Hallucination (Dick Grayson x Reader)
Requested by @Beatrix1712
Ever since that hypnotist warped his mind, he couldn't stop his delusions and hallucinations.
There was a specific hallucination he kept having. And it was a girl.
She had shining h/c hair and bright e/c eyes that watched him. Her white dress that floated around her hips followed her where ever she went.
Sure she was beautiful, but whenever Dick saw her, he knew that she was too perfect to be real.
Dick did everything to try to get rid of her. He tried running away from her, he even tried to approach her.
But it went until that one night, it was the first time she spoke.
He remembered it distinctly, everything was so vivid. All the details were recorded permanent.
The night was hot so he opened the windows, letting the cool air in. The light white draped rustled and he just woke up from a nightmare.
The cold sweat was beaded on his hairline as he swung her legs over the bed and calmed down his erratic heartbeat.
"Are you alright?" A quiet voice asked.
When his blue eyes shot up, it met the shining observing e/c eyes.
All the hair on his body stood on end when he pressed his bid against the opposite wall. His hand reached for his pocket knife as he threw it across the room.
She simple tilted her head, dodging it.
He was frozen as he stared at her.
"You speak?" He asked, confused and freaked out. Then, sighing, he remembered it was a hallucination. "Okay, now I'm just going crazy."
"Yes, I have a mouth." She rolled her eyes.
His eyes widened by a fraction and grabbed the nearest object, a comb, and chucked it at the girl.
She ducked, the comb's teeth dug itself into the wall.
"Wow, you really need to chill." She mused.
"I'm hallucination." Dick muttered, rubbing his eyes. But when he glanced back up, she was still there with a eye roll and smile on her face.
"I'm not leaving, you know." She said, quietly.
"Who the fuck are you?" He demanded. "Why didn't you speak before?"
She hushed him. "Shut up. You're going to wake up the whole manor, then you'll look even more of a idiot."
Dick froze, she had a point. He couldn't afford to look weak, they were already concerned and he didn't want to worry them.
"I'm Y/N." She smiled, floating down. Her smile was gentle and timeless. Dick stared at her, not believing that she was real. "I was thinking if you're worth speaking to." She said, answering his question from earlier.
Maybe if I just ignore it, Dick thought, it would go away.
"And I'm not leaving." She added.
Dick soon learned that she was, indeed, real. When she blew on the dandelion, the seed floated every where. He even caught one.
But the weirded thing was when she touched him, her touch was surprisingly warm. She couldn't touch anything else though.
She didn't know how she got here, when Dick questioned her. The rest of the people didn't see her, but he did. And she was real. Y/N was his own, personal, ghost.
Dick opened up more to the little ghost. She soon knew him better than himself, reading his emotions and facial expressions like a pro.
It wasn't until she told him that she would be leaving, he knew how attached to her he was.
"Dick, I can feel my presence fading." She quietly said.
When her hand reached out to touch his cheek, it faded through. Fear spiked in his heart as he tried to grab her wrist, but instead, it passed through.
"B-But—" Dick started.
"I love you, Dick." She confessed. "Love might be a too strong of a word..." Y/N mused, "I like you more than a friend should, Dick." She corrected.
Dick felt his jaw drop. Everything was happening too fast, his brain failed to comprehend.
She smiled and jumped out of the window, riding the wind and leaving him lost. Her dress whipped around her legs as she smiled, sadly. Her presence faded into the wind.
That was the worst hallucination he ever had. But it was amazing while it lasted. Y/N stayed for in a total of 5 months.
Dick never really forgot about her though. The experience was too sad to recounter so he buried his thoughts.
But as soon as he ripped the mask off of a really good common thief, it revealed Y/N. All of the experience and thoughts just came to the surface,
"Y/N?" His eyes widened.
"Who the fuck are you?" She scowled.
The irony was it was the same exact words that he spoke 6 months ago.
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