New Start (Logan Howlette x Experimented!Reader)
Requested by @gokuthesayian35
Logan stared at the girl that was shivering in her thick f/c jacket and black tights. His mind itched with a thought. Her face seemed too familiar to be coincidence. Her e/c eyes looked dull as she stared into the carpet.
Charles brought her in a hour ago and he was trying to get her to talk. He to,d them that she was a mutant and found her hiding at the mall.
"Can you tell me your name?" Charles asked, gently.
She didn't look up but her hands were clenched. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and her face was in a grim expression.
"Where did you come from?" Charles tried again.
Storm looked at her scar that ran along the girls exposed neck. "What happened to your neck?" She asked.
The girl flinched away, but shook her head furiously. It was the only response and Charles grinned at that.
"Were you attacked?" He asked.
The girl looked up, her eyes were sharp as she stared at Charles. "Yes."
Her voice was quiet and hesitant as she answered Charles question.
"We aren't here to hurt you because you are like us." Charles put two finger to his temple.
The girl didn't seemed fazed. "I heard about you. The great telepath, Charles Xavier." She seemed to recite that. "I'm known as Oblivion."
Logan snapped his fingers. "You were with me when I got, um, my claws."
The girl stared at him, studying his face and making Logan uncomfortable until her eyes sparked with recognition.
"You blew up objects with your mind." Logan remembered. "They had to contain you in a metal studded cell because you were that uncontrollable."
"And you're they guy with the metal skeleton that willingly walked into the place." She wrinkled her nose with disgust.
Logan glared at her. "If you got something to say, say it." He retorted.
She glared at him. "You're a idiot."
Logan was about to jump her if it wasn't Storm and Scott holding him back.
It's been 2 months since Y/N arrived and she's mostly kept to herself. Between her and Logan was tense, it didn't help that Charles paired them up for most classes because he thought Logan would help her.
Y/N slammed her books down as she stood up and scowled at her 'teacher'.
"You know what?" She said, meeting his glare. "Fuck you, fork arms."
He lowered his head to meet her eyes that were burning with hatred towards the male. He admitted that she cleaned up well since the first time he met her, and he was convinced that the scientist did something to make her gave unearthly beauty, but he wasn't about to admit that to her.
"If you're not happy, there's the door." He growled, pointing at the dark wooden door.
"Fine." She sneered.
The flower on a pot nearby exploded as she slammed the door. It's pink petals bursts do and fell on the floor. Logan ran his fingers through his hair was he thought of ways to explain to Charles.
Y/N stoked down the hall, avoid any curious gazes that were turned into fear they might explode. The plants she walked past bursted into a pile of petals and windows cracked.
Her walked swiftly to her safe place, the Greenhouse. Walking in, the sunshine that shine through the windows kissed her son as she smiled. The plants at the entrance didn't explode as she felt right at home.
Logan walked through the school, looking for the mutant he pissed off in the afternoon. Charles was making him find her and apologize.
He checked everywhere, her room, the dining room, the kitchen and all the lounges. The last places wasn't connected to the school, the greenhouse and the shed.
Opening the glass door, he walked in. It was dark and the sun was setting. The orange and pink colors were smeared across the sky, making the greenhouse glow with a warm hue.
There was nothing in the greenhouse as far as he could tell.
If she ran away, consider yourself dead. Charles said in his mind.
Yeah, Yeah. he thought back.
His eyes scanned the large place, his eyes trailed everywhere. Then, looking up, he groaned in frustration. His eyes spotted a figure lying on the roof.
Quietly climbing up, he was sure it was Y/N.
Her hair was sprayed over the glass, her white shirt and blue jeans were pressed against the glass. She seems to be staring at the sky, but she looked like she was lost in her thoughts.
"Hey." He said, propping himself on to the roof.
The plant below his exploded as she sat up, throwing her bracelet which cut him across the cheek as it exploded.
"Fuck!" He cursed as he rubbed his bleeding cheek. It began closing up immediately.
"Jesus, Logan." She said, breathless. "Scare the fuck out of me, will you?"
He didn't reply but touch his cheek again to check if there was any blood.
She inspected him. "What are you doing here?"
"Came to apologize." He said, wiping away some of the blood.
"Charles made you do it?" Her eyes stared holes into his nose. "You missed a spot."
"Yeah." He said, answering the first question. "Where?" He looked at the glass, hoping to see his reflection.
"On your nose." She touched her own nose.
He wiped his nose but nothing came out. She reached out and wiped it swiftly, leaving no room for her to make conversation. Logan stared as she wiped the blood into a strip on her jeans.
"It's going to be hard to get that out." He noted, staring at the stain.
"Cold water." She shrugged.
"Really?" He frowned. "It's always hard to get blood out for me, how do you know that?"
"Girl hack #253." She joked. "Also, periods."
He wrinkled his nose. She saw and laughed.
"It's the beauty of nature." She grinned, elbowing him lightly. "It's not disgusting at all."
They sat in silence after her comment, staring at the dying sun. The clouds cleared as the colors shifted and mixed.
"I read somewhere this poetic saying," she spoke up. "The sun dies everyday just for the moon to live. It's quite tragic and sad, really."
Logan didn't reply but his gaze dropped to the glass they were sitting on.
"Sorry, I was going to fast earlier on the lesson." He grumbled, quietly.
She grinned, mischievously. "What was that?" She asked, innocently.
"I'm not going to repeat it." He snapped.
She stayed smiling, content, as they stared at the sun.
"Apology accepted." She finally said, getting up.
He looked up, surprised. "Where are you going?"
"Back." She suddenly smirked. "What? Afraid of being alone in the dark?"
"No, I'm just afraid of being blamed when you get killed in the night." He quickly said back. He brushed off some nonexistent dust off his pants as he followed her down.
"We're in a mutant school and I'm have superpowers." She pointed out, rolling her eyes. "I think I can handle myself."
"Knowing you, you would explode the whole school, accidentally." He retorted back.
She snorted but didn't reply back.
He watched her as she walked. The air around them was cool but he suddenly felt warm as he realized they were alone in the night, in the dark. He was with a beautiful person that wasn't that bad if you went past the snappy attitude.
"Night, Logan." She said when they arrived back.
"Night." He grunted back.
Who knows, maybe this a new chapter for them.
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