Trying To Be Friends (Scott Lang x Reader)
A soft sigh escaped his lips as the sky cried and the umbrellas catching his tears and brushing them off.
She smiled, gently as she waltzed through the park. Her coat was a dark grey, hiding her f/c shirt and her jeans. Her hair was gorgeous and the softest thing he ever touched.
Well, at least he remembered it was.
About two months ago, he still had her in his arms. Sometimes he could still see her. Other times, he tried to look for her again.
"Scott, how about we take a photo here." She asked. Her voice was confident, like she was the goddess that ruled the earth. And to tell the truth, Scott believed she was.
"Sure." He replied, watching the camera she picked up from around her neck.
They took a awkward selfie with the camera. Their temples touching as he could practically feel her thoughts.
Or maybe it was his own chaotic thoughts and his rapidly beating heartbeat.
The soft clicks of the button told them that the phot was taken. She turned camera already and they both looked at the many photos.
"I like this one." She said, smiling from her eyes and her lips.
Scott couldn't help but stare at her as her eyelashes made shadows on her cheeks. The bright smile that was on her face illuminated his world as she scrolled through the nuance of the photos.
She glanced up and he could hear her breathes slow. They stared at each other, remembering the memories of the soft kisses of the past.
Scott didn't think, he just leaned in and yearned the touch of her lips again.
And Y/N didn't pull away, she leaned in too.
But the sharp shriek of her phone interrupted their almost kiss.
"Sorry, gotta go." She smiled at him, sheepishly. "Duty calls."
And Scott watched her leave the park, her figure disappeared away.
Scott sighed and kicked the ground, frustrated.
He didn't know why he was here. She ended things with him, yet they said they would remained friends. But Scott wanted anything except to be friends.
He knew that she would never be back with him.
Yet she knew that he was still in love her.
It was a heartbreak starring him and her. And he forgot his lines.
Why was he even here again? Maybe it was hope, but maybe it was him wanting to see her again.
How can she be so happy? He wondered if it was even real.
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