Chapter Three: "New Power"
Sean's heart raced as Dark drove closer to the castle. Tapping his fingers anxiously on the car door, Sean coughed a little and shifted in his seat. He felt a little weird. Dark glanced at him with a worried look, then lifted his hand from the stick shift to touch Sean's cheek with the back of his hand. Leaning into his hand, Sean gave him a light smile that prompted Dark to tell him coolly. "If you start to have trouble breathing, tell me. The electricity in the air can trigger 'thunderstorm asthma." Above them thunder rumbled through the sky and flashes of lightning pulsed within the dark clouds, causing Sean to sick in his seat a bit. Staring up at the sky, Sean squeaked out. "What the fuck is Thunderstorm Asthma?" Dark raised an eyebrow, stating a little shocked. "You've never heard of it? I learned about it in your realm. The quick temperature changes and gusty winds can trigger an attack. It is a rare phenomenon, but it happens. And Anti's realm is known for its electrical storms..." Sean took ahold of Dark's wrist, pulling it down to rest on his shoulder, before chuckling out through a blush. "You learned that in MY realm? How? Even I didn't know that..." Dark cleared his throat, moving his hand to rest it back on the stick shift, when he answered innocently without looking at him. "I... started looking into it when you started dating me."
Biting his lower lip, Sean snorted out shyly. "You were that worried about me?" Without looking at him, Dark huffed out lightly. "That surprises you?" Putting his hand on Dark's thigh, Sean purred to him lovingly. "No. I knew you cared... I just didn't think you'd look into something like that." A small smirk crossed Dark's lips, before he coolly stated aloud. "I had some free time while I was waiting for something. So... I was curious." Sean smiled, then coughed lightly. Dark risked another look at him, then leaned over to pop open the glove compartment. Pointing inside, he told him seriously. "There are a few inhalers in there. Take one. Or two. Just in case." Sean's jaw dropped a bit at the sight of at least ten brand new inhalers that had been stashed there. How long had those been in there? He didn't think that he'd need one, but to ease Dark's state of mind, he took two to slip into his pockets. He didn't know this realm and if Dark was concerned, it had to be bad. Making a tight turn off the main highway, Dark drove onto a smaller road that spiraled out to the lower section of the metal castle. The castle rippled with electricity but Dark drove between the pillars without fear. The underside of the castle was as dark and craggy as a cave.
Slowing down to a stop, a deep voice from within the cave growled out to them. "You are not welcome here!" Tensing, Dark popped open his door, growling out to Sean seriously. "Stay in the car." Sean nodded, unable to see whatever was in here with them. Slamming the car door shut, Dark moved to the front of the car, commanding into the darkness. "You've got one chance to get the fuck out of my way. After that... I'll step through the ashes left of you." Sean gripped his seat, the hair rising on the back of his neck as something snarled. The sound grew in volume as it echoed off the walls and two large orbs of white light illuminated the darkness. As the fear in him grew, Sean quickly leaned over and turned the stick behind the wheel to turn on the high beams of the car. The massive creature in front of them let out a hiss of distress. Cringing from the sudden light of the high beams. The creature looked like a black panther, but its tail was split in two with stingers on the ends. While on its head were tiny horns and its eyes quickly dimmed from the glowing orbs that they had been. Dark glanced back at the car over his shoulder, giving him a little grin. The creature chose then to raise a paw to strike out at Dark with long black claws.
Sean gasped, pointing at the creature. Although, without turning around, Dark snapped his fingers and the creature shrieked as its chest erupted in blue flames. Within seconds the creature was reduced to a pile of cinders that puffed to the ground in a heap. Sean let his hand fall to his lap in shock. With a grin still on his face, Dark chuckled out to him. "Were you worried about me?" Blushing, Sean shrugged out. "Maybe... it sounded... big." A throaty chuckle left Dark as he walked around the car to get back inside. After closing the door, Dark leaned closer to Sean. Taking Sean's chin in his hand, he pulled him into a brief kiss. Sean giggled into it. He could almost feel the amusement in the way Dark kissed him. Prying his lips from his, Dark purred to him in a beautiful deep tone. "The bigger the sound. The less powerful they are. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for. They could be anywhere." Averting his eyes, Sean mumbled out. "I didn't know that... I thought..." Dark's soft laugh made him blush a deep red. Sitting up, Dark parked his car and told him warmly. "I'm glad you were worried about me, but anything strong enough to take me on, would dust you in seconds." Shifting in his seat to face him, Sean found himself sincerely telling Dark. "I believe that. Although, I can't imagine anyone stronger than you. After everything I've seen you do... but I would hope to buy you a few seconds to get away."
Dark hesitated to get out of the car. Slowly turning to face him, Dark told him in a loving tone that made Sean swoon a little. "As strong as I am... I can be overwhelmed. And if you did such a thing... I wouldn't run. Your death would devastate me... I'd destroy realms in my grief. For I wouldn't just lose you... I'd lose Anti with you." Sean perked up, asking a little shaken. "What do you mean by that? So, if Anti dies..." Dark waved a hand to stop him, before correcting. "No. You can lose Anti. But if you die, Anti dies with you. You are his vessel. He is a piece of your soul. A piece you can live without... but you are the piece that he can't live without." Narrowing his eyebrows, Sean whispered back. "But he came before me. How is my life tied to his life?" Dark inhaled slowly, then told him carefully. "I don't fully understand it myself. All I can tell you is that when the vessels were created it... happened. It's why we seek them out. Why I had to merge with Mark. With me, he can't be harmed easily. Without me... I'm vulnerable to my enemies." Nodding, Sean whispered to him. "I understand. It's why you sought me out. To use me against Anti." Dark lowered his eyes, reluctantly admitting. "Yes. But... I enjoy your company more."
Rolling his eyes, Sean snickered out. "Because I'm not competition." A tiny smirk made Dark's lip twitch. Reaching out, Dark ruffled Sean's hair and retorted lightly through a chuckle. "You challenge me in other ways, Darling. Now stay close. No eye contact with anyone." Taking a deep shaky breath, Sean slipped out from the car. It was so dark that Sean didn't dare to take a step away, until Dark wrapped a hand around his arm and led him away. As they walked, Sean cringed at every flash of lightning that illuminated the entire floor as sparks rippled down the metal pillars holding up the ceiling. Entering a hallway, Sean squinted as bright lights assaulted his eyes. The interior looked like an abandoned asylum than a castle. The hallway was lined in eerie green stained-glass windows. The grey cement walls were chipped and, in some places, burned. The doors they came upon where grey metal with narrow shutters to peer inside or slip food in. A few doors were hanging off hinges. While others were open to reveal padded cells or offices. Dark eased Sean behind himself, his body tensing up as he told him cautiously. "Anti's guards should be here... His prisoners..." Gripping Dark's arm, Sean whispered uneasily. "What do we do?" Dark cracked his neck, his voice darkening when he answered. "I'll kill the fucker responsible. Take my territory back... and you will watch and NOT engage them. Not a word. They can't know what you are."
Sean squeezed Dark's arm as his only response. Cautiously walking down the hall, Dark kept himself alert. Eventually, they came upon bodies of dead demons scattered among the upper floors. The ones that didn't kneel to this new powerful demon. Those that had been loyal to Anti and Dark. As they rounded the last of the spiral steps to the open throne room, a casual voice stated aloud to someone. "You think he will reward you for your loyalty? You are dispensable to him. Join me. Or die." Peeking out from around Dark, Sean took in the scene before him. The open hall was lined in demons covered in fresh blood. Two of them were holding the arms of what appeared to be a young boy with a long lion tail and ears in a mess of short blonde hair. Standing in front of a throne that looked mad scientists' version of an electric chair, a slender demon with large raven wings and long pointed ears adorned in small black horns paced the platform. His bright silver eyes narrowed on the kid and his exposed muscular chest flexed with every hostile movement. The shiny chains wrapped around his arms and leather pant legs jingling quietly as he suddenly yelled out to the kid impatiently. "Answer me!" The kid let out a snort, answering in a voice far deeper and older than he looked. "You are a fool, Nicon. Anti will return and he will flay you alive. If Dark doesn't incinerate your feathery ass first!"
Nicon's feathery hand with talon nails snatched the kid's throat in his grip, squeezing as he sneered out through his teeth. "If they do. I'll kill them. It's time for a new realm order." The kid hissed at Nicon and in response, Nicon snapped his neck with one hand. Glancing to the others holding the body, Nicon stated gruffly. "Toss him out the window. Then bring in Natemare. Maybe he's ready to talk now." The guards nodded, dragging the kid away. Leaving Nicon to observe the room and jump when he saw Dark watching him. Nicon's wings shot up the tips shimmering like they were as sharp as metal, when he snapped out aggressively. "Your highness. So glad you could join us. Why are you lurking amid the shadows? Like a coward!" Shaking his head, Dark eased to stand out in the open with Sean behind him as he retorted icily in return. "Nicon... Up to your old tricks, I see. What do you think this show of power is going to get you?" Nicon lifted his chin proudly, answering curtly. "It was enough to drag you out of hiding." Crossing his arms over his chest, Dark huffed out. "Who's hiding? There are better ways to get my attention. This is but a... minor frustration." Nicon curled his wings back but kept them raised to appear menacing as he said in a voice like a cooing bird. "Really, Darkiplier. We've played this game before. You know you can't hold this territory and your own. The time has come for a new demon to take Anti's place in the Dominion."
Dark glared at Nicon, watching his every move as he told him seriously. "Anti has always been apart of the Dominion. There has only been one other before him... and he killed him to take his place. All others had died trying to take it from him." Nicon chuckled, pointing a taloned finger at Dark as he teased back. "Then why are YOU here, Darkiplier? If Anti is so strong... why is he not here to stop me?" Dark's grey knuckles turned white as he dug his fingers into the sleeves of his jacket. Nicon grinned, adding smugly. "You know what I think? I think Anti is weak... He went searching for his vessel... and hasn't found it. And YOU have always had a soft spot for him. So you are stretching yourself thin in the hopes of winning him back." Dark shifted on his feet, exhaling out dryly. "Anti is strong enough without his vessel. Besides... I'm not protecting his realm to win him. I'm protecting his realm to keep order. New blood is not needed in the Dominion." Nicon clicked his tongue in irritation, then informed Dark sternly. "New blood is needed. I've heard the rumors, Darkiplier. Your prolonged visits to the sun realm. Your... fascination with mortals. One specific mortal... Your subjects are starting to talk. Voice concerns even..."
Staring Nicon down, Dark growled out. "Sounds like I have a few tongues to remove." Nicon's silver eyes glinted as he tilted his head and cooed out smugly. "Really? Do they lie, Dark? Because my keen eyes don't. Your shadow looks... fleshy." Dark unfolded his arms, his fingers curling back to feel Sean behind him. Sean tensed, huddling so close to Dark's back that he was surprised Nicon had seen him. Dark uttered a low growl, prompting Nicon to chuckle and sniff the air with deep intakes. Cocking his head after, Nicon flashed Dark a wicked grin when he cooed out. "Human. What flavor is he? Italian? Swedish? I hunger for something Swiss made." Dark tensed for a fight, sneering back. "Make a move and I'll reduce you to cinders!" Nicon licked his lips with a black tongue, before telling Dark excitedly. "Good thing a black phoenix like myself is immune to your flames!" Nicon's large wings shot out as he let out an ear piercing shriek. The guards in the room scattered away as Nicon launched off the floor and shot straight for Dark. Dark stepped back, shoving Sean to the ground before rushing up to engage Nicon. As Nicon swooped in fearlessly with taloned fingers at the ready, Dark ducked his talons but shot his hand up to snatch Nicon's throat.
Gripping tight, Dark yanked Nicon back and slammed him down into the cement floor. Nicon's startled shriek gave Sean goosebumps and he watched Nicon's body smash a hole into the thick cement floor. Pinning him to the floor by his throat, Dark snarled out as he squeezed the air from him. "You misheard me. I didn't say I'd burn you to cinders. I meant that I'd beat your ass into a fine pile of cinders!" Nicon slashed his talons at Dark's chest, tearing four lines across his clothes. Dark didn't flinch from it. Instead, Dark kept Nicon pinned by his throat and stomped onto one of Nicon's wings. The snap of bone and Nicon's scream causing Sean to jump and scoot backward. Blinded by rage and pain, Nicon's other wing shot up and punched Dark off his feet. Staggering away from Nicon, Dark let his heated bull horns shimmer into view as he turned and awaited to impale Nicon. Only Nicon had lost interest in Dark after he'd sat up. His silver eyes were now locked on Sean. Slowly easing up onto his feet, Nicon breathlessly uttered out in disbelief under his breath. "I don't believe it... Anti's vessel..." Sean scooted back until his back hit the wall, averting his eyes from Nicon's incase he had the ability to make him do something.
Nicon started to climb up to his feet, butstopped when a blade lightly tapped his throat. Dark rushed to stand between Sean and Nicon. His temper flaring as he told the bruised andbattered demon holding the knife to Nicon's throat defensively. "I didn't need your help, Natemare! I had himuntil you got in the way!" Pressing theknife against Nicon's throat until it bled a little, Natemare snarled outangrily. "I didn't ask if you neededhelp. No one puts their hands on me and lives. Least of all, some gutlessfeather fuck!" Nicon's eyes slowlylooked at Natemare, asking suspiciously. "Did you know that his mortal is Anti's vessel?" Sean risked a peek at Natemare, noticing howhe didn't seem to care or react to the statement. Did he know him? Did Dark tell him about him? Nicon huffed softly, his eyes turning toglare at Dark as he uttered out wickedly. "Now I get it. Does the Dominion know about this? How you're holdingAnti hostage?" Dark's eyes flared abright red and blue when he ordered Natemare sinisterly. "Kill him, Natemare!" Natemare slashed the knife across Nicon'sthroat, but Nicon laughed it off and in a puff of feathers he was gone. Natemare lowered his knife, the bladedripping blood onto the floor. WhileDarkiplier uttered out in distress and frustration. "Fuck. He's gotten a new power..." Natemare's purple eyes turned to lock eyeswith Sean, before answering Dark coolly. "The Dominion is in the war room. You're going to have to explain HIM tothem." To Be Continued...
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