Slip Away (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Her cold fingers sent shivers down his spine as their lips touched.
"You can stay, we can work this out, just trust—" Bucky protested.
"We both know that we'll meet again." She laughed,
"I just... I just have a bad feeling about this." He admitted.
"I'll be back in a jiffy."
"Jiffy?" He asked, smiling a little, "Who says jiffy anymore?"
Y/N punched his shoulder playfully, "Shut up."
"How about you make me?" Bucky taunted, leaning in and staring at her lips.
Y/N rolled her eyes and pecked his lips, "But seriously, I need to go." She picked up her backpack and climbed into the car.
Bucky frowned and watch Y/N roll out of the driveway, waving.
He got back into the empty house.
On the coffee table of the living room sat a letter.
' To Bucky ' Read the writing of Y/N.
He opened it gently.
'I'm sorry, but I have to go. We weren't suppose to happened. I'm sorry.' It read, leaving him standing him the room confused.
It's been a year.
A year since Y/N disappeared off the face of the planet.
A year since she left on her mission.
A year since she was supposed to come home,
And kiss him again.
Bucky still lived in the same house but had her stuff locked away in their attic.
Well, originally theirs.
He repainted the house and redecorated everything.
Bucky couldn't bring himself to throw everything away.
Maybe he was holding on to a piece of hope.
Anyway, Bucky now slept in the guess room usually, and go for long walks on the lakeside nearby.
His mind always wandered to when she used to run into the water and they would spend hours chasing each other and splashing around like little kids.
"Bucky, you need to get out of the house." Steve said, yanking off the blanket.
"Go away, Steve." Bucky grumbled, clutching on to his pillow.
"Wanda, Nat and I are going to to the mall." Steve continued, throwing a random jacket in Bucky's closet at him.
Bucky didn't reply but grabbed a tee from the ground and slipped it on.
A silence filled the air.
"Bucky," Steve said, meeting Bucky's blue eyes, "She wouldn't want you like this."
Bucky stared down the hall, "I know..." He whispered, "I just... It just hurts."
Steve sighed and threw him a pair of jeans, "After breakfast, the girls are meeting us at the cafe."
A click was heard as Steve left, leaving Bucky to the empty silence and chaotic thoughts of his.
Wanda and Nat pointed out a few clothes in some stores and Bucky made some comments on how short the shirts are getting.
"It's crop tops, Buck." Steve laughed,
"Who made you the fashion expert?" Bucky replied.
"It's a fashion statement." Natasha said, admiring the flimsy white top.
"You have to admit, the designs are good though." Wanda added.
They looked over at the white top with America flag.
"Steve seems to really like it." Natasha joked, looking at Steve's frowned face.
"It doesn't have enough stripes." Steve muttered, "That ones only has 12, it's 13, you know, for the 13 colonies."
They chuckled as Steve flushed at what he said aloud.
Bucky glanced at the other clothes in the store when a girl with e/c eyes was looking at the rows of jeans caught his eye.
His eyes widen and he unconsciously walked towards her.
She still stood there, admiring the crisp jeans and deciding her size as Bucky openly stared at her like she was a lost artifact.
"Y/N?" He asked.
His mind jumbled with thoughts as he stared at the face that he hasn't seen over a year.
She froze and turn over, smiling casually.
"Excuse me?" She asked, confused.
"Y/N... Where have you been?"
"I'm afraid I don't know who you are taking about." Y/N said, frowning.
Steve, Wanda and Nat made their way over.
Steve grabbed his metal bicep, "Sorry, Ma'am—"
Steve gawked at her, "Holy crap."
Wanda stood there, blinking. Natasha looked like she was mind fucked.
Y/N frowned, looking confused. "Uh... Can I help you?"
"I... Uh— Sorry, you just look like—" Steve stuttered.
"What do you mean 'Sorry'?" Bucky snapped, "This is obviously Y/N."
"Bucky, this obviously not her, she doesn't even recognize you!" Natasha said.
They looked over but the woman was missing.
"What the hell?!" Natasha hissed, then scanning the area for the missing person.
But she was no where in sight.
"Spread out, find this woman." Steve commanded.
And they all ran in separate directions.
Bucky ran down shopping centers and eventually was outside in the Bucky parking lot.
He spotted a figure sprinting down the alley.
It was a dead end.
Bucky chased after her, cornering her against the brick wall.
"Who are you?" He demanded.
"Bucky— I can't!" She sputtered, half crying.
"Y/N?" He asked, his expression mixed with happiness and confusion.
"I— We— I was ordered by HYDRA to bring you back, I..." She told him, looking scared, "I can't go back with you, we— I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you.
She let out a quiet sob, "I can't go back! I... I have to stay undercover!"
"I can help you!" Bucky said, waking closer.
Y/N pressed against the back wall, "You already helped me, Buck... Just— Just leave me alone."
Bucky was speechless, seeing his girlfriend after a year and her confession was startling to him.
Y/N walked closer to him, Her palm pressed against his cheek.
"Just... I promise we'll see each other again." She kissed his lips.
The last thing he saw was her crying eyes before he hit the pavement unconscious.
Bucky opened his eyes and say Natasha's green eyes staring back at him.
"What happened Buck?" Steve asked.
"Y/N... I... She's—" Her words came back to him.
As much as he wanted to believe that he didn't just had her back for a second just to let her slip away.
"She's gone." He decided. "But she's safe."
"She's gone."
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