Chapter Four: "Defying It All"
Sean tensed up against the dark cement wall. Dark looked him over briefly for injury, then told Natemare firmly. "I don't have to explain shit to them. Why are they even here?" Natemare flicked the blood off his blade, openly telling Dark in a serious tone. "Nicon. He took over the castle and summoned the Dominion... or... most of them." Shaking his head, Dark grumbled under his breath. "I knew he was a ruthless bastard but surely, he didn't think this stunt would win him any favors. After all, he can't claim this throne without killing Anti. They wouldn't-" Dark stopped talking as a soft clicking drew his attention toward the throne. Without thinking, Sean scrambled away from the wall to stand up behind Dark, a rush of comfort filling him when Dark's hand drifted back to grab the belt of his jeans. A frighteningly skinny figure in a billowing tattered grey cloak stopped beside the electric chair looking throne. It's cloaked head raising to reveal a golden skeleton body with bright rubies for eyes. The skeleton crossed his arms over his shrouded ribcage and distortedly sneered out coolly. "Damien. Prince of Pride. Come. I think it's about time we... talked." Dark exhaled slowly, then turned his head to whisper to Natemare. "Mare, take Sean to my house. Tell-" Yet again, Dark was cut off by the skeleton stating just loud enough to drown out Dark. "No, Damien. Bring the mortal. This concerns HIM too."
Dark turned his head to glare at the skeleton, heatedly retorting. "You dare give me orders, Mammon? Have you forgotten that I rule over the third realm? I AM-!" Sean winced as a booming voice thundered through the dark hall. The voice so powerful that it made goosebumps rise on Sean's arms as the deep female voice interjected. "Lesser than I." Both Damien and Natemare jerked a step back, bowing their heads in a strange reluctant submission. Even Mammon turned to bow as the darkness in the room was drawn into a single feminine form made entirely of darkness with soft starry white eyes. The room looked brighter now that the darkness had been taken to form the woman. The woman strolled closer to Damien without a sound. Although, the closer she got, the more Sean shook with fear to his core. He couldn't control it. Something about her scared him on a primal level. She turned to look at him since he was the only one in the room not bowing. Her features unreadable since no other features framed her face. Even though she didn't appear to have a mouth, her deep voice boomed softly now as she said. "So, this is the mortal that vexes you." Damien rose from his bow, trying to block Sean from her line of sight.
She reached out with a shadowy hand, her fingers pushing Damien's face out of the way. It shocked Sean that she manhandled Dark, and he allowed it. Was this the overwhelming power that Dark had spoken of before? Her hand wisped off Dark and reached out to Sean's cheek. Before she even touched him, he got a violent shiver and broke away from Dark to avoid what her touch would do to him. Lowering her hand, she cooed out in a motherly tone. "I can feel him through you. Curious. He's touched you... but has not merged with you." Her eyes darted to Dark, when she asked bluntly. "Why?" Dark swallowed but said nothing. Inching closer to Dark, she breathlessly told him. "Bring him. That's an order." She turned and started to float away. Allowing Sean his moment to point after her and ask nervously. "Who is she?" Dark rolled his eyes, while Natemare chuckled out. "She is Khaos. She invented darkness and created all demons in it. She rarely attends meetings with the Dominion. Her son is Thanatos. You'd know him as the Reap- Ow! Dark!" Sean smirked as Dark straightened up from elbowing Natemare in the ribs. Draping an arm around Sean's waist, Dark pulled him close and told Natemare under his breath. "Not now. Let's just figure out why she is here."
Sean's heart skipped, feeling Dark's strong hand slide over his hip and trail just under his shirt to warm the soft skin just above his jeans. The gesture was less sexual and more protective. He wanted him close. Leaning against Dark's side, he let him guide him into the war room. The war room was creepy. The walls were painted in dark green with a large stone fireplace that rippled with a roaring bright green fire. The large circular table was made from what looked like a massive black tree that was dripping fresh blood instead of sap. Around the table were beings that made Sean's skin crawl. A demon closet to them dropped his heavy unbuckled leather boots from the table, easing up from the chair with a grin that made Sean blush. The muscular feminine faced demon let his large leather wings fluster behind him, his long devil tail swaying coyly behind him as he purred out with interest. "Well, Well. Now it's my kind of party." Dark let out a deep growl, his body tensing. Although, the demon ignored him. Sean swallowed as he looked the demon over. This demon rivaled Dark in appearance. He was six foot and sexy. His was wearing ripped black jean shorts and nothing else. The open zipper revealing a light trail of black curly hair. The demon's pointed ears were pierced in a line along the tops and his eyes were a stunning gold. Sean found himself raising a hand to shake his, until Dark snatched his wrist to pull it away.
Inching into the demon's line of sight, Dark growled out angrily to the demon. "Verine... You stay the fuck away from him. I'm warning you." Verine licked his lips sensually with a long grey tongue, tilting his head to look over Dark's shoulder to meet Sean's eyes before chuckling out. "Not a problem... but no mortal can resist me. And if he wants to ride... I will gladly breed him. Anytime. Anywhere. Any way..." Dark shoved Verine back into the chair, causing it to almost flip over. Shifting to keep the chair from falling back, Verine's wings shot out and he left out a purr so loud that it made Sean whimper. He hadn't expected the purr to be so... sexual in nature. Dark braced himself to fight, until Khaos calmly commanded. "That is quite enough, boys. Verine. Keep your passion in what's left of your pants." Verine curled his wings back, while another demon at the table heartily laughed out. "I don't think the king of lust knows how. We should all just be grateful that he even owns pants." A few other demons chuckled, drawing Verine's attention to them as he coolly stated aloud. "You're just jealous because there are orgies in my realm and fat fuck banquets in yours. Invite me over sometime and I'll show you how eating ass can slim you down." The overweight demon smiled to reveal rows of sharp teeth as he replied sweetly. "I eat pretty boys like you all the time. I love how they squeal and squirm going down."
Verine raised a middle finger and then sucked on it, before humming out. "Sounds like the perfect place to lay my eggs. They'll need lots of fat when they hatch." Khaos whistled so softly that it sounded more like a gentle wind through trees. They all fell into silence and Dark pulled Sean to an empty chair. Taking a seat, Dark gestured Sean to sit on his lap. The idea of sitting on Dark's lap in front of powerful demons was humiliating... up until he noticed the creepy woman who had informed Dark of this mess. Two of her hands were busy making another voodoo doll, while a third snaked out toward his thigh like she wanted to stoke it. Spurring him to practically jump onto Dark's lap. Pulling his legs over his, Dark wrapped his arms protectively around Sean's slender frame to hold him in a snug grip. As the golden skeleton sat down, he uttered out dryly. "This is the twelfth time this week. This realm is in disorder. If any more die, this place will be less a kingdom and more of a battle ground. It has to stop." A humanoid snake let his tongue flip out, before hissing out to Dark. "Not that I really care about your realms... but where is Anti? This is HIS realm. HIS problem." Mammon huffed, gesturing to Dark as he cut in accusingly. "Isn't it obvious? Dark clearly has Anti's vessel! Don't deny it. What did YOU do to him?!"
Dark shifted a little, snapping out. "I have done nothing to him!" The overweight demon scoffed, adding in. "Don't sugar coat it, Damien! We all know you two have a history. You two have been fighting each other since the beginning of creation. And it's a fight that I'm damn sick of hearing about." Verine chuckled, propping his boots back up on the table and he shrugged out. "A tale of Pride and the Wrathful. How romantic. It's why I fuck them and leave them. Relationships are such a bore... Especially when they get messy." Gressil brushed her hair back, setting her doll down and stabbing it in the heart with a pin, while she intervened. "You're all missing the point. Anti went looking for his vessel. Dark found it first. Here he sits with him. It's a power move. Dark wants more than his share." Straightening up, Dark bellowed over their grumbling. "Maybe at first, but not now! I'm merely protecting his realm until Anti comes back." Mammon pointed a golden skeletal finger at Dark that was adorned in gleaming rings, retorting icily. "Gressil is right. It's a greedy power move! You two have always thought about yourselves. Now here you are... cuddling his vessel! You two start fucking again, and your realms unite! Where does that leave US?!"
Khaos finally took a seat and softly added. "They have a point, Damien. Anti is ruthless. Combined with your pride... it is a potent mix of power." The snake demon lazily propped his head up with his hand, uttering out with a shrug. "Nicon won't stop until he gets the throne. I vote we just give it to him." Sean jerked as Dark yelled out too close to his ear. "NO! You give Nicon the throne and he'll become a part of the Dominion! He's a lowly pissant that doesn't deserve the honor of licking my shoes!" Verine huffed, blurting out. "You just don't like him because he's been trying to fuck Anti for the last four centuries. Say what you want about him. He's persistent. Right, Obe?" The overweight demon nodded, then leaned on the table a bit to bluntly tell Dark. "And... he told us all about you and your... human meat sack there. Been avoiding your own realm for a little taste of human cream?" Verine shared a laugh with Obe, then interjected teasingly. "How about you lay him on the table and let me have a taste? I promise I'll only put one or two eggs in him." Verine flicked out his tongue, the meat of it bulging and stretching until the end opened to let a glowing yellow egg slide out. A shiver ran up Sean's back and he clung to Dark's neck a little more desperately than he intended.
Setting the slimy egg down on the table, Verine mumbled out to himself. "Damn it. Just the smell of him is driving me crazy. Can we wrap this up soon. I'm getting hard just thinking about the three tied up guys I have impregnated at home. They should be primed and ready for another breeding in a few hours." Obe raised an eyebrow at Verine, asking off subject. "Are these the same two from last week? How many times have you bred them?" Verine flashed him a grin, purring out. "A lot. The babies hatching makes them horny as they ease out their ass. When they are empty, I fill them back up." Obe leaned back with a look of curiosity, then snatched the egg off the table and ate it when Verine looked away. The small crunch of bone, drawing Verine's attention back. Smacking Obe, Verine was about to say something when, Gressil brought everyone back by saying. "The point is! Nicon told us how close you are to... him. So, to prevent Anti from-" Dark suddenly got up, hefting Sean up in his arms. Carefully setting Sean to sit on the table in front of him, Dark rested his hands on Sean's thighs and told the others firmly. "Anti won't be taking his vessel. Anti's reign is his own. Sean and I are the ones in love."
All their jaws dropped and with Obe it was quite literal. Obe's massive jaw hit the table like a lead weight, causing Sean to jump closer to Dark's chest. Khaos leaned back in her chair, gripping the arms as she asked gently. "You... and a mortal?" Mammon rose from his chair, belting out angrily. "NO! That's disgusting! We torture mortals here. WE PUNISH them! We don't fuck them!" Mammon winced, adding with less gusto. "Unless your Verine... but anyone that fucks him knows it is not pleasant after. He's disgusting." Verine rolled his eyes, blurting out defensively. "Speak for yourself! I'll have you know that screams of pleasure fill my realm! You're just upset that being boiled alive in gold for your greed has left you... a sexless man?" Obe laughed, until Mammon glazed at him, but snickered out to Verine. "He is rather barren, isn't he?" The two burst into laughter, until Mammon punched Obe out of his seat. Obe bared his teeth in return, then stood up on stubby legs to remove his tight and slightly bloody tank top. The sight causing Sean to gasp in horror. Obe's torso was covered in mouths of sharp teeth. Each opening slimy mouths that snapped hungrily and gushed mouthfuls of saliva. Khaos whistled, calming them both before telling them seriously. "A mortal and demon can't be together... You will outlive him. He will not be able to handle you or the things you do."
Staring only at Khaos, Dark straightened up and told her boldly. "I'm marrying him. I already have Anti's blessing. In fact... Anti told me that Natemare should rule in his place until he returns." Natemare looked like a deer in headlights as all eyes took him in as he stood in the shadows of the room. Mammon banged a fist on the table, snapping out. "LIAR! He said no such thing! He wouldn't put his realm in the care of that... that..." Verine winked at Natemare, purring out. "He's cute. I believe it. Anti did always like him some Asian flesh." Mammon groaned, sneering down the table. "Verine! Don't encourage this! Damien is trying to put one of his own friends on the throne! Don't you see that?" Verine ran a hand through his straight silky black hair, purring deeply as he looked Natemare over. "Oh, I see it. And daddy likes." Natemare's eyes tinted a sharp purple when he warned him. "You'll have to buy me dinner if those eyes keep undressing me." Verine's tail wagged excitedly, teasing out. "Anytime. Anyplace. As long as you are dessert." Mammon groaned louder, looking to the others as he asked hopefully. "Obe? Gressil? Salazar?" Obe sighed, uttering out grimly. "Natemare is Anti's friend too. It... makes sense."
Gressil huffed, looking to Khaos as she said. "I leave my judgement to Khaos. In my opinion both Damien and Anti have grounds to be replaced." Salazar turned his serpent eyes lazily from Natemare to Mammon, then answered carelessly. "I really don't care as long as I can stop being called to this shit... I had a big lunch. I'm tired. Can we just settle this already?" Mammon turned to look at Khaos, his last hope. Khaos sat emotionless in her chair for a bit, then stated aloud. "Anti isn't here to make his desire known. So, we do this the old-fashioned way. Nicon and Natemare will fight for the throne if they desire it. The winner runs the realm. And let that be an end to it." Salazar grinned, banging his hands on the table happily as he got up to leave. Only for Khaos to add sternly. "On the matter of Damien... I forbid your marriage to this mortal. You will leave him here. With me. Where I will reunite him with Anti." Mammon and Gressil looked the most displeased by this, prompting her to add. "I will not have you all fighting over the vessel to control Anti." Sean placed his hands on Dark's hips, asking in such a tiny voice that he wasn't sure Dark heard him. "Dark...? What does this mean...?"
Pulling Sean off the table, Dark told Khaos sternly. "You want him? You'll have to kill me. If you insist on merging him with Anti. Fine. Bring Anti here and we'll settle it. Otherwise, he's safer with me." Sean watched the other demons at the table turn to look over Dark with predatory eyes. Khaos blinked, her voice unwavering as she warned. "It is not HIS safety that concerns me, Damien. It is yours. Demons don't love. It makes you weak. And mortals like him are fickle and fragile. My sister made them as a temptation to destroy my creations... Has merging with your vessel made you soft?" Darkiplier lifted his chin, then hefted Sean up into his arms before growling out. "No. I'm leaving." Sean buried his head against Dark's neck, when Khaos told them from across the room. "Until this matter is resolved Damien, I will not allow your mortal to leave this realm. If he does... I'll send my son Thanatos after him to reap his soul. Then you can marry his lifeless corpse." Sean felt suddenly icy cold. She had said that so calmly and so confidently that it shook him to the core. Dark stopped at the door, glancing over his shoulder to say just as casually. "Very well. I'll take him to my realm. And I'll marry him there." Khaos lifted her chin, asking curiously. "You would defy me?" Dark smirked, telling her stoically. "For him. I will." To Be Continued...
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