Chapter Thirty-Four: Thinking of you
Banging his fists on the door, Sean yelled for him to let him out, but Marvin was gone. No one was outside his door that he could hear. Dropping his bag of clothes to the floor, he pressed his back to the door and slid down to the floor next to it. All he could think about was Dark and how afraid he must be. Losing him the first time had been tough on him... but this. This had to make him feel worse. Looking about his room, he tried to think of a way to contact him. He had to have something. Blinking, he glanced down at his wrist for his bracelet, but it was gone. Pulling the bag into his lap, he checked for it. Nothing. All his bracelets and even his phone was gone. Cursing, he pushed the bag away and bitterly snapped aloud. "Motherfuckers! What do I have to do to get kicked out of here?!" The thought made him snort to himself. Anti wanted in and he wanted out. He hated to admit it, but the room was nice. It was decorated almost like his room back in his old house. On the dresser was a tv with consoles and a DVD player. He had a small shelf of movies. He had a desk with a computer. A nice big bed. Everything was in bright warm clothes that made the room feel... cozy. He was admiring the clock and lamp on the side table, when he jerked his head back to the computer.
Launching to his feet, he rushed over to turn it on. Shoving the chair away and typing on the keys quickly. He'd try to send a message to Dark through email. Did Dark ever check his email anymore? If not, he was sure a minion of his would be monitoring it. He'd give it his best shot. Bringing up the email, he began to type quickly that he was safe and with the SepticEye family. Hitting Send, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, until the email indicated that it failed to send. He tried again with the same result, before an email from Marvin popped into his inbox. Reluctantly clicking on it, he read to himself. 'Nice try. Did you think I didn't account for this? Play your games, Sean. That's all I'm allowing you to do. To be nice. Piss me off and I'll revoke this privilege too.' Frustrated, Sean typed back his reply in bold print. 'FUCK YOU!' Then he punched the back of the chair so hard it fell over. Pressing his back to the wall, he took deep breaths and tried to think. Maybe he could try a game chat room? He wasn't a fan of that, but if he could somehow get Dark to find him there. Moving to the computer, he brought up his steam and tried to search for one, but when he tried to download it, a box appeared on the screen that read. 'You're starting to piss me off, Sean. I'm shutting off your internet access. Don't make me monitor you 24/7. Cause I will. And it will be unpleasant for you. I promise you.'
Banging a hand on the desk, Sean bitterly snapped out. "I'm so scared, twinkle-toes!" Shutting off the computer, Sean resorted to pacing the room. The bars were set too close to smash the glass and get free. The ceiling, floor, and walls were solid cement. Prying a nail or two from the dresser, Sean tried to pick the lock of the door, until the nails flew out of his hand, over his shoulder, and impaled the side table. Smacking the door, he yelled out loud. "If you don't let me out of here, Marvin! I'm going to make it my personal mission to annoy the shit out of you! Magic or not, twinkle-toes! I'll be the biggest thorn up your ass from dawn to dusk! You hear me, fucker?!" From the other side of the door, he heard Henrik chuckle out. "Twinkle-toes? That just put an image in my head that I didn't ask for... Are you hungry?" Sean backed up, his voice filling with excitement as he belted out. "Yes! Bring it in!" He planned to rush the door, but Henrik opened a narrow slot in the door and passed the tray through to him. Grumbling curses, he took the tray and tossed it on the bed grimly. Kneeling to look in the slot, Henrik chuckled out. "I did try to warn you. Marvin is... overly protective." Dropping to sit on the floor beside the bed, Sean admitted in a saddened voice. "I'd hate to see what he does to those that are unwelcome here. I... I feel more like a prisoner here than I ever felt at Dark's castle. Even when he confined me to his room. It felt... different."
Henrik nodded, telling him nicely. "I can imagine. After all... That demon likes you." Sean prickled, icily correcting. "His name is Darkiplier. He's a king. HE LOVES ME. He's marrying me." Henrik gave him a doubtful shrug and closed the slot without another word. For a time, there was silence. Then a sickly-sweet feminine voice purred out to him. "Poor little, Sean. Trapped like a bird in a cage by his own family." Slowly rising to his feet, he growled out. "Where are you?" A soft tapping came from the long mirror on his closet door. Facing it, he scowled. Khaos was seated in an iron throne chair with her long exposed grey legs crossed. Her vampiric fangs were showing as her red eyes gleamed brightly. She wore a black silk dress that was more like a long loincloth than a skirt. The bodice was more like a fancy corset that barely covered her nipples but made her chest look huge. Around her neck was a glittering necklace of gold that in the dim light looked more like a tattoo that spanned her collarbone. Her hands were in see through black gloves and her frightening long heeled leather boots went up past her knees. Behind her, her large black wings were spread high making her look sinister. Her long violet hair had been pulled up and braided beautifully to complete her sharp feminine features.
It bothered him that despite liking men, she pulled the desire out of him. She was inhumanely gorgeous and as a powerful succubus... He knew resisting her was nearly impossible. Avoiding her eyes, he sneered out. "What do you want?" She tapped her fingers on her throne arms, cooing out to him. "You didn't think I had given up, did you? If you won't play by MY rules. Then... I had to make a few calls. Marvin was reluctant... but he sure does LOVE his family. Well... almost all." Sean moved closer to the mirror, bitterly snapping out. "This is low, even for you! How do you think this is going to stop me?!" Khaos looked over her long nails, answering smugly. "No one can hurt you like family. They don't approve of him. They'll keep you from him for me. They'll make you see the truth. Dark never loved you." Shaking his head, Sean huffed out defiantly. "You don't know him as well as you think. He LOVES me. These people won't keep me from him." Khaos chuckled, looking at him now as she told him giddily. "Oh, Sean... Fight all you want. I will have Dark to myself in the end. And you... will be a squashed bug under the point of my heel." Shaking his head, Sean bitterly told her. "I'd tell you to go to hell, but Dark doesn't want you there."
A tiny huff left her as she casually rose from her seat. Sean couldn't help backing up away from the mirror, feeling suddenly uneasy. Removing a small box from her between her breasts, she purred out close to the mirror. "Dark should have taught you better manners. You don't talk to ME, the QUEEN OF HELL, that way. Not without consequences." Sean locked his jaw, staring at the red box in her hand. Grinning, she moved the box closer to the mirror and told him excitedly. "Watching you parade around with Dark through the realms... It made me realize that I've been going about this the wrong way. So... I'm gonna try this again. And this time... Thanatos will not be saving your ass, and I'll have you and Anti on a fucking leash. To use... and YOUR QUEEN, desires." Sean gulped, backing up more as her hands slipped through the mirror and she opened the red box. Sean jumped back as she flicked the thing in the box to the floor and straightened back up outside the mirror again. Flashing him her sharp fangs, she held up her hand to show him a familiar ring as she said coolly. "Consider it a replacement for the one you destroyed. With an upgrade or two. I'll be in touch, blood-bag." The mirror shimmered back to normal, and Sean let out a scream. The silver thing she'd flicked from the box was moving across the carpet now like a tiny silver snake. It hissed with tiny fangs and headed straight for him!
Jumping up onto the bed, he watched it curl up the bedpost faster than he'd seen any snake move. It slipped under the covers and Sean jumped off the bed, screaming for help. He tried to find anything to fight it or capture it, but it was on his heels within seconds! Running around the bed, he saw it dart under the bed a second too late. Catching him before he cleared the end of the bed. It spiraled up his ankle and up under his pant leg. He dropped to his knees, trying to grab it, but it was moving too fast. Fearing that it was going to try going inside him or attacking his dick, he shoved his hands into his pants and covered his groin and ass. The snake hissed and he prayed desperately for the strength to keep it away and out of him. That's when he felt the sharp pain and yanked his hand out of his pants. The little silver snake curled around his finger and let out a final hiss before turning into a solid tight ring with bright red eyes and little fangs at the ready to pierce the skin of his ring finger. Grabbing the ring, Sean cursed and tried to pull it off, causing the ring to tighten until he cried out in pain. Letting go of it, it loosened only enough to stop the pain and he muttered out. "Not this shite again. That bitch."
It upset him that not only did Khoas have a way to find him here past Marvin's 'defensives', but that none of them had heard him screaming. This day was just getting worse. After eating his sandwich and drinking the kids juice box, he pried open the slot and chucked the tray out with a loud clatter. Deciding he had no choice but to go to bed, he laid down and let the tv play whatever was randomly on. He needed background noise. Anything but the silence. Snuggling himself up, he closed his eyes and tried not to cry. He was overwhelmed and felt so alone here. Even when he drifted off to sleep. His dream was more of a nightmare. Trapped in the room with no where to go and no one that seemed to care. Then the room darkened and changed to resemble Dark's bedroom, and he perked upright in bed. His heart hoping to see Dark. Instead, he saw Natemare leaning against the bedframe. His smile was brilliant when he warmly told him. "There you are. I've been waiting for hours. You know how boring-" Sean cut him off by leaping across the bed to hug him. Natemare stiffened, his hands avoiding him like he was a plague.
Hugging him tightly, he almost cried against his shoulder as he said. "Natemare, I'm so happy to see you!" Natemare's hands nervously patted his back, before asking him. "Everything ok?" Sniffling, Sean shook his head, telling him. "I'm just... Nevermind. Is Dark ok?" Natemare chuckled, stating dryly. "Define, 'ok?' Cause... He's been moody... without you around to calm him down. Hence, why I've been here in the void for... hours." Cupping Natemare's face, Sean pleaded desperately. "Can you get him? Can I see him?" Natemare tapped his chin, calmly telling him. "Relax. I'll get him. Just give me a minute." Natemare faded from the dream and the firelight dimmed in the room to almost darkness without him. Sitting on the bed, Sean hugged himself. Was he dreaming this? Had Natemare really been here or not? It was so hard to tell. Then at the sound of his voice, Sean shivered, and goosebumps rippled down his arms. Turning to the man who called his name, he grinned so excitedly that his cheeks hurt. Rushing over to the bed, Dark wrapped his arms around him and demanded in a protective quivering voice. "Sean, are you ok? Where are you?!" Holding him so tightly that he could smell his musk and nothing else, he mumbled out. "I don't know. Marvin has some kind of magic on the place... I'm ok, the Septiceyes haven't done anything to me. I just... I was so worried about you."
Dark chuckled against his shoulder, before saying a bit surprised. "Me? Why worry about me? I'm fine. I... Sean, I'm so sorry. I told you to stay close and then I go and..." Sean shushed him, pulling him onto the bed as he whispered to him. "Don't do that. Just hold me now. I need you close. I need your warmth." Dark hummed against his neck, his hands sliding down his sides, before asking curiously. "What the fuck are you wearing?" Blushing, Sean mumbled out. "Hospital scrubs. Apparently, what I was wearing was too... revealing." Sean gasped as Dark's large hands slid under the grey shirt. His fingers and palms caressing up his stomach to his ribs as he growled over his lips like a territorial predator. "Take it off." Sean blinked, then pulled his shirt free. Dark purred, pushing him back across the bed to lay over him. A light chuckle left Sean, before he asked curiously. "Now? Dark...?" Dark brought his lips to Sean's ear, whispering to him. "In your dream. You miss me. You want me. Someone is trying to read your mind. If I stop them... they'll know I'm here. So just..." Understanding what he was doing, Sean finished for him in a desire filled voice. "I want you too." Dark grinned against his throat, growling out playfully. "Take off your pants. I won't tell Verine..." Sean blushed, giggling out. "You better not. He'll be pissed... but... since we're... 'alone'... How about we have a little fun?"
Dark's growl vibrated to Sean's core. Lifting him up off the bed, Dark whispered over his lips. "You devil. You want me to scare him out, don't you?" Giving him a quick lusty kiss, Sean wickedly shot back with a teasing nature. "He's pissed me off all day. Make him pay, baby." Dark's grin was so thrilling that it made Sean hard just seeing the devil come out of him. Pulling him off the bed, Dark wrapped his arms around him as the scene around them changed rapidly. Standing naked with his back to Dark's chest, Sean blushed. Dark had changed the dream to something more... hellish. They were standing at the top of a flat Aztec pyramid. The sky was rumbling with thunder as grey clouds blocked out the sky. For miles all around the base of the pyramid, there were cultists in robes. All were chanting and watching them with hopeful eyes beneath their hoods. Biting his lip, Sean covered his groin and mumbled over his shoulder. "You might be over doing this." Against his ear, Dark shushed him before turning him forcefully around to face him. Sean got the hit. Marvin was watching now. The sight of Dark though made him forget all about that. Dark looked like an old demonic god. He wore a dark red loincloth that trailed down to his ankles and nothing else. His biceps were cuffed with golden bands. Around his neck was a solid gold broad-collar necklace encrusted in blood red rubies. His dark eyes were shadowed to look even darker.
Gulping, he looked over Dark's every exposed muscle. While Dark whispered to him in a deep playful voice. "This appeal to you?" Putting a finger under his chin, Dark tilted his head back to purr over his lips. "I see why they chose you. If you put me in this." Sean blushed a deeper red, his hands cupping his crotch harder to hide how Dark was affecting him. Giving him a slow and painfully teasing kiss, Dark added deep and devilish. "You'll do nicely." Sean inhaled sharply as Dark's hands grabbed his ass hard to pull him closer. Hefting him up slowly enough, that Sean felt how hard Dark was. Laying him back across a cold wide altar, Dark grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from hiding his groin. Pinning them down over his head. A whimper left Sean, and he raised his knees shyly. Slipping his legs between Sean's, Dark kept him from closing his legs as he purred over his parted lips hungrily. "Too late to be shy now. Your body is mine to play with." Sean forced himself to swallow as his cock hardened. Dark was too good at roleplaying like this. Keeping his hands pinned, Dark lowered his head to greedily suck on his nipples, causing gasps and shuddering cries of pleasure to tear from his throat. Sean tried to thrust his hips up against Dark's, but Dark's simply adjusted his hands. Keeping one hand holding down his wrists, Dark's other went to the trail of pubic hair beneath his belly button. His palm caressing the soft skin there before pushing his hips down to the stone.
A frustrated groan left Sean as Dark continued to tease his sensitive nipples. He couldn't recall them being so sensitive before but at the moment, they were. So much so that Sean swore under his breath as a means to fight back the urge to cum right then. After sucking particularly greedily on one nipple, Dark whispered over the perked-up tip devilishly. "This is really doing it for you, huh? I don't think I'll be able to get inside you before you go off, baby." Biting his lip hard, Sean whined out. "Dark, don't you dare stop there. Just... leave my nipples alone... for now." Dark raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. Instead, his hand moved down over Sean's cock in blatant passing, causing a sharp moan to squeal from Sean. His cock was so hard that Dark had almost set him off right there! Pulling the loincloth aside to reveal he had nothing underneath, Dark brought his lips to Sean's and whispered over them teasingly. "You should know... Marvin stopped watching before I even got you on the alter." Sean was going to call him an asshole, but Dark chose that moment to push into him. Just as Dark predicted, the second he was completely in... Sean arched his back and shot his load up Dark's abs. He couldn't stop himself. It was strange how... real Dark felt. He loved it. Coming down from his high, Sean mumbled out weakly. "I'm sorry... I tried not too..."
Giving him a long passionate kiss, Dark told him in a beautiful voice. "I wanted you to do that. Makes me feel good to see you lose control for me." Sean covered his blushed face for a bit, then squealed as Dark pleaded so innocently. "Can I finish? I don't wanna pull out. I want you so badly..." Lowering his hand from his face, Sean wrapped his arms around Dark's neck and told him playfully. "Go ahead. I wanna see you lose control for me." With no need to rush, Dark took his time. Thrusting into him slow and deep. Their chests pressed together as they rocked over the altar for what felt like hours. Then Sean felt it in Dark's muscles. He slowed to almost a stop. His muscles tensing tight, before one last deep thrust sent him over with a deep growl against his throat. Sean's eyes rolled back as he felt the hot shots of his sperm fill him. Once. Twice. Three times. It made his legs weak just thinking about how spent Dark must be now. He'd orgasmed hard before, but this... Dark had been really pent up. He kind of blamed himself for teasing him on the bus and leaving him blue-balled. With a sudden curse, Dark rushed out to him. "I love you! See you tomorrow!" Then without warning he faded away and Sean reluctantly woke up.
For a moment he thought it had all just been a very nice dream... until he looked down at himself. The covers were off the bed, and he was naked and covered in sweat. His clothes tossed aside where he had tossed them in his dream. Sitting up, he felt something wet and shifted his weight on the mattress. To his under shock, Dark's fresh loads were leaking out of him. Placing an arm over his aching nipples, he panted out a bit nervously. "What the fuck?" To Be Continued...
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