Chapter Two: "Only Human"
Sean's eyes widened like a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car. Had he heard him right? Sean tried to find his voice, but his mind was blank. Dark gulped nervously, taking a step back from him. Afraid that Dark was taking his silence wrong, he reached out to take his wrist. Stepping closer, Sean practically yelled over the next song that started up. "Can we go someplace quieter?!" Dark scolded at the band, then nodded as he led him from the foam pit. Coaxing him up the steps, Dark directed him past the neon bar and toward a wall of doors that led into private rooms. The people making out inside jumped, before the young man got up to snap at Sean. "Hey! Get the fuck out! This room is taken!" Sean backed up into Dark, who stepped around him and growled to the man menacingly. "Want to run that by me again, asshole?" Dark's brown eyes flared into solid black before easing back to normal. The man gasped, backing up to snatch his girl before fleeing the room. Dark watched him go, tensed for a fight. After the man was gone, Dark slammed the door shut, muting almost all the noisy from outside. Moving to sit on the booth seat, Sean mumbled out mostly to himself. "You didn't have to do that. Exposing yourself like that..."
Dark leaned back against the padded door, retorting dryly as he crossed his arms. "No one will believe him. And with all the neon... they'll call it a trick of the lights." Giving a little shrug, Dark carelessly added. "And so what if they do? What can a mere mortal do to a being like me?" Sean leaned his arms on the table, rubbing his hands anxiously together as he tried to find a way to explain something to Dark. With a deep exhale, Dark crossed the small room to slide into the seat across from him. Avoiding his eyes, Dark asked in a distant dismal tone. "Should I be concerned why you haven't answered my question yet?" Sean bit his lower lip, realizing now that the colored foam had stained his skin. As he tried to rub it off his hands, he told Dark honestly. "Marriage is... a big step, Damien. Even if you were human, I would hesitate. But with you... there is even more to consider." Dark's eyes drifted to meet his, prompting Sean to add quickly. "I'm sure you've thought this through. But are you really willing to marry a mortal? You'll outlive me. And the world you live in... I know nothing about it. The things I do know about it... scare me." Lowering his eyes to the table, Sean exhaled out as he added. "Marrying me doesn't benefit you. You already have it all and can snap your fingers to get anything else you desire. I'm... I'm only human."
Dark's hand slid across the table to rest on the back of Sean's. Giving it a gently squeeze, Dark leaned in and told him in a deep loving voice. "True. I can get anything I could ever want or desire... except you." Sean blushed, watching Dark's fingers caress his hand. Dark's other hand reached out to cup his cheek, tenderly lifting his face to look at him before adding so beautifully. "I've had it all... but nothing compares to the way you make me feel. I don't have to be... I can be whoever I want with you. You don't know how good that feels after centuries of just being... Dark." Bringing his lips closer to Sean's, he whispered over them breathlessly. "Being with you... sets me free, Sean." Capturing Dark's lips in a light kiss, Sean hummed as his warmth melted him to the core. Shortly after their little kiss, Dark pressed his forehead to his and purred out in a deep playful voice. "Yes. I'll outlive you... here. But if you come to my side... you'll never age again. You could live forever. Just as you are. By my side. You can rule with me." Sean jerked back with surprise as he blurted out. "Rule with you? But that... I don't know the first thing about leading people. Let alone a bunch of demons. How do they even feel about a mortal taking the throne?" Dark's expression suddenly turned neutral and unexpressive. Sean had seen it enough to know what it meant.
Leaning back away from Dark, Sean breathlessly uttered in an undertone. "You haven't told them. Have you? That's why you're acting so weird, isn't it? You know they will hate this..." Dark let his hands drop to the table a bit numbly as he sat back himself and growled out in return. "I really don't fucking care what the Dominion thinks. I'm king. It's my choice." Sean blinked, shrugging out innocently curious. "The Dominion? Who are they?" Dark rolled his eyes, muttering out distastefully. "They are powerful demons that make up my council. Bunch of blowhards. Each rules over one of the nine realms of my 'Otherworld.' Anti and I rule the other two. Although, with Anti on hiatus... I've been ruling both realms on my own. Which has been taxing as of late." Raising an eyebrow, Sean meekly asked. "And they... tell you what exactly?" A smug smirk crossed Dark's lips, before he playfully shot back with darkening eyes. "They give me updates on the destruction or insemination of your kind." Sean's jaw dropped, his voice breaking when he squeaked out. "What?! They are... What?!" Dark chuckled, casually telling him. "Demons aren't impregnating your kind. Relax. It's just the crude way that Verine describes a demon taking over their human vessel. That's all. She's... got a way with words."
Shifting uneasily in his seat, Sean mumbled out. "Ya... she sounds lovely..." Dark snorted, grunting out bitterly. "She is a loathsome and spiteful gutter licking bitch. Whose legs are parted so often that she might as well be a public restroom. So, lovely isn't on the list of what I'd call her..." Sean blinked as he let Dark's words process, before stating suspiciously. "Ok... Wait... Anti is missing?" Dark gave a partial shrug, replying coolly. "He's not missing. Just... avoiding his duties. As usual. He's a free spirit. Comes and he goes. The others believe he's plotting to overthrow me again. I believe he's avoiding me. If he wanted to overthrow me, he'd have made that clear by now." Sean traced the table a little, mumbling out nervously. "He would have come for me, you mean?" Dark nodded subtly, before adding gently. "For the time being, Anti is distracted with other things. Which brings me back to my question..." Sean raised his fragile eyes to meet Dark's. Dark started to move his hand across the table toward his, but stopped himself in order to ask vulnerably. "Marrying you will bind you to me. Body and soul. I will be yours the same way. I know it will be jarring... but... I can't go another century without you. Sean, I... I love you. Please, think about it."
Seeing Dark so vulnerable pulled at Sean's heartstrings. Easing up from the table, he walked around to stand before him. Dark straightened up but didn't move otherwise. Reaching out to slide his knuckles along Dark's jawline, Sean eased over Dark's lap. Bringing his lips to his, he whispered to him genuinely. "Every part of me wants to say no... but I'd be a fool to say it. So... I will marry you, Damien." Dark's hands eased Sean's hips down onto his lap, teasing over his lips. "Every part of you wanted to say no?" Blushing, Sean mumbled out quickly before kissing him. "Well... not EVERY part." Dark's arms hugged him closer on his lap, chuckling into their long passionate kiss. Dark's hands lightly clawed at Sean's back, before tugging up the back of his shirt. His fingers caressing every muscle along his back until Sean was arching his back with tiny moans. Every moan he drew from Sean made Dark tremble with excitement. Breaking the kiss to lightly bite Sean's neck, Dark lifted Sean up to lay him over the table. Sean's hands quickly went to Dark's chest, pushing him away as he panted out. "Don't! The table won't support us both!" Dark laughed, adjusting himself by Sean's legs. Tugging Sean's legs around his hips, he pushed Sean's shirt up his abs and purred over him. "I know. I just need it to hold you." With his muscular abs exposed, Dark playfully nibbled at his flesh until Sean was squealing from how it tickled him.
Sean's fingers dug into Dark's hair, trying to push him off between fits of giggles. His fingers then eased up as Dark's nibbling turned to heated kisses that warmed his vulnerable belly. With every kiss, Dark moved lower down his torso to his belt. Sean's toes curled in his shoes, and he drew in less breath as he felt the belt unbuckle. Tilting his head back, Sean locked his legs against Dark's sides, panting out in a wispy voice. "Damien...? Here?" Dark's warm breath puffed under the elastic of his underwear, causing Sean to see stars, when Dark answered in a purr. "Yes. Right here. Where you agreed to be mine." Sean gasped loudly as he felt Dark's warm lips slid down the shaft of his cock. His hands leaving Dark to grip the edges of the table in a death grip. The second Dark started sucking on him, Sean arched his back with a sharp wail of pleasure. Dark's arms wrapped tightly around his covered thighs, keeping them wide and still. Trembling under Dark, Sean suddenly jerked up onto his elbows with a deep groan that sent cum down Dark's throat. It was only after his body felt spent and exhausted that he realized someone had opened the door. Yelping, Sean yanked his shirt down and started to close his legs.
Dark rose from between Sean's legs, his eyes flaring to a sharp blue and red as he growled out over his shoulder. "Gressil. You better have a damn good reason for being here!" Gressil was an elderly looking woman with stretched leathery grey skin and long white hair that was braided down her shoulders. She wore a ragged dress that had been sewn from pieces of other colored fabrics and colored string. From her bag that hung at her hip, she had what looked like a variety of frightening looking voodoo dolls. Some with one eye. Others impaled with needles. Along her neck hung a spool steel wire with a frightening needle that was stained in fresh blood. From under her tattered brown cloak, four other hands were busy sewing more dolls together and stringing them to a belt along her hips. Tilting her head enough that it revealed snub pale horns in her hair, she wheezed out to Dark with yellow slitted eyes. "Apologies, great one. For I could not wait. An urgent matter demands you. And I was... in the neighborhood." Dark turned, keeping Sean out of her direct view as he growled out angrily. "Well?!" Gressil flashed him her sharp teeth, her hunched demeanor unsettling as she wheezed back in a light hiss. "The Dominion gathers... Anti's realm is under attack... from... an old friend of yours. Seems without Anti... a new challenger rises. As we suspected it would."
Dark cursed under his breath, then told her in a dominating voice that made Sean shiver in fear. "I will deal with him. As I have all the others. Leave." Gressil hissed softly at him, starting to turn, until her eyes fell on Sean. Sean froze in place. She was like something out of a nightmare. Everything about her made his skin crawl and made him want to hide. Her dry grey lips pulled into a sinister grin as she breathed out slowly. "Such a pretty boy. With such pretty blue eyes..." Sean inhaled sharply as he found himself unable to look away from hers. Her eyes rippled like smokey yellow gas and he started to feel strange as she tried to pull something to the surface. The sensation vanished, when Dark struck her across the face hard enough to knock her into the wall. Dark's whole body shimmered with heat and his horns grow out as he snapped out to her angrily. "GET OUT! HE'S MINE!" Gressil fled from his heat, her six spider like arms helping to propel her out faster. Dark stomped after her, the heat of his body causing the walls to peel and the smoke detectors to go off. Gressil screamed unnaturally, scrambling out the door in a blur of spindly limbs. Sean sat on the table, barely feeling the water from the sprinkler spraying over him.
Everything outside the room was frozen in time. With a heavy snort, Dark relaxed and cracked his neck to change his appearance back. Turning to look at him with soft brown eyes, Dark asked him calmly. "Are you alright?" Sean nodded, then squeaked out in a shaken voice. "Who was that?" Dark adjusted his jacket, bitterly uttering aloud. "Gressil of realm one. She's one of the Dominion. Although... you'd know her better as Envy." Easing himself off the table, Sean fixed his pants and asked curiously. "What was she talking about? Is someone going after Anti?" Taking his hand, Dark started to quickly led him out of the club as he informed him. "No. Anti is one of the strongest demons I know. They'd never have the guts. However... Taking over Anti's territory... That's another matter. If he's not there to defend it... they can take over his spot in the Dominion." The second Dark stepped outside; time seemed to move again. The blaring music and fire alarm ringing out into the night. Sean tried not to trip as Dark pulled him quickly to his car, managing to ask as he climbed inside. "And a new demon taking his spot in the Dominion is... bad?" Slipping into the car, Dark revved the engine and answered as he sped out of the parking lot. "Yes. Buckle up."
Sean buckled up as Dark floored the gas pedal. Gripping the sides of the seat, Sean asked with his eyes shut to keep from flinching as Dark whizzed through traffic. "That's bad how?" Dark growled a bit, stating over the rush of wind. "It's a power struggle. Depending on the demon that wins, they could sway the Dominion into their favor. Which could lead to them trying to overthrow me." Sean opened his eyes to look at Dark. He didn't look to worried. He just looked angry. Keeping his eyes on him, he asked gently. "If a new demon does take it over... What happens to Anti?" Dark glanced at him out of the corner of his eye briefly, before answering coolly. "Depends. They'd have to defeat Anti if he ever shows up. If he loses... he could end up a mate, a slave, or killed by this new challenger." Dark drove into a tunnel, pressing a button on the dash as he told him quickly. "Close your eyes, Sean." Sean closed his eyes, but felt Dark cover his eyes as he turned the car into what should have been a wall. Sean could faintly see a bright flash and felt a surge of heat, before it leveled out. When Dark lowered his hand, Sean still kept his eyes closed out of fear of what he'd see. Beside him, Dark chuckled and told him coolly. "You can look now. It's ok."
Hesitantly, Sean risked a peek, only to open hiseyes to gawk. Dark was driving out of atunnel and out across a four lane highway that was suspended over a massivecity belong by a stone bridge. Agorgeous red sunset illuminated the horizon and all alone the road were demonsof different varieties in vehicles or on motorcycles. Leaning on the door, Sean took in this worldthat was so similar to his own and yet vastly different. A sign that past overhead read: 'Welcome to theCity of Discord. Realm Eight." Seanlooked to Dark who smirked and pointed toward a massive castle in the heart ofthe city. The castle towered over thehighway and sparked with electricity that powered the city far below. As Sean leaned forward to look at it throughthe windshield, Dark told him coolly. "Thisis Anti's realm. No human has ever seen this place... until now." Gripping the wheel a bit tighter with bothhands, Dark exhaled out slowly. "Anti'srealm specializes in violence. Stay close to me and don't say anything. It'snot safe for you here... but I had no choice. This matter couldn't wait." Sean gulpedbut nodded. He'd do whatever Dark toldhim to do. To Be Continued...
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