hugged his chest, grinning up at him. "You ruin the most perfect moments, you know that."
Scott didn't say anything but kissed her forehead. "What do you think will happen to us?" He said after a while. Scott didn't want that. He just wanted to do good things to make up for his failures.
"We made the right choice." She said, firmly. "That, I know."
"Yeah, I get that but do you think we are going to get caught?" Scott looked worried for a second. He worried that they will be torn apart. Not just from Y/N, but the whole team.
"Scott, we are a bunch of superheroes that defeated many things." She rolled her eyes. "Stop worrying, you're making me worried."
He smiled, his green eyes glinting. "Okay."
They stood in the middle of the room, just hugging. Scott felt a comforting sense in the air as he got lost in his thoughts about the future.
But the nagging mental image of her bloody body and broken cities made his stomach churn. Ever since the airport, he remembered looking back and seeing all the damage they did. The internal conflict of who's bad and who's good divided his mind in two.
He came into the fight, not really knowing what he was fighting for. But now, he knew that he made a good choice, but for the cost... He worried if the cost was too high.
All his worries washed away when she kissed him though.
"Scott. We're going to be fine, stop worrying." And he believed that for a second when he saw her smile.
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