Date? (Alex Summers x Reader)
He glanced across the hall at the h/c colored girl. He was only half paying attention to the conversation that his younger brother was having with the Professor X.
It's been years since he saw her.
Y/N wore a plain white tee and ripped loose jeans. F/c converse was on her feet as she laughed at the students comment. She looked so carefree and refreshing.
"Alex?" Professor X snapped him out of his thoughts.
He snapped his head back to their conversation and found his brother following his gaze and Charles smiling, a little smugly. Scott looked at him, confused on who Y/N was.
"Do you want to go talk to Y/N?" He asked, nodding towards the h/c haired girl.
"Um, yeah—sorry, if you don't mind." He said, a little breathless.
Charles shook, his head and began the conversation again with Scott, explaining the school. Alex turned away and walked towards Y/N.
His palms, felt clammy as his heart raced. His mind struggled to think of what to say. When he tapped on her shoulder, her eyes brightened up and he felt his tongue fall limp.
"Alex!" She said, smiling. "It's been ages since I've seen you."
"Yeah, I've been busy with life." He said, sheepishly.
"I think it was when you left for the war..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes lowered.
Alex felt the throat close up. His brain turned to mush.
"But why are you back?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and frowning.
"My brother... It turns out that he's special too." He chuckled, nervously.
"Cool." She said, nodding.
A silence developed between them. Alex tried not to stare at her as her eyes trailed behind him. Students rushed to class around them.
When he left, he already had a crush on her. Alex thought his crush would be gone but when he saw her again, he felt his heart expand like many times before.
"Listen, I got to go." She said, smiling politely. "I got a class to prepare."
"I'll walk you to it." He quickly said, not want to stop talking to her yet.
When they walked down the empty hallway, he shoved his hands in his pocket as he tried to stop his eyes from adverting to her.
"So what have you been doing?" He asked.
"Teaching.... And stuff." She said.
It was awkward between them. He wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it. It was never like this before, he wondered if he lost his touch.
"We should hang out sometime." He suggested.
"Sure, I know a good milkshake place nearby." She said. "Maybe we can go this weekend or something."
"Sounds good." He smiled. His mind wondered if it was a date.
"They have the best strawberry milkshakes." She smiled. "And fries, I go there a lot with Hank."
"Hank?" He frowned.
"Yeah, glasses nerd?"
"Yeah, I know." He said. "It's just I haven't seen him in a while."
"Well, he hasn't changed." She said. "Unlike someone." Her eyes didn't meet his.
"Are you talking about me?" He said, pointing to himself and raising a eyebrow.
"Yeah, but I like your change." She smiled, reaching up and touching his hair. He felt butterflies erupt in his chest. "And I really like your hair."
"Oh?" He grinned as she ran her fingers through his hair. Goosebumps were raised when she pulled away, leaving the ghost of her touch still on him.
"You should let me braid it sometime." She said, grinning. "I could make little braids."
"Maybe you can do that when we get some milkshake." He suggested.
She smiled and winked. "It's a date." Before he can react, she giggled. "I'm joking, I wouldn't want your girlfriend to get mad."
Alex licked his dry lips. "I don't have a girlfriend." He said. "So I think I'll take the date." There's no going back now.
His heart thudded in his chest as she raised her eyebrows. He desperately wanted that date. Regret slowly filled his mind as she tried to respond.
"O-Oh... Then a date it is then." A grin made a way on her face.
They stopped by a classroom door. When she walked in, and before she shut the door, she pecked his cheek. A blush spread across his face furiously as she closed the door.
He grinned like a fool before snapping out of his daze a couple minutes later and rushing off with a idiotic grin still on his face to find his brother and Professor X.
And when he found them, Charles smiled. That's when Alex knows that Charles had been shipping it the whole time.
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