Spying (Logan Howlette x Reader)
Requested by @LizInNeverlannd
Logan opened the door, to reveal Y/N. She wore a black hoodie that hid her messy hair. She sent him a sheepish grin. Her eyes were a little red, Logan frowned at that. She looked like she's been crying.
"What happened?" He asked, letting her in to his room.
"Scott was being overprotective brother and saying that I shouldn't even be a part of the X-Men." Her eyes lit with a anger fire that burnt out as soon as she saw his concerned expression. Her wrapped her smaller arms around him and pecked his nose. "It's alright, Logan."
"If you really believe that." He murmured back as he pecked her forehead.
"Mhm." She hummed, smiling softly at him.
The air was cold around them but Logan felt butterflies in his stomach as she sent him one last grin before walking over to his bed and lying down.
She wrapped herself in the blanket, reminding him how cute she could be. A smile tug on his lip as he walked over and wrapped his arms around the mountain and scrunched up blanket.
"Should we tell Scott about us?" He asked.
Logan felt like if they told him, they would be better off and she would lose a lot of stress.
"...I... I know you're doing this for me but I don't think he is ready yet." She laced their fingers together.
"What does she mean, I'm not ready yet?!" Scott almost yelled from the open window.
Storm and Jean was reluctant in stalking Scotts sister with him when he asked, but he threatened to ruin their room with his lasers so they agreed. Kinda.
Scott was suspected his sister was being way too happy and he wanted to know what since she wouldn't share. Knowing her, it was probably something against the law (but they already broke the law more times than he can count but whatever). But this was much worse.
"Shut up!" Storm hissed, elbowing his side, harshly.
"Don't tell me what to do, you old person." Scott shot back.
Storm opened her mouth retort back but Jean clapped her palm over both of their mouth.
"Shut it if you don't want to get caught." Her eyes narrowed at both of them.
Scott sent one last glare at Storm before going back to spy on his litter sister. He mentally planned to kill Logan and yell at Y/N.
She smiled up at Logan, her expression soft and slightly teasing. They were both very relaxed, Logan watching her every movement.
That's when Scott realized that his little sister was very in love. Too in love. He needed to change that.
She walked across the room and pulled a blanket over the two bookshelves. Scott frowned, wondering what she was doing. Logan had a expression that looked like he was lost in thought as he stared at her.
Y/N fluffed up the pillows and stacked them into a wall formation before tugging another blanket on them again.
"What are you doing?" They hear Logan ask.
Scott thanked Logan's stupidity for leaving the window wide open. To be fair, it was a hot night.
"Building a pillow fort." Y/N replied, a mischievous grin tugged on her lips. Scott knew she had a plan hatching in her head.
Logan seemed to sense it too, he discreetly picked up a pillow while she wasn't looking. But when she whipped around to chuck a pillow at him, he threw the pillow to knock her pillow out of the air.
Jean giggled, quietly. They're like girls.
Storm had a grin on her face while Scott shook his head, a smile tugging his lips though.
"Why are we doing this?" They hear Logan yell at Y/N.
"Because you're being very boring." She replied.
They watched as she jumped on the bed, chucking her pillows at him. He chuckled, grabbing a blanket and pouncing on her. The blanket wrapped around her, trapping her in his embrace.
Scott felt his heart stuttered to a stop in his chest as he feared that Logan's fat ass will suffocate her.
"Mercy!" Y/N cried out, dramatically.
"Mhmm..." He smirked, smugly. Logan pretended to think, "Only if you give me a kiss."
Scott wrinkled his nose, ready to punch Logan.
"Fine." Y/N huffed, pecking a swift kiss on Logan's lips.
Scott felt his blood boil as he stood up abruptly. Storm and Jean grabbed his arms, holding him back as he was about to jump through the window and cut off Logan's head with his lasers.
"Not now." Jean murmured in Scotts ear. "We're going to lose her trust if you expose us."
Scott glared at Logan, hatefully. But he nodded, reluctantly. He knew her sister would kill him if he exposed them. She would think that they would always be spying on her.
"One day, Howlette." Scott muttered, stalking away. He already saw too much.
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