Chapter Forty-Seven: Stage Two
Sean didn't know when he fell asleep. One minute, he was watching Dark rub his feet into a blissful release of tension and listening to him hum in that deep tone of his. The next minute... he was jerking upright in bed and trying not to throw up on himself. Easing Dark's arm off his waist, he slipped from the bed and rushed off toward the bathroom. Barely making it inside, he bent over the sink and hurled. The dark red blood staining the basin. Shaking a little, Sean turned on the water and exhaled slowly. There was a lot of blood, but he was sure that it wasn't his own. When the bathroom door creaked open, Sean looked up in the mirror, expecting to see Dark but instead found an imp staring back at him. Its big eyes filled with worry when it asked him softly. "Highness? Are you alright? Can I do anything for you?" Swallowing the taste of heavy copper in his mouth, he asked a bit groggily. "Can you... Can you get Verine on the phone? I... I wanna ask him something." Nodding the imp fled, leaving the bathroom door open. Putting a hand to his forehead, he closed his eyes with a soft whine. His hand felt like ice and it felt good against his burning forehead. Inching carefully over to the tub, Sean staggered to his knees.
Placing his head to the cold stone tub, Sean closed his eyes. He was feeling dizzy and wanted to sleep but was afraid too. Moments passed before the imp returned with a phone. Holding it out to him, Sean accepted it and stated wearily into the receiver. "Verine? Tell me... is it normal to throw up blood? Or should I be nervous?" On the other end, Verine replied coolly. "How much blood are we talking about? A little is normal. About a shot glass or so. Anything more..." Without waiting, Sean chimed in dryly. "It's more. A lot more... Verine... I'm dizzy and I feel... weird." Verine's voice turned serious when he asked suddenly. "Weird in what way? What have you eaten?" Easing himself into the tub to lay down, Sean shivered violently but answered as he curled himself up. "Just cookies... a little milk." Sean barely heard Verine now as he belted out into the phone. "Milk? What kind of milk? Sean? You still with me?" Sean hummed distantly, and hiccupped as he continued to shiver. From somewhere nearby an Imp said something, but Sean was drifting mentally between sleep and awake. Catching only Verine answering loudly. "You don't give regular cow milk to pregnant vessels! You've made him sick! Sean?! Sean?! Where is Dark?!"
Distantly, Sean answered. "Sleeping..." Without another word, Sean dropped the phone with a loud clatter into the tub. He was shaking too badly to keep his grip on it and was too tired to hunt for it. He'd never felt so weak and so very cold. He felt like he was laying out in the artic snow... yet his head was burning up. Leaning over the edge of the tub, the imp snatched up the phone and asked in a panic. "What do I do?! What do I do?!" Sean never heard the reply. He merely heard the flutter of wings as the imp fled from the room. Coughing up more blood, Sean groaned and tried to lay as still as possible. He couldn't calculate the passing of time, but suddenly Dark was there. Leaning over the tub and touching his forehead. His very touch was heaven. Soft and warmer than hellfire. His burning head was little more than a head cold to his warmth. Distantly he heard Verine say over the phone. "He must be in stage two. Dark, you've got to keep him warm. If he gets too cold he could miscarriage." Sean whined in pain as Dark curled his arms around him and tried to lift him up. It was almost unbearable to move even an inch. Yet, once Dark lifted him into his arms, he felt... better. Snuggling against him as close as possible to take in his warmth and powerful embrace.
Fluttering nearby, Verine's voice stated over the phone speaker. "Why did you let him drink milk? Even hell cow milk isn't good for him right now!" Dark started to ask something, but Sean passed out in his arms. The next time that he woke up, he was laying against Dark's side. His head resting on his shoulder and his leg draped over his waist. His feet braced against him where they were warmed by him. Dark's hand was absently running through his hair, while his other was holding up a book that he was reading in the dim candlelight at the bedside table. Peering up at him, he asked sleepily. "What happened? Was I... dreaming?" Smirking, Dark whispered to him calmly. "Just now or in the bathroom?" Blushing, Sean hid his face against his side. It made him smile to hear Dark chuckle, before putting his book down to answer sweetly. "You just need to rest. The cow milk didn't sit well with either of you. Your body was struggling with the substance, but Verine looked you over. You'll be fine with some rest. You and the baby just need to sleep off the last of the effects." Blinking slowly, Sean tried to focus on all that he said. When a flock of imps rushed in.
Two imps slipped covered pans filled with hot coals under the blanket near the footboard. Allowing the heat to warm the blankets they were under. While other imps dabbed a warm wet cloth over his face before quickly departing. Dark looked annoyed by their presence but told him softly. "The imps feel terrible. They plan to make it up to you. I told them to stay away, and they started crying until I let them help care for you. I wanted to incinerate them... but... I know how fond of them you are." Smiling warmly, Sean thanked him, then said lovingly. "I'm sorry that I made you worry about me." Stroking his hair again, Dark went back to reading as he told him just as lovingly back. "Don't be. You'd do the same for me. Just relax. I'll take care of you." Closing his eyes again, he snuggled closer into his warm body and asked distantly. "What are you reading?" Kissing his temple, Dark whispered to him playfully. "How to raise a hellion. I'm learning how to babyproof the place and how to keep it from setting things on fire. The author is pretty funny. I'm enjoying it." Chuckling to himself, he drifted off to the image of Dark babyproofing his horns.
When he woke up again, he felt much better. The imps brought him blood to sip on and brought him a tablet to watch his shows on. He enjoyed them thoroughly while Dark continued to read beside him. Then after a bit, he got up the courage to ask him. "Dark? Do you have a name in mind...? Maybe... names that you like more than others?" Grinning, Dark turned his book to show him the chapter title as he replied. "The book said you'd ask me that eventually." Swatting Dark's shoulder, he blushed but waited. Lowering his book, Dark shrugged out honestly. "I've always liked Dimitri. It's a strong name. Full of rich history. Although... Mark was more partial to Timothy. It's a nice name but too soft for a demon child. He'd get teased a lot." Sean's heart swelled. He really liked that Dark was listening to him and had clearly given this some thought on his own. Grinning a little, he asked him only a little teasingly. "What about... Mark?" Dark narrowed his eyes on him, cautiously retorting back with a light air to his voice. "Wouldn't that be confusing? Besides... I'm not sure that name... carries much weight. As my son... I think a strong name of power will help him grow into a strong demon." Rolling his eyes, he asked simply. "What about as a middle name? He'll be part human... don't you think he should have a... link to your human side?"
Dark shrugged but mumbled out. "I guess that would be alright... If it is what you want." Sean nodded, then coolly laid on his side to add simply. "Any girl names you like?" Dark huffed, looking over his book when he retorted bluntly. "Haven't given it much thought. You're having a boy." Nodding, Sean told him gently. "Yes... but I'm curious. If we had a girl... later on. What would you call her?" Dark snorted to himself, asking in response. "You already thinking about having another kid after this one? Shouldn't you get through the first one?" Blushing, Sean nudged him, until Dark chuckled out. "Alright. Let me think..." Closing his book and setting it aside, Dark stated off softly. "Mackenzie. It means born of fire. I like that one." Smiling, Sean uttered to himself. "That is pretty. I like Samantha myself." Turning onto his own side, Dark smiled beautifully as he whispered aloud. "It may take me a few trys but I'll try to make you a little girl. But you should know... little demon girls are... troublemakers. They tend to get away with murder." Stroking a finger down Dark's nose, Sean purred to him. "Only if you let her." Dark rolled his eyes in response but smiled brightly.
Laying closer to his side, Sean mumbled out to him. "I wanna get two rooms ready by our room. You know... in preparation. It would... give me something to think about." Propping his head up, Dark purred out amused. "As you wish. Shall I... get started? She won't make herself." Sean blinked. He didn't understand at first, until Dark playfully growled against his throat and nibbled at a spot beneath his ear. A shiver rippled through him, and he squealed as Dark pulled him closer to his side. Being gentle and playfully dominating, Dark growled against his ear. "I hope you don't mind... you just smell so good." Sean playfully resisted, until Dark claimed his lips in a passionate kiss that he felt to the tips of his toes. Wrapping his limbs around him, Sean continued to kiss him for an unknown period of time before finally making love to him. He adored the way Dark's hands touched him. Adored the soft words of affection that he whispered into his ear with breathless longing. Even as Dark's fingers intertwined with his own. He glanced at their rings and felt his heart skip a beat. Seeing Dark wear his matching ring to his own was a powerful intimacy that he didn't know that he craved. Even if their rings had to be on the wrong hands due to Khaos' enslavement ring... it still meant the world that Dark wore it.
Pulling his hand closer, Sean kissed the back of his hand before losing himself into the waves of passion that came from Dark's thrusts. Making love slow and deep through the night, Sean debated after every moan on if he should tell Dark about having a little girl... but he was loving how excited Dark appeared to be over trying to make another. So, he decided to just enjoy himself. A few hours later, Sean struggled to walk in order to stretch his legs. He was getting restless in bed and had managed to let Dark escort him to some rooms to pick the kids' rooms from. Although, every step made him wince a bit. Dark had exhausted his legs after holding them in position for so long. Powering through it, he inspected the rooms and came across one that was perfect for a little girl. It was mauve in color with dark wood but large windows that let in a lot of light. Hugging him from behind, Dark grinned as he told him. "It's so strange to me... but... I'm actually getting excited about this. Do you... Do you think we can do this? Be...Be parents that is?" Nodding, Sean whispered to him a little excitedly. "Ya. I think we can." To Be Continued...
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