Not Ready (Peter Maximoff x Reader)
Requested @Kai_Gabrielle_Rogers
It isn't really that happy, but I tried.
Peter watched the so-called Ice Queen. Her h/c hair was down and hiding her face. She wore a white shirt and ripped lose jeans with f/c converse. Her face was blank and held no sign of what's she was feeling, as always.
Her name was Y/N. She was always pretty, for as long as Peter had known her. She just always was. And no matter how cold and blunt she was, it didn't seem to stop the endless confessions arriving every week for a male student who thought he actually had a chance.
Peter found it amazing how people never fail to give up hope. And it was a pity to see their feelings squashed as she walked away, indifferent. That's another reason why they named her that, and her ability to change the temps true if everything she could touch.
"Hey, Y/N." Peter said, walking next to her.
He was her childhood friend, and knew her really well. They were not really close though because she always kept her distance from people. It was just her, and she was happy with that.
"Hello, Peter." She said as they walked into class.
As they sat down, he spotted a group of guys eyeing them. Mentally sighing, he knew that one of them would confess.
"Doesn't it bother you?" He asked as she unpacked her books.
She shrugged, not really paying attention or caring.
"I mean, what do they find so attractive?" He asked again. He inspected her and found that she want really that appealing. Sure she was pretty, but don't they care for other things also?"
"Some just like the 'mysterious' aura, or so they say." She answered. "And some just wants a trophy girlfriend."
Peter wrinkled his nose as he glanced back at the group of boys. "It's pretty pathetic."
"Like the random selection of girls that confess to you?" She had a dry smile on her face. "You can't insult my suitors without insulting yours."
"So you do care for these guys?" He asked.
"I'm not completely heartless." She rolled her eyes. "I just don't want to get their hopes up."
"So you shoot them down."
He chuckled. "Right, not heartless."
Ignoring him, she began to listen to the professor talk.
Peter watched as another suitor was shot down. She walked away from him, going back to reading her book from earlier. Peter jogged out of catch her.
"So you going to the library?" He asked.
"Actually, I have to meet someone." She said, closing her book.
Peter raised a eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yes, he wants to talk to me about the science project." She continued. "And he's one of those rich mutants."
"Gold digger?" He teased.
She glared at him. "I would never sink to that level." She sniffed, distastefully. "I'm just hoping to learn a few things."
They arrived at the door to one of the many libraries in the mansion. In front of the door, there was a guy. He had blonde hair and dark green eyes that stood out agains this porcelain olive skin.
"Oliver." Peter watched a genuine smile that he rarely saw on her face appear.
He glanced back at the blondie and narrowed his eyes. What did he have that made her smile so easily? He thought.
"Y/N." A gentle smile made a way on to his face. "And this is...?" The guys green eyes darted up to meet Peters icy blue-grey eyes.
"This is Peter, a friend." She introduced. "Peter, this is Oliver, the guy I was talking about earlier."
Peter felt a unsettling pain erupt from his chest.
"Aw Y/N, you have friends?" Oliver teased, slinging a arm over her shoulders.
She glared at the blonde. "Shut it, Prep."
"You take that back, Dictionary!" He snapped.
Peter frowned, he never really saw this side of her. It was unnerving to see her act to casual around this guy. He knew her longer, yet she was never fully relaxed. Peter just assumed that it was just her. Apparently not.
"Anyway, Peter." She opened her door to the library. "See you around."
Peter watched the clouds float by from the rooftop. His mind drifted along with them. He felt he wind lick his hair and face. He didn't want to look down, or every come down.
No one was really there that he cared about anymore. He suddenly thought of Y/N.
Lately, his mind had been infested with her. She seemed to come up in every topic that he thought of. Peter didn't want to admit it but he missed her. He missed the Ice Queen and her distant exterior.
But whenever he saw her, he couldn't help but think of Oliver. Fucking Oliver made her comfortable and relaxed while when she was with him, she seemed to be distant.
Every hair in his body stood up straight as he froze.
E/c eyes met his as he focused back go reality. Her hair swayed with the wind as she leaned down towards him.
"What are you doing?" She asked. "It's almost sunrise." She glanced at the sky.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised.
"I wanted to get some fresh air." She put her hands on her hips, stretching. "I was thinking another something."
"What was it?" He asked, getting up.
She didn't say anything for a second. But when she spoke up, she had a soft voice. "I... I didn't know something about someone, and I was surprised when they told me."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.
She stayed silent as if she was debating something. Her eyebrows twisted into a frown. Peter couldn't help but stare. He missed her so much, and now she was here and he couldn't think.
"Not really." She finally said, snapping him back to reality. "I mean... You know what, it would be good to get it off my chest." Y/N sucked in a deep breathe.
When she turned to look at him, he met her gaze.
"You don't have to." He said.
"Oliver told me he liked me." She said, ignoring what he just said. "And I told him I only saw him as a friend. And it got me thinking why I even bothered to befriend him. I guess I was getting too close to you and I wanted another friend as a distraction."
Peter blinked, processing everything she just said. Did she just admit to liking me? He thought.
"And now things are awkward between us and I'm back to having nobody." She sighed.
"You always have me." Peter offered. He tensed up, wondering if it was too forward.
She didn't seem to think so as she smiled at him. It was genuine and sincere. His heart fluttered as he stared at her. It was a different feeling.
But dread crawled back in of his heart as he thought of Oliver and what happened to that friendship.
"Thank you, Peter." She wrapped her arms around him. He felt his face grow red as he hesitated to hug her back.
"W-We have been friends for a long time, and it's fine to be this close." He told her. "It's okay to be close to someone."
She glanced up at him and he swore his heart did a little dance. Her eyes were glassy with tears but she smiled.
He wanted tell her that everything was okay and he will walrus be there for her. Deep down, he knew that she wasn't ready for his confession, he would wait. But being just friends for now felt just fine. Whenever she was ready, he will always be there waits for her.
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