Scared (Peter Parker x Reader)
The picture above is A Lily, my favorite flower, but you can fill in with whatever flowers you like.
Listen to Control by Halsey.
"Get away!" Y/N screamed, standing on the tower.
"Please. I can help you." Peter said, offering a hand.
"You don't understand." Y/N said, backing off to the edge.
Peter stared through his mask and into her teary e/c eyes.
She was beautiful.
She had potential.
She needed to be saved.
"Please, just leave." Y/N begged, she looked so scared.
"Don't be scared, I can help."
"You should be scared of me." She said.
"Why?" He asked, walking towards her.
She looked alarmed as he took another step.
"I... I do terrible things." She said.
"I can save you." Peter plead. "We can use your powers for good."
"I... I don't... I have tried." She said, her face saddens.
Police swarmed around them, watching the scene unfold.
"2 heads are better than 1." He said. "Please. Don't be scared."
Y/N stared at Peter.
"Alright. Save me."
Peter watched as she walked in the balcony, unafraid.
"I can help, trust me. You can't be worse than me." She said, calmly.
Y/N persuaded the mutant off the tower and X-Men rushed to help him.
"Nice job." Peter said.
"It's true."
Ever since he saved her last year, she always distance. And for some reason, Peter always felt hypnotized by her.
Her carelessness about her life. I guess it's the same thing as selflessness but Y/N made hers selflessness seem like her life didn't matter.
Peter felt that he needed to help her.
He needed to cure her.
Y/N raised her hand and the aliens fallen to the ground, blood seeping out of their eyes.
The citizens looked scared.
Scared of Y/N.
Y/N had the power to create illusions, but when you realize that, that meant she could manipulate how the eyes see the world, who knows that other senses she could manipulate.
Y/N tricked the aliens mind that blood need too over flow out of their eyes.
She had power.
She had potential.
And sometimes she was scared.
They called her the Goddess.
They where scared.
And happy.
Happy to have her on their side.
"Y/N!" Peter called.
She turned around and walked to him, not caring that a swarm of aliens where approaching her rapidly.
She waved her hand and the aliens fell, their head bent on a unnatural position.
She was unafraid.
And that's what scared Peter the most.
The way she killed without mercy.
And without guilt.
"Yes, Peter?" She said.
Yet she was still beautiful.
She was his everything.
"I love you." Peter said.
"W-What?" Y/N was caught off guard. "Don't you th-think that w-we should start off with a d-date at least?" Y/N stuttered.
"You don't have to say you love me... I just thought that you should know." Peter said, then swinging away.
"I-I... I love you too, Peter." Y/N whispered.
They stayed at the cliff for another hour, talking about everything from mythology to tv shows.
Then they finally go to the topic of powers.
"I'm scared, Peter." Y/N admits, looking at him. "I'm scared that my powers will get out of hand. That I will become something corrupt." Then looking away.
"Hey, look at me." Peter said, tilting her face towards him, "You won't be corrupt."
"How will you know."
Their faces where slowly leaning forward.
"Because I'm your insurance." Peter said, their lips almost touching, "I'll make sure you won't be corrupt."
"Promise me something, Peter." Y/N said, glancing at their lips.
He could hear their heart beats beating rapidly.
"Kill me before I go evil." She said.
He jerked away, looking shocked. "W-What?"
"Promise me."
"You said you would." Y/N argued.
"Do it for me."
He stared into her eyes, that lured him deeper in love.
"I promise."
She smiled and leaned in, meeting their lips.
Peter grabbed her arm and the sharp edge of the dagger met Y/N's soft skin.
"P-Peter.." She said, blood bubbling up her lips.
"I-I promised." Peter said, crying.
Y/N smiled, then nodding. "You did."
"I'm s-sorry." He said, holding on to her. "I-"
She kissed him, leaving a little blood on his lips. "I just wanted one more kiss... I hope you don't mind the blood."
Peter chocked out a dry laugh, "I would kiss you a million times even with blood."
"Thank you, Peter. For saving me."
"Those are going to be your last words, huh."
"No, I love you is." She said, "the old fashion, cliche way."
Peter sobbed as her eyes glazed off to the sky, mumbling a soft tune.
Peter set down the white lilies that Y/N always liked.
And he sat down on the soft soil and told her how his week was.
"Maybe I can see you in Heaven... Even though you always said you would go to hell." He chuckled, sadly.
"Then we can kiss, with blood or not."
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