Running (Thor x Reader)
Have I ever done a Thor?
When he finally got the chance to explore the human world, his eyes looked at everything as beautiful and unique. Everything was so special.
So when he saw Y/N, of course she was pretty to him. Everyone was.
And when he fell for her, it was a magical moment that he could never expect or imagine. It scared him, knowing that he would do anything just for her.
Of course he could be running, but he felt like he would just be running back to her.
"Thor, do you have to go back?" She asked, quietly.
They were in Central Park. The trees around him suddenly blurred when his blue eyes met her e/c eyes. Everything felt as if it was slowed, the moment became much more intimate.
"Because if you don't, you could always stay with me." She offered, smiling.
Thor couldn't help but smile back. "Of course, my lady."
And she gave her signature blush as he grabbed her hand. Pecking the top, his lips tingled for the first time even though he's done the move a million times.
After he fell, he knew there was no going back. Everything between them changed. Thor didn't know what to do. He knew that she was unattainable since she was being courted by another mortal man.
But it still didn't hurt any less. Especially when he saw them together.
He was walking through the park. It has been his favorite place. His eyes admired the dimming blue sky as the snow crunched below his feet.
"Y/N, you don't have to be shy." He heard a man say. "Some couples do it often."
His ears and brain perked up when he heard her name and peeked over his shoulder to see, sure enough, Y/N and a man.
They held hands, both looking at each other adoringly and gentle smiles.
"Yeah, but it's awkward because I feel like everyone is watching." She replied.
The man stared at her before leaning in to peck her temple. Thor timed his moment just right, showing his face in front of them before the mans lips met her skin.
"Y/N!" Thor slapped a fake grin on his face as he waved to greet the girl.
She shoved his boyfriend and beamed at him. "Thor!" She laughed, nervously. "What a surprise."
Thor smiled through his pain as he watched her scold the man next to her, but with obvious passion.
And it didn't hurt any less when she was gone, either.
Thor saw his fear flash in his eyes as she breathed her last breath and smiled at him. Her breaths were heavy and deep as she gave him a tired smile before final to leaving.
Mud and grime was on her face, but to him, she didn't look any less beautiful. Her hair has some blood on it as she gurgled out the red liquid that ran in her veins.
Thor brushed aside her face and caressed her cheek. "Shh, it's a-alright, love." He said, shakily. "I'm here."
"T-Thor." She coughed, blinking slowly. "At least tell me a b-better l-lie ."
"It's alright." Thor steadied his voice, giving her a brave smile. "You're going to be alright."
She smiled softly, making his heart melt again. "Thank you, Thor." She murmured, closing her eyes.
Thor stared at her body in his arms as tears streamed down his face, silently.
And now, he spends his nights dreaming of her. And when he wakes, it was the most horrible scene as he fired, realizing that she was forever gone. He tried to run from everything.
And he was running. But he was running back to her.
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