Since Dawn (Clark Kent x Reader)
Side Note - Clark isn't Superman yet. If that makes sense.
Also, requested by WillieNillieFlys
Clark woke up, cold as usual in his room. His window was open, letting the last of the moonlight to seep in.
A beam of sunlight glowed in, shining on his alarm that read '5:36 AM'
He got up and slipped on his red hoodie, walking down to water the crops.
His legs trudged to the cold field, feeling a little bit of the sunlight on his skin.
Clark turned the water hoe and began watering the field of crops, yawning and thinking about life.
His mind felt at peace.
He turned around to finding his best friend, Y/N. She was dressed in her usual loose tank top and shorts, her hair tied in a loose pony tail, half of her headphones in and her faint permanent mischievous smirk.
She waved and crawled over the fence, walking towards him.
"Morning." Clark said, Slightly sleepy.
"Morning." She greeted, standing next the Clark, watching the sunrise.
They met when Y/N was one her usual jog. She was from a family down the road. A little more wealthy that the Kent family but that didn't make them less humble.
Clarke always admired her from afar even when she's dripping from sweat.
Y/N and Clark never talked that much but when Clark noticed that she limped one morning, he asked her and that's how they slowly became friends.
She started to hang out by him every morning to water the crops and Y/N sometimes would spray him with water, causing Ma and Pa to roll her eyes playfully.
Y/N was the person aside form Clarks parents, to know about his 'superpowers', as Y/N calls it
But lately, Y/N is 'dating' some guy named Andrew. Well, they were a fling. Not exactly a thing.
Clark didn't like the sound of this guy. Maybe it's because he's a player, maybe it's because he saw Y/N as his sister, maybe it's because he didn't want Y/N to date anyone.
We all know what it is.
But for the plot line, Clark doesn't. Yet.
"How's the crops?" She asked, glancing at the water that he sprayed over the crops.
"The usual, healthy and living." Clark replied, walking over to the next section of crops.
"Is Martha up yet?" She asked, glancing back at his house.
"I don't think so."
"I'm going to go check." She said.
"Why?" Clark asked, "Are you missing her pancakes?"
She gave him a sheepish look and shrugged, "Maybe."
And she disappeared into the house.
After he finished watering the crops, he dried his hands and was about to go inside, but heard something.
"I can't just tell him, I'll get rejected." Y/N's voice rang out.
"Now or never." Ma said.
"Alright... Just after breakfast."
He was tempted to listen but came in instead.
"Hey, what's with the commotion?" Clark asked.
"Just deciding if I should DM Justin Bieber." Y/N said, smoothly.
Clark knows Y/N is lying. If she really did want to DM Jusin, she would've done it already. But decided to let it slide.
Ma have Y/N a look, then placed a plate of fresh pancakes and waffles on the table.
Pa walked down stairs, giving Ma a kiss then sitting down on the table, carrying the milk carton over.
Y/N smiled and placed a hand over her chest, wiping away a fake tear, "You guys are relationship goals."
Ma gave Y/N a confused look, but gestured for Y/N to sit down, which she obliged.
After breakfast, Y/N helped Ma clean up, as they usually did. But Ma gave Y/N a pointed look and shooed her away.
Y/N huffed and looked at Clark, nervously.
They hung out in his bedroom, like the usual.
"Hey, you look sick." Clark noticed.
"I'm flattered." Y/N said, sarcastically.
"No, seriously." Clark said.
"I..." She stared out his window.
"I know this isn't a fairy tail.... It's actually pretty silly... I know I'm going to ruin our friendship—"
"What is it?" Clark interrupted.
"I like you, Clark."
"I like you too, Y/N." He chuckled.
"No, I mean like like." She explained, not looking at him.
They stood there awkwardly, not meeting each other's eye.
"I guess that's my cue to leave." Y/N mumbled, almost running to the door.
He grabbed Y/N's arm frantically, knowing that this is probably going to be their last interaction. "W-Wait! I-I just... Um.. I hope there isn't any hard feelings right?"
She stiffened and gave him a strained smile, "Yeah. You're still the nice, cute kid I like."
"Well, uh—"
"See you around, Clark." She said, and left.
And that was the last words exchange between them.
Y/N jogged on the opposite side of the road, and they would always avoid each other at school.
People would often ask why aren't they best friends anymore, and they would give the same answer "It's complicated."
Clark had almost no other close friends besides Y/N. Whereas Y/N had many friends because of her social skills.
Clark would watch Y/N jog pass sometimes, hoping for things to be different.
Then he discovered his past. Superman started and they were out of school, moving on.
Clark would always look at where Y/N was last seated in his room. On the edge of his bed.
Y/N would still jog past, not glancing his way.
And now Clark was moving to presume his career. Journalism.
He thought of Y/N as he packed his stuff in his car.
Clark went out in to the field and did his last chore on the farm that he'll ever do., then catching sight of Y/N. With no headphones in for once.
He took a deep breathe and mental pep talk before shouting "Y/N!"
She froze and glanced at Clark.
"Y/N, hey. It's me, Clark. Remember?" He said.
"Yeah. I remember." She said.
He tried not to stumble as he walked closer to her.
"I... I just thought you should know I'm moving." He said.
"Why would I want to know?" She asked.
A sharp pain was felt on his chest.
"You.. You were my best friend." He said, looking down on the ground, slightly embarrassed.
"I know... Well... I better get going now, see you around Clark." She said, jogging away.
"See you around, Clark."
He ran up and grabbed her arm, forcing her eyes on his electric blue ones. "I miss you, Y/N." He said.
Her eyes started to tear up, she looked away.
"I m-miss you too." She mumbled.
"Do you still like me?" Clark asked, hoping.
"I don't know... I-I don't know if you changed." She said.
"Why don't you find out?"
She gave him a faint smile, "Are you welcoming me back to your life?"
"I guess I am... So." He held her hands, gently, "Want to give the whole, liking thing a shot?"
She smiled, "Yeah... Why not?"
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