Accidents (Jason Todd x Reader)
I don't know that much about their personality, so don't expect anything to be accurate.
so comment what their personality is like, Please!
Just think of this as a alternative universe.
Y/N walked into the Wayne Manor, greeting Alfred, then heading up to Tim's room. He said he has been experiencing trouble on his new tech, and would really appreciate it if she came over to look at it.
When Y/N first heard that, she frowned. It wasn't like Tim to be having trouble with his tech.
She knew the Wayne family because she was a close intern to Bruce in Wayne Enterprises. She was student training to help Bruce manage his company.
Being that, she appeared at the Manor a lot, becoming close to Tim and Damien.
Dick was out with his Nightwing stuff, and Jason is just annoying.
Her sneakers touched the red carpet on the stairs as she walked up to the stairs, admiring the interior design. Her knuckled racked the door as she glanced down the seemingly empty hall.
"Hey, babe."
She jumped, swinging a punch as the sound. Her fist touched some soft skin as she heard curses rang out.
The door opened to a very shocked Tim. Then Tim doubled over, laughing.
Jason held his cheek as he pouted at Y/N who looked horrified and amused at the same time.
Keeping in mind that this was all happening at Tim was still laughing his butt off.
"Uh... Sorry?" Y/N sheepishly said.
"You should be." Jason scoffed.
"Who told you to sneak up behind me?" Y/N shot back.
Tim stopped laughing and stifled a chuckled, "How did you not see that coming?" He asked, wiping away a fake tear.
"To my defense, her beauty was stunning." Jason said, glancing at her now frowning face.
"Glad to know I didn't punch out your stupidness," Y/N muttered, before walking into Tim's large bedroom. "Let's go Tim."
Tim chuckled then shooting Jason a apologetic look. Jason shrugged the strutting in like he owned the place with Tim rolling his eyes.
"So," Y/N brought up, "What's up?"
Tim walked over to his desk and grabbed a headset and walke talkie.
Jason frowned, looking into the damaged insides.
"What happened?" He asked.
"These where working just fine earlier, but then it started to fry out." Tim said, handing Y/N the damaged tech. "I thought you would know about this because of you engineering degree."
"Since when?" She asked, grabbing a screwdriver to poke around the burnt wires.
"Jas and I where on a small mission to stop some robbers," Tim started, "when we came back it was fine, but after we ate some lunch, I came back to notice them fried out."
"How long did you leave them?" She asked, pushing past the burnt circuitry.
"About half a hour." Tim said,
"Did anything happen to them on the mission?" Y/N asked, suspiciously.
"Nothing." Tim said.
"A guy took it from me for a couple minutes but I got it back." Jason said, shrugging.
Y/N raised a eyebrow.
Tim's mouth dropped, "A guy took it from you?" He said, a little angry, "And you didn't tell me?"
"It's nothing." Jason shot back.
Y/N frowned and held up a small disk with a bright green question mark, "A guy took it from you."
"Shit." Tim said, jumping up.
"What?" Jason asked, confused, "What's going on?"
"They know where you are." Y/N said, horrified, "You guys better tell, Bruce."
"I'll call Damian." Tim said, shooting up.
As Tim left, Jason was about to leave but Y/N grabbed his bicep.
"Be careful." Y/N warned.
Jason smirked, "Aww, you do care."
Y/N rolled her eyes but peck him on the cheek, then leaving.
Jason felt a large smile break out on his face as he stood there, standing like a idiot.
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