Chapter Forty-Six: Imps
When the imp finished his speaking in some ancient language, the generals in the room cheered and praised Darkiplier. Dark stepped forward, raising his hand and igniting flames from his fingers, causing the generals to roar with fierce cheers. When he lowered his hand, Dark untied the ribbon, whispering to him a bit rushed. "Stay close to me and don't look at them." Sean nodded, stepping against Dark's side as he draped a protective arm across his shoulders. Snorting, Dark told the generals excitedly. "Shall we eat? I'm starved?!" The generals got up and cleaned themselves up. Dark led him down from the throne, heading for the door, when a general reached out to smack his bare ass with a laugh. Sean jerked his head to glare at the demon, but Dark's hand rose to cover his eyes before he saw who did it. Keeping his hand firmly over his eyes, Dark led him out, sharing hearty laughs with the generals as they smacked Sean's ass and wished Dark luck with impregnating him. It made him uncomfortable that Dark didn't incinerate them for touching him, but he tried to brush it off. It had to be some demon thing that Dark was trying to spare him the horrors of knowing its reasoning.
Once they passed the doors, Dark's hand dropped to his oversensitive and reddened ass cheek to rub it possessively. Meeting Dark's eyes, he couldn't help asking softly. "You're gonna let them get away with that?" Dark's bright smile made him blush, before he whispered to him. "Just this once... because they are my generals and... I'd been warned by the imps that they had planned to do it as a jest at me. I've turned down so many bedwarmers over the years... they think you must be something... special in bed." Sean blushed a deeper red, mumbling out shyly. "You knew? And you still let them?" Pulling Sean closer, Dark whispered into his ear. "I must let my generals have their fun every now and again. They didn't hurt you and it wasn't about you. It was meant to get my attention. Which it did." Hefting him up, Sean squealed as Dark draped him over his shoulder. Swatting his ass harder than the generals had, Dark shared another hearty laugh with his generals before leading them outside to the prepared banquet tables in the garden. While carrying him, Dark kept his hand positioned over his ass in a way that hid his balls from the millions of common demons and filming imps. It was a little overwhelming to see them all.
He scanned the tables and found Verine and Natemare having fun with a few generals. However, Verine's boys weren't here, and neither was Anti that he could tell. To his shock, he did see the other living members of the Dominion. Including Thanatos. Who looked much calmer and friendly since they weren't in his realm screwing things up. Heading over to the head table, Dark adjusted Sean off his shoulder and took a seat. Then pulled Sean onto his lap with a deep purr. He was so tired that he laid back against Dark, asking him sleepily. "Are we almost done...?" Kissing his cheek, Dark told him and pulled a glazed and roasted body of meat closer to himself. "Won't be much longer now. I just want to make a showing of being here for the lesser demons." Sean nodded, nuzzling the nap of Dark's neck. He could identify what the roasted animal was that Dark was eating but it smelled good. When Dark tore a piece off to eat it, Sean reached out to take it from his fingers before he ate it. Dark easily let him take it, warning him softly. "Careful... It's got some kick." Taking a nibble of the reddened meat, Sean shivered. The meat tasted like beef... with a powerful kick of spicy heat.
Taking another piece, Dark ate it, while telling him with a smile. "Like it? All the animals raised here have a natural heat to their meat. Can be too much for a lot of vessels." Finishing off the meat, Sean huffed out. "It's not too bad. Just surprised me. Kinda reminds me of a flame grill." Leaning in Dark kissed him, his hand dropping to Sean's thigh to squeeze it before clawing at his ass playfully. No one was really paying attention to them now, since everyone was obsessed with the food. Yet, Sean still blushed and tried to hide his face away from them. For a time, they sat and ate in peace, listening and watching the demons get loud and playful. Sean listened to their conversations and on occasion asked Dark what certain ancient words meant. All while thoroughly enjoying the way Dark rubbed his feet. It was such a little thing, but he really liked that Dark's way of avoiding boredom was to rub his feet. It wasn't until an imp approached that Dark tensed up. Giving a quick bow, the imp nervously asked Dark. "You're majesty... I beg your pardon... but the hour grows late. Shall we escort his majesty's highness to his room? In his condition... he should rest." Dark smirked to himself, glancing to Sean as he whispered. "They're concerned about you. What did you do to make them dote on you so much?"
Blushing, Sean shrugged, answering honestly. "I don't know. I just... I'm nice to them." Chuckling to himself, Dark sweetly asked him. "Do you want to go to bed?" Yawning, Sean shook his head, but his eyes were closing as he rested against Dark's side. He was in the perfect position to snuggle and sleep, right here. Especially with Dark rubbing his feet and sliding his fingers between his toes. It was almost therapeutic. He didn't want to move and have it stop. Kissing his forehead, Dark told the imp seriously. "I'll take him up myself." Rising from the table, the generals quickly stopped all their fun to rise too. Bowing their heads respectfully until Dark left the room. Allowing them to sit back down and continue their conversations. Sean waved to his friends, before mumbling against Dark's chest. "I can stay up longer. I'm just... comfy." Snorting, Dark told him warmly. "I know you can. But the imps are right. You should rest now that you've eaten and... had an eventful evening." Rolling his eyes, he shot back. "So, being pregnant means I can't stay up late now?" Dark stopped in the hallway, his finger going to Sean's chest to brush a bead of blood away from his leaking nipple. Licking it off his finger, Dark finally answered. "I didn't say that. I just... want you to be careful. You're still human. Rest is important. You want the baby to get tired trying to watch over you all day? He needs to rest too."
Sean hummed with doubt but opened the door to their bedroom. Leaning against the doorway, Dark purred to him lovingly. "Besides... I like being... alone with you." Sean slowed to a stop, glancing over his shoulder with a bashful grin. It was nice to drop the fake show and just... be himself again. Just before he could say anything though, four imps dashed into the room around Dark's legs. Their wings fluttered wildly as they announced to Dark respectfully. "Excuse us! We'll help him! No worries, your grace!" Sean yelped and jumped back as they surrounded him and began to quickly undress him. Dark straightened up with clear concern but watched as they folding and put his wedding gear away and fetched him a night shirt. Helping him to slip in on, while others washed the make-up off his face. One even brushed his hair! Coaxing him over to the bed, they pulled the covers back for him and shooed him in so that they could tuck him in. Once he was set up, the imps asked him almost in unison. "Would you like some warm milk? Fresh midnight cookie? Snacks?" Losing his patience, Dark moved to the bed, shooing them away as he grunted out. "Alright. Enough. Away with ya." The imps let out startled yips before rushing to the door as Dark moved closer to them.
At the door though, their beads eyes peered back in to see if Sean would answer. His giggling made Dark follow his eyes to the door, where he straightened up and was about to yell... until Sean told them nicely. "That would be grand, guys. Thank you." With excited squeals, the imps shut the door, and he heard one call back. "Be back in a flash, Highness! Hurry! Hurry!" Shaking his head, Dark crossed his arms and told him casually. "You shouldn't encourage them. Or they'll never leave you alone." Chuckling to himself, Sean shrugged out. "I can't help it. They are nice and they work so hard." Leaning his shoulder against the bed post, Dark's tail swayed behind him when he dryly replied. "You're spoiling them." Snuggling down in the bed, Sean teased out. "Afraid they won't take orders from you soon?" Walking over, Dark rested his hands on either side of him, bringing his lips to his when he said. "You can have your army of imps if you so desire. That's not what concerns me." Brushing his lips to Dark's, he asked a bit lustfully. "What concerns you, my king?" Dark let out a deep purr, upon telling him. "If you let them undress you and feed you... What is there for me to do?"
Cupping his face, Sean breathlessly whispered over his lips. "You wanna tear my night shirt off and feed me cookies?" Dark blushed, averting his eyes when he said guiltily. "Maybe. Once in a while. It won't be special if you let them to do it..." Kissing Dark, Sean lightly giggled to him. "Is the king of pride jealous over a few imps? Dark... don't be. Get in this bed... and snuggle with me. Warm me up. I love you." Swinging his leg over him, Dark braced over him on all fours to kiss him more passionately. The kiss made Sean giggle and feel warm and fuzzy all over. Reaching up, he stroked Dark's bare chest, asking between kisses. "Did you tell them I was pregnant?" Letting out a reluctant growl, he admitted flatly. "Yes. It slipped out when I was talking to Verine. One imp told another and within seconds they all knew. But they won't tell anyone outside this house." Biting his lower lip, Sean whispered to him. "Do you think they are obsessed with my health right now because... they are excited to have... someone else to clean up and look after?" Lifting his head more, Dark blurted out a little shocked. "I... I didn't think about that... maybe?" Pulling him down into another kiss, Sean smiled to himself.
He could just imagine that the imps were excited to see a baby demon running around. Something to help around the house with. Dark placed his hand to Sean's stomach, asking him softly. "How is he? Is he hungry for....?" Sean processed his condition for a moment, then told him honestly. "No. The... The baby is fine. Full and content. " Smiling, Dark started to lay down over him, when the door burst open, causing Dark to jump in surprise. Pushing a cart in that smelled of freshly baked cookies, one of the imps informed him. "We weren't sure what you were in the mood for. So, we made a little of everything! We warmed up your glass of milk and brought napkins. We even brought you a heating pad and a body pillow for extra comfort! Would you like us to bring in a tv to watch a movie?" Dropping on the bed beside him, Dark lightly growled out. "See... They are trying to replace me." Patting Darkiplier's exposed thigh, Sean chuckled out to the imps. "That's ok, guys. I think I'll just snack a bit and go to sleep. Thank you." The imps fluttered to the door, telling him a bit creepily as they left. "You need anything. Just call. We'll wait." Sean waited until the door closed before telling Dark. "At least they are watching over me, right?"
Dark snorted, but his lips spread into a smile. Sliding from the bed, Sean collected a plate of cookies and brought them back to the bed. While he ate the gooey cookies, Dark carefully tore open his night shirt and began suckling on his nipples. Whining between bits of cookie, he eventually asked him. "What are you doing? Aren't you... spent?" Dark flicked his tongue over a nipple, then told him with a teasing smile. "I am... but your leaking... and I can't resist. I'm... jealous." Sean rolled his eyes, mumbling out to him. "So... what do we do now that we are... together?" Kissing his chest, Dark answered casually. "I'm thinking... You move in here. We sell your apartment... you... give birth here. Then... we'll go talk to your mother. About us." Finishing his first cookie, he softly asked him. "You want me to move in with you? Here?" Nodding, Dark sweetly told him. "Ya. There are plenty of rooms. You can pick one and set up your gaming room. When the baby comes... I don't want to miss it. And traveling up there can be... Can be a problem. If you're here... I know the imps will take care of you. I'll be here.... It just feels... natural. Sitting up, Sean nervously told him. "Packing all that stuff in my condition is..." Sitting up beside him, Dark quickly cut in. "Say the word and I'll send the imps to do it. They can have your stuff brought here and set up without worrying about that."
Shifting a bit, Sean tried to think it over. He couldn't see any real downsides to moving in with him. He wouldn't have to worry about fans at his door and only his mother and siblings lived up there. Most of his friends had left him high and dry after Mark's falling out of youtube. Shifting to look at him, Sean excitedly told him. "Ya. Ok. Let's do it. I'll move in." Grinning brightly, Dark called out. "Ya here that?! Go get his stuff!" Sean raised an eyebrow and for a brief moment there was silence. Then the hallway burst into cheers before thunder seemed to run through the hallway. Chuckling, Dark told him sweetly. "That will keep them busy for a while. What would you like to do now?" Laying back, Sean nibbled on the cookie as he asked a little embarrassed. "Can you rub my feet until I fall asleep?" Kissing his neck, Dark told him wholeheartedly. "Sure." To Be Continued...
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