No Need (Tony Stark x Reader)
Y/N sat down on the couch at corner of the apartment Tony brought for her. She hated it. The enormous living room and the huge matching beds.
The only thing she liked was the large windows that touched the ceiling and the floor.
Tony visited her almost everyday.
And everyday she saw Tony's new girlfriends.
Y/N learned by now that he really doesn't change his ways. But she knew no matter how many girlfriends he had, he will always come back to her.
Sometimes she wondered if the countless girls that he's been with, did any of them knew there was another girl.
That she was the other girl.
Y/N wondered if they knew that he would come every night to see her.
It wasn't even for sex. They would talk for hours and her would wrap his arms around her. And when he would leave, he always kissed her on the forehead.
He would always say he would be back. And never once did she doubt him.
There was no label on what they were but she didn't mind the main girls he dated because she would be the only girl that stayed.
There was sometimes that she wished their relationship had a label and a name.
But she knew he wasn't about that life.
It was a endless cycle on repeat. The media would eat up the rumors and Tony's new girlfriend. About a month, and sometimes not even, she would leave.
And he would always some back to her.
She liked it that way. Her name and relationship with Tony in the dark. The main girl he was with was nothing, she felt bad for her sometimes too.
But she couldn't change Tony's ways.
He didn't know why he was wasting his time with all these other girls even though he already knew what girl he wanted.
Y/N would always be there for him. She had everything he ever dreamed of.
His last girlfriend left him and now he was all alone again.
To tell the truth, Tony was scared to ask Y/N to be his main girl because she wasn't really about that life and what they have might disappear. And he could risk that.
What was between him and her was special and there was no way he would change that.
But he didn't want anyone else but her. No other girl mattered to him a much as she did to him (except his mother of course.)
So when he showed up at her door again a month later after his last main girl.
"Who's your new girl now?" She asked, a humorless smile was on her perfect lips.
"There's no new girl." He said, not even bothering to hide that he was smitten and whipped for her.
Her smile disappeared. And that's when he was quiet, waiting for her reaction. Her reaction was everything and was going to dictate where this relationship was going.
"Do... do you want me to be your new girl?" She asked, her voice held no emotion.
"If you want." Tony said.
She didn't answer, her eyes were lowered. "Tony... I don't want to be another one of those girls that are gone after a month—"
"No!" He interrupted. His heart was pounding. That was his worst nightmare. "I didn't mean it like that. We can stay the way we are but I-I... I just wanted you to know that there is no other girl this time and... I'm—I-I'm all yours."
She stared at him.
He felt every fear that can be felt rushing towards him. The air in his lungs was slowly being sucked out.
"Okay..." she said, after a while. When her teasing smile appeared on her face, he knew everything was okay. "But are you sure you're ready for that, Stark? You need a lot of control for that."
"What's that suppose to mean?" He replied, jokingly offended. "I have lots of control."
And that's the relationship right now. No label, still no name and no plans for the future of their relationship.
But he didn't care because he didn't need any of that. No relationship needed any of that.
Sure it's nice sometimes to have a label but tony didn't need any of that.
Kind of a deep message at the end... idk where that came from.
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