Awkwardness (Cisco Ramone x Reader)
Requested by @LoveTHiddles
Cisco felt his fingers drum across the cold counter as he watched Y/N from the monitor anxiously. Her body moved gracefully in combat with no rocky or stiff movements.
He was analyzing her movements for ideas for her new suit.
His thoughts wandered about the h/c haired girl as he drummed his fingers to a random beat.
The truth was he had a big crush on her and didn't even know how to form sentences around her. The thought about her being totally free and single didn't help much when all he wants to do is just make her smile and happy.
Cisco didn't know exactly how he fell. All he remembered was he was talking to her all normal and she tucked a small hair behind her ear laughed. All the sudden he froze and just stared at her with his might open.
And from that moment on, he noticed little things about her that was just creepy. Like how she laughed with this cute crinkle on that one place on her face.
His phone snapped him out of his daze when it rang.
Glancing over at it, his face twisted into annoyance until he realized it was Y/N. Then, his face morphed into panic as he looked around him quickly before picking it.
Almost dropping it, he answered it breathlessly. "Hey, Y/N."
"Hey, Cisco." She said. He could just imagine her smile. "I'm done and was wondering if you had any plans today?"
His mind raced with many different responses. "Yeah," he decided to say to try to look cool. "I have things to do today."
"Oh, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out but—"
"Well, I don't have that much to do." He face-palmed himself. "I mean, I don't have any plans if you don't."
His face flushed a red when he heard her laugh. "Okay? What do you want to do?"
Kiss you, his mind immediately thought. "Whatever you want to do, I don't care." He tried to sound nonchalant.
"I'm thinking of going to a party that's at Barry's." She suggested. "Caitlyn is going, you know the one they mentioned."
Cisco deflated a little. He just wanted to be alone with her. And probably fall in love, even if it won't take long.
Cisco glanced at himself for the last time in his car mirror and left to meet Y/N on the sidewalk. She wanted to walk to the party.
"Is this okay?" She asked, gesturing to her white shirt and a black leather jacket.
"You look perf—fine." Cisco reassured.
She smiled. "I heard the party is going to like a movie thing." Cisco didn't know what to do with his hands so he stuffed them in his pocket. "I think we're watching the new Marvel movie."
When they entered the house, Barry welcomed them in and went off to get the buckets of popcorn. Cisco felt self-conscious as he evaluated and compared himself with Barry.
But the though vanished when Y/N grabbed his forearm and causing another flurry of thoughts to his mind as he tried not to blush.
When Barry came out, he wiggled his eyebrows at them while Y/N wasn't looking. Cisco shot him a dirty look while Barry chuckled. Every jealous thought vanished.
Caitlyn came in and joined them on the couch as Barry put up the movie.
Cisco glanced at Y/N and tried not to stare as her eyes widen in wonder while she was zoned in on the fight scenes.
And when she suddenly turned around to reach for the popcorn, he flushed when her gaze met his. Whipping his head back to the screen, he ignored her burning eyes into the side of his face.
When he got up to get more of the drink, Barry and Caitlyn cornered him in the kitchen.
"Make a move." Barry said.
"Are you serious— no!" Cisco said, panicking.
"Yes!" Caitlyn said. "Make a move or you lose her. I heard her talking about some guy she's into."
"W-What?" He stuttered. "What are you talking about?"
"Just make the godamn move." Barry said, pushing him out. "When we get back in there, you better be kissing her."
Cisco was about to object but Y/N glanced at him, curiously. He couldn't go back in without being suspicious.
He sat next to, nervous.
Movie was almost done and he could she was curious and staring at him for answers.
"What were you guys talking about?" She finally asked.
"Just some science stuff." He said.
Hurt flashed across her face for a split second and he felt dread and regret settle in his stomach.
"Oh." She said, her voice dropping.
"I-I didn't mean it like that." He stuttered.
"I'm not dumb, Cisco." Her voice dropped to a angry octave. "Just because I'm not smart like you guys doesn't mean that I won't understand simple things."
"I-we-we weren't talking about science stuff." He tried to save himself. He could just imagine Barry and Caitlyn's disappointed looks behind the wall in the kitchen.
"Then what were you talking about?" She demanded.
"We were talking about you!" He blurted out.
The tension in the room didn't leave though. "What?" Her voice still sounded pissed off.
"I-I—We were t-talking about how I-I should make a move." He stuttered, looking at his hands.
The silence hung in the air like a ornament just wanting to fall out of a branch and shatter across the floor.
"What?" She booked the silence with a confused expression.
"I like you." He confessed. "Like more than a friend, a lover I guess—"
"I get it." She interrupted.
He twiddled his fingered nervously. "So?... Are you going to reject me?"
She frowned, then laughed a little. "Reject you?—no, I'm just surprised... I don't know what to say, I guess I didn't expect that."
"I think my staring would've made it obvious." He pointed out.
"Well, you always stared at people so I didn't find it odd." She said, shrugging.
"Oh... Do I really do that?" He asked.
"Yeah, you do."
Another awkward silence was suspended in the air. Y/N didn't meet his eyes as she darted her eyes across the floor.
"I do like you too, Cisco." She clarified, quickly. "I just—I don't know how to say it."
He beamed. "Then don't say anything, how about a date?"
She nodded, eagerly. "Yes, sure."
Barry and Caitlyn watched, wincing at their awkwardness.
"You guys are so awkward." Barry commented, "and I didn't know it was even more possible to be even more awkward than me."
"Get out." Cisco said, chuckling.
"This is my house!" Barry argued.
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