Chapter Two: Start of Revolution
After placing the knife in my leather boot, I pulled up the zipper. Then, I slid my handgun into the holster attached to my belt. I only had six bullets, so I had to be extra careful. Grabbing my leather jacket, I tugged it on. My eyes glanced down to my wristwatch, five minutes till departure.
I spun around, facing the man in front of me. His sea green eyes stared me down.
"You think I'm letting you go alone, Kid?" Eerik asked, chuckling softly to himself. "I ain't going to let ya pull this one off solo, you'll need a helping hand for something this big."
My icy blue eyes stared back at Eerik. Yes, he was a good friend and ally, but I couldn't afford him getting hurt. He never really struck me as much of a fighter, so I assumed he couldn't hold his own too well. I just don't want my only friend getting hurt, he's all I have after I lost my family.
"You're not going," I told him coldly. "You'd only get in the way."
Eerik crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow at me. His usual confident grin flattened, telling me he was dead serious. He opened his mouth, speaking in a soft tone.
"That's funny, Kid, you thought I was asking to go, I was telling you I was going. I know I matter to you, but you matter to me as well. We're all we've got, so we have to look after each other, right?"
My eyes glued to the ground. Now that he mentioned it, I realized it was true; all we had was each other. His wife had fallen under an illness years ago and faded away, taking their unborn son with her. I didn't have my family, he didn't have his, we were all we had.
At my sides, my fist clenched. I couldn't handle the thought of losing him, but he couldn't handle the thought of losing me. My normally strict face softened as a sigh escaped my throat.
"Alright, Eerik," I looked up at my mother's former best friend, at my only friend. "Just be careful." A rare smile came to my lips as I playfully punched his arm. "Also, don't be getting in my way!"
He chuckled, giving my black hair a ruffle. "Don't worry, Kiddo. I got a lot more fight in me than it seems."
Six bullets, that was it, a simple six, no backup ammunition. However I had not two bullets to waste, though I did have one. I had a plan for all of them. First bullet's a warning shot. Second and third bullets are aimed at Zul's two right hand men, Dallas and Edison. Third bullet's to take out the guard that will surely try to stop me. Fourth bullet's aimed at Zul's head. The fifth round allows room for one misfire. Then the sixth bullet is for plan two, which I'd rather not explain at the moment.
Holding the shotgun in my hand, I gazed down the cliffside. I stood perched on the edge. Firing from this high up would be a challenge, however I didn't have much of a choice. My only concern would have to be the wind swerving my bullet, but that can easily be solved by aiming everso slightly in the direction the wind isn't blowing.
I still had a good fifteen minutes before the ceremony even started, which was an extra fifteen minutes to plan. Though my plan seemed impeccable, there had to be something that needed improving. Perhaps my knife was dull? No, that couldn't be it, I sharpened it just before I came. Maybe I miscounted my rounds? No, there were definitely six.
"What'cha thinkin' 'bout now, Kid?" Eerik's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. That's when it hit me. I wasn't worried about the plan failing, I was still worried about Eerik and what may happen to him.
"The outcome of this all," I replied. "I was thinking about the outcome."
It was true, I was very much thinking of the outcome. I was thinking about if we'd live, and that was most certainly part of the outcome. I held my stomach, nervousness flooding my mind. Suddenly, the idea of being a martyr sounded terrifying. What if we did die? Zul would surely find a way to cover up the story. But if only one of us died? If it was I, Eerik would be shattered inside, but I don't believe he'd let me die in vain. Though it has to be appointed that he doesn't have the same reputation I do. However if Eerik wound up dead? I'd be furious, I'd make sure he was avenged. After Zul was dead, I'd make sure he got honored as one of the heroes that died for the cause. But the real question was if either of us could hold onto hope without the other. It was true we relied on each other a little more than we should, however we couldn't help it.
We're all we've got. Eerik's voice echoed in her head. But that wasn't all we had, we had something else.
"Eerik, what about hope?" I blurted out.
"Hm? Yeah, that's a word," Eerik chuckled. "What of it?"
"You said all we had was each other," I continued. "What about hope? We have that too, don't we?"
Eerik shook his head, a sad smile coming to his face. I wanted to slap myself, I made a mistake by asking this man of all people about hope.
"I lost hope a long time ago," He told me. "The only reason I'm here is to keep what I have safe."
His hand reached out and ruffled my hair, and for once, I didn't feel annoyed with him, I felt bad for him. I extended my arms, about to hug him, however, Zul's voice boomed from bellow, catching my attention.
"Hello my good citizens of Gravitation," He began. "It is to my understanding that you have come here today just to see me. I am very honored to be in the presence of such fine individuals."
My eyes darted down as I quickly grabbed the gun from my holster. There he stood, President Zul. Dallas stood to his right, Edison to his left. I licked my left index finger and rose it to the wind to find the breeze was blowing east. I lifted my gun, pointing west of Zul's head. My finger found the trigger, my mind screaming at me to pull it, however, I knew well enough I had to stay calm.
"Hey, Mini Matrix," Eerik chuckled nervously. "Castor and Pollux just showed up."
"No," My eyes narrowed, still on their target. "They'll get in the way... make sure they stay away from here."
"Yes ma'am," he chuckled, giving a two fingered salute. "Whatever you say."
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