Texts (Sam Wilson x Reader)
This is in a text format.
The whole story is going to be a series of text messages.
I'm trying something new :)
Bird boy 2 : Hey
Bird boy 2 : Are you up?
Trash : Dude
Trash : It's 3 am
Bird Boy 2 : I knew you were still up
Trash : Wat u want?
Bird Boy 2 : I'm bored
Trash : Aren't you on a mission?
Bird Boy 2 : Actually in flying back
Bird Boy 2 : I'm*
Bird Boy 2 : hello?
Bird Boy 2 : rude
Trash : and your ugly
Bird Boy 2 : you're*
Trash : dude
Bird Boy 2 : wat
Trash : stfu
Trash : bother Steve
Bird Boy 2 : but he's sleeping
Trash : like you should be
Bird Boy 2 : but I'm not
Bird Boy 2 : fight me
Trash : you're ugly
Bird Boy 2 : you're stupid
Trash : smarter than you
Trash : fight me
Bird Boy : I hate you
Trash : love you too
Bird Boy 2 : ...
Trash : imma sleep
Trash : fuck off
Bird Boy 2 : sleep with who?
Trash: what do you mean?
Bird Boy 2 : I knew you were cheating on me
Trash : dude
Trash : your delusional
Bird Boy 2 : you're*
Trash : bye
Bird Boy 2 : hello
Bird Boy 2 : it's me
Bird Boy 2 : I was wondering if after all this time youd like to meet
Trash : you'd*
Bird Boy 2 : damn it
Trash : lol
Trash : you stupid
Bird Boy 2 : you ugly
Trash : I know
Bird Boy 2 : wat
Trash : wat
Bird Boy 2 : no, shut up
Trash : no
Bird Boy 2 : no you beautiful stfu
Bird Boy 2 : hello?
Trash : are you bored?
Bird Boy 2 : I want to see you
Trash : aww you miss me
Bird Boy 2 : I do
Bird Boy 2 : why are you always on missions?
Trash : because I'm not lazy
Bird Boy 2 : hey
Bird Boy 2 : rude much
Trash : bye
Bird Boy 2 : wait
Bird Boy 2 : you're gone aren't you?
Trash : hey
Bird Boy 2 : hey
Bird Boy 2 : what's up?
Bird Boy 2 : are you busy?
Bird Boy 2 : well, clearly by because you texted me
Bird Boy 2 : hello?
Trash : no
Bird Boy 2 : good
Trash : you haven't texted me in a long time
Bird Boy 2 : I was busy
Trash : I know you were up last night
Trash : you usually text me around that time
Bird Boy 2 : stalking me are you?
Trash : no
Trash : you were blowing up my notifications with your "bored" post
Bird Boy 2 : I thought I was bothering you
Trash : you were
Trash : with your notifications
Trash : hello?
Bird Boy 2 : I've just been doing things
Trash : well, if you need anything
Trash : I'm right here if you want to talk
Bird Boy 2 : yeah
Bird Boy 2 : I know you lost your phone
Bird Boy 2 : but
Bird Boy 2 : I just want to tell you this
Bird Boy 2 : without seeing you reject me
Bird Boy 2 : I really like you
Bird Boy 2 : just thought you should know that
Trash : hello?
Trash : I saw the text you sent me a few weeks ago
Trash : before you disappeared out of shield
Trash : I know you have your phone
Trash : I just want to say that I like you too
Trash : just text me back when you see this
Trash : we all been worried
Bird Boy 2 : we've*
Trash : fuck you
Bird Boy 2 : I hope so
Trash : come back
Bird Boy 2 : I will if you keep you're promise
Trash : what promise?
Trash : you nasty
Bird Boy 2 : ;)
Guess who binge watched Miraculous
I'm in another fandom
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