Stalking? (Diana Prince x Male!Reader)
Taking place in season 1 when they (justice league) still had the spaceship in space
She glanced across the large room and saw him talking to Bruce about something.
Watching him until Bruce walked away, she decided to approach him about the other night. But people kept coming up to him and talking to him.
"Why don't you just talk to him?" J'onn asked, walking up behind her.
"You said you would not read our minds." Diana said, looking at him accusingly.
"I'm not," He defended. "With that look, anyone can tell."
"Really?" She frowned, suddenly worried.
"No one was paying attention." He assured her, seeing her worried face.
A silence built a wall around them as Diana continued to observe Y/N talking to Ray about something that probably had to do with some technical stuff.
Sometimes, Diana just wanted to punch everyone.
"Just talk to him," J'onn said, doing some checkups on the screen.
"How?" She asked, "He literally has 3 people talking to him at once! I get that's he's smart, but seriously 3 people?"
"You need to stop staring," Oliver said next to J'onn. "It's obvious."
"Shut up, Robin Hood."
He held his hands up in surrender. "Fine, just saying."
Y/N looked up and met Diana's bright blue eyes.
Diana felt her face flush, adverting her gaze to the endless space out the window.
"I told you." Oliver said, smirking smugly.
"Speak again and I will cut your throat with my heel like a badass and J'onn, you can't stop me." Diana deadpanned.
Oliver muttered some inaudible things but continued doing checkups with J'onn.
"What should I do?" She muttered, rhetorically
"You should talk to him." J'onn automatically replied.
"That's was rhetorical." Diana said.
"I still think you should."
She thought about it for a moment and turned to glance at Y/N but found him not there.
"Wait—where did he go?" She scanned the area and saw his disappearing shape vanish down the corridors.
"I'm gonna go." She said, running off the platform.
"She's in pursuit!" Oliver teased her as she left.
"He is so dead." She muttered as she walked down the corridor.
"Who is?"
She turned around and met mischievous e/c eyes.
"I want to talk about the other night." She stared, professionally. "I just wanted to say th—"
"Oh god, are you going to reject me?" His face held sad eyes but his smile stayed intact. "If so, be quick. It's going to be awkward real fast."
"I'm not rejecting you." She said, confidently. "I just... I-I just want to say t-that... um..." her face flushed, casting her gaze downwards.
"Is the Diana Prince being shy?" He teased, bending down to see her blushing face. "Wow, never thought I would see the day."
She punched him in the shoulder, causing him to wince and rub it.
"Shut up." She muttered.
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Relax, Princess. I still like you."
Diana relaxed in his arms, leaning in and inhaling his scent.
"So, how free are you tonight?" He asked.
As free as America.
Idk for how long but sure.
I just wanted to say it first.
Ok, bye. Thanks for reading.
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