Daydreaming (Clark Kent x Reader) Pt. 2
"She isn't my type I guess." Clark looked away, not meet her eyes.
"What is your type then?" She asked, leaning in.
You, he thought but Clark shrugged, avoiding the subject.
2 years later...
The music was loud for Clark and tried to avoid bodies from crashing into him as he kept his eyes on Y/N who was smiling and guiding him by his hand to the bar.
He usually was at home and watching movies with Y/N but she dragged him out here for him to meet some 'hot girls'.
Clark felt bad for Y/N who went out of her comfort zone to help him find true love, as she calls it.
When she walked out and asked him to zip up the back of her dress, he stopped his shaking hands. She was gorgeous with her hair slightly curled and a f/c dress hugging her body.
"I'll get us a few drinks." He said, nodding towards the bar.
She smiled and nodded, disappearing into the crowd of drunk people.
As soon as he got the drinks, he went out to find her. He finally found her talking to a guy. The guy was smiling at her with his hands wrapped around her waist, a little too low for him. Y/N was frowning at him and pushing him away.
Clenching his fist around the cups, he calmed down and approached them.
Making himself taller, Clark approached with a kind smile. "What's going on?" He asked.
The guy stiffened when he saw Clark while Y/N smiled in relief. "Hey, Clark." She plucked the drink out of his hands.
The guy just nodded, respectively and left them.
She smiled at him in thanks. A couple messily bumped into them, causing her to topple over and on to Clark. Clark wrapped his arms around her waist automatically and another arm on her shoulder. He could feel his heart running in circles at it screamed.
She nodded again, gratefully before whispering in his ear.
"Do you want to get out of here?" She asked.
Clark sighed in relief, nodding.
They left the hot and stuffy club and exited out to the cold terrain. The sky blew air at her, making him inhale her perfume and causing his heart to jump and fangirl.
Her cheeks flushed a bright pink along with the tip of her nose. Clark found that adorable.
"Are you cold?" He asked, glancing at her shivering form.
She just looked up at him and flushed into a darker shade. "I-I didn't think I would n-need my jacket." She said.
Clark took off his dark blue hoodie and slipped on her. She frowned and glanced at his bare biceps.
"Like what you see?" He teased.
"Aren't you cold?" She asked, ignoring his words.
"Alien genes I guess." He shrugged.
"Oh right, I forgot about that." She laughed, softly and touched his arm. "But I feel goosebumps."
Clark shook his head, "I'm not cold." He lied.
She shook her head and then froze, whipping her head around at their surroundings.
"What?" He asked, following her gaze and saw fluffy white snowflakes drifting down, resting in her hair, creating a halo affect.
She was already beautiful, but this intensified her beauty. Looking like a angel, she turned back towards him and smiling.
"Are you cold, now?" She teased.
Clark just stared at her, wrapped around his hoodie and snowflakes resting on her hair with her cheeks and nose tinted in a pink color. And endearing smile made a way on to his face.
"What?" She asked, tilting her head, confused.
"I-I j-just... Y-you look beautiful." He confessed.
"Aw, thanks." She smiled, looking down and catching more snowflakes on her lashes.
His heart yearned to tell her and sweep her in his arms. His brain told him to make a move.
"So... Um that guy at the club, h-he wasn't your boyfriend was he?" Clark fibbed.
She gave him a weird look before laughing out loud. Clark flushed red as she continued laughing. "No, he was just some jerk that was hitting on me. Did you really think if I had a boyfriend I wouldn't tell you?"
"N-no I just..." His voice faltered.
"Besides, I already have my eye on someone." She looked away, her eyes seemed to have far away look in them.
"Who?" He asked, pegging her answers to know who's better than him.
"I-I started liking them a couple months ago." She explained, meeting his eyes. "I was really close to them and I guess I realize that I don't like them with anyone besides me. I'm trying to get over them."
"Why?" He asked, frowning. "Aren't you curious that he, or she I don't judge, will like you back?"
Y/N sighed. "I don't have hope, like you do. I'm pretty sure there are better girls out there for him."
"Who is it?" He asked, again.
Her eyes seemed to glaze over as it watered up and looked at him. "I'm so scared, Clark." His heart was breaking. "W-What if I fuck up? Or they already have their eye on someone else? He told me that he had a type but he didn't explain and what—"
Her rambling made his heart feel crushed and his brain turn fuzzy into sadness. "I pretty sure, it will all work out. You're amazing and he will like you or I'll superman his ass." He joked.
Her bottom lip quivered. "I-I... Um..." Her eyes were glassy as she stared into his eyes. Leaning closer, his gaze flickers to her lips. "I-I was talking about you." She whispered.
Clark straightened his stance as he stared at her with big eyes. "I- Wha— Come again?" He stuttered and was pretty sure he was delusional.
"I like you, Clark. More than a friend." She stated, biting her bottom lip to stop from quivering. "And I hope you can return my—"
She was stopped short with his arms wrapping around her waist and hugging her. Placing her in his huge chest, he grinned like a idiot.
"Oh my— I can't." He wheezed, "I can't believe this is happening."
She looked like she was about to cry with her tears still held back. "W-What?"
"I like you, Y/N." He paused a little before adding, "too."
Tears leaked from her eyes before glaring at the blue-eyed man. Punching his rock-hard bicep, "Why didn't you tell me?!" She almost screamed.
"I like you since we were 7." He grinned, "Fuck, I think I love you."
She blushed another shade of pink. "Slow down, lover boy." She teased, despite blushing. "Let's take this slow."
Planting a kiss on her lips, he pulled her closer. She raked her fingers through his messy black hair before they pulled away, smiling.
"Was that too fast?" He asked, worried. "People don't usually kiss on their first date."
She raised a eyebrow. "First date?"
He shrugged, still beaming, "Sure."
"Well, boyfriend. I guess this is our first date then." She grinned at him before pecking his nose.
"Boyfriend?" He echoed. "I don't recall you asking me out. You know, people usually let the guy ask first." He teased.
She giggled. "We are best friends, fuck the other couples." Then, fist pumping the air. She said, "I'm dating Superman."
He laughed. "And I'm dating my dream girl since I was 7, Y/N L/N."
Sad beginning, happier ending. :)
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