Chapter Forty-One: Stage One
Sean's sides hurt so bad from laughing, but it felt so good. Walking up to him, Dark stroked his knuckles down his tear-soaked cheek, purring to him in a low tone of voice. "It's good to see you laugh again. I've been worried this has been becoming too much for you." Stepping into his warm embrace, Sean exhaled over his chest. "I haven't changed my mind. I've just been... a little stressed. But I have faith in you to get me through it." Kissing his temple, Dark tightened his arms around him protectively. Even without words, Sean could feel Dark's powerful response. It made him smile to feel so completely loved and safe. Rubbing his back, Dark asked him curiously. "Do you want to bathe?" biting his lip, he glanced at the bubbling jacuzzi. It did look so inviting after all his running around and time spent stressing. Nodding, he pulled from Dark's grip and began to lift his shirt, until Dark uttered seriously. "Wait." Sean froze in the middle of lifting his shirt. Did Dark want to undress him? Was he upset about something he saw on him? Sean was scared to move. Moving away to the wall, Dark pressed a button, and magenta curtains began to slide across all the large glass windows. As everything became pitch black, the lights along the ceiling came on. Accenting all the black leather and furniture with cozy shades of deep purples and blues.
Lowering his shirt, Sean gawked at the vast difference it made. It was beautiful and made even more spectacular when Dark flicked a switch that turned on tiny white lights along the ceiling. Which turned the hues of color into a sparkling galaxy of stars. Exhaling all his breath, Sean whispered breathlessly. "Wow. It's so... gorgeous. How did you know it could do that?" Smirking to himself, Dark admitted guiltily. "Anti was playing with the switches while you were... with your family. I nearly incinerated him for it. He was getting on my nerves." Sean couldn't help but chuckle as he imagined Anti flicking on and off switches on the bus for his personal amusement. Stepping closer to him again, Dark uttered out in almost a whisper. "Right now... I don't want anyone to see you." Blushing, Sean whispered back innocently. "But you must. Are you supposed to make these demons see how desirable I am? How untouchable I am?" A sadness touched Dark's eyes when he uttered in a defeated voice and stroked Sean's cheek. "I don't feel like I've done a good enough job in that department. You've been anything but untouchable to them... and I didn't make you desirable. You just are." Leaning into his warm hand, Sean told him sweetly. "I think you've done alright. None of these demons have been successful enough to hold onto me. We knew going into this that I was going to be a target, Dark. I'm still here. That is what's important."
Cupping his chin, Dark lifted his head to meet his eyes better, before retorting half-heartedly. "I could have done much better. What does it say about my power... if what I love can be taken so easily?" Stepping back, Sean chuckled out to him as he moved to the bar to get some water. "Damien, don't. Khaos is more powerful than you. Fighting her was never going to be easy. Every other demon that we've faced. You've slaughtered. No one is saying anything about your power. And while they may say you are weaker... Honey, they aren't taking about your power or your ability to use it." Taking a sip of his water, he turned to finish off honestly. "It's easy for them to hurt me. To trick me. To take me away. I'm only human, after all. Demons here have been torturing human vessels like me since...? The dawn of time? Damien... I'm vulnerable here. I know that and so do you. I take the risks anyway." Finishing the glass off and setting it on the bar, he walked back over to Dark, finishing off in a loving voice. "They think you're weak because you come to my recuse. No matter the cost. You could be outnumbered and know it's a trap... and you'd still show up guns blazing. Because you fear nothing and no one. What makes me untouchable... is the lengths you go for me."
Wrapping his arms over Dark's shoulders, Sean brought his lips to Dark's and whispered to him so sincerely. "I can't tell you in mere words how much you've done for me. I can't express how much I love you. Or how much I appreciate everything you do for me. I'm powerless to help you... but I'm not afraid to stand beside you." Tightening his arms around him, Dark buried his face against his neck, his whole body vibrating as he purred. Which resulted in Sean squealing from how it tickled. Twisting out of his grip to flee himself, Sean playfully tried to flee from Dark. Who easily pursued him and pinned him to the floor. Tearing off his clothes slowly, Dark kissed and suckled on his exposed flesh. Sean lightly begged him to leave hickies, but Dark just smiled and protested it with more lighter kisses. It was torture, but Sean guessed he knew the reason. Dark was saving him for the ceremony. It was sweet but frustrating. Once his clothes had been shredded off and every inch of him tingled from the assault of Dark's teasing lips and tongue, Dark finally rose off him and chuckled out. "Now you can get in the water." Sticking his tongue out, Sean twisted onto all fours and made a sassy show of crawling away toward the tub.
Dark's throaty growl rumbled throughout the room, making Sean blush as he hid his smug grin. Even knowing how much he hated being teased, he loved pushing that button to frustrate him. Especially, since Dark refused to do anything about it right now. Nothing empowered and enflamed him more than deliberately teasing Dark. Since it was normally so easy for Dark to tease him beyond his limits. This was only fair. Getting to his feet, Sean stepped into the tub, wadding into the center where the water bubbled around his pale thighs. The tub lights turned on to add a light ethereal blue to the water. Glancing over his shoulder, he locked half-lidded eyes with Dark with a closed lipped smirk. Dark sat up on his knees, heat radiating out between his parted lips. His horns shimmering into full view as his concentration began to falter. Sliding his fingers over the surface of the water, Sean turned his head away, playing with him as he uttered aloud. "Must be killing you to touch me like I'm made of glass. Without your bite marks and hickies... I'll just wash off your scent... and then how will other demons know who holds claim over me?" Behind him, Dark's voice was a low growl when he answered just as playfully. "Oh, they'll know."
Looking back over his shoulder, Sean let his lips curl into a wicked grin before teasing out. "I'm not so sure. I don't feel very... claimed." Sean felt the teasing spark in his chest flare to a blaze upon seeing Dark's reaction. Leaning down to grab the edge of the tub, Dark's tail snaped behind him and his thick hooves dug at the carpet restlessly as he shifted from foot to foot. The smoke puffing from his nose in deep stubborn snorts. Every muscle of Dark's arms was flexing with restraint. The black pupils of his eyes expanded until his eyes were a glossy jet black. He looked like a feisty young bull on the verge on charging at him. Dipping his hands into the water, Sean trickled the water down his shoulders, making a light show of washing his scent off. As he washed his neck and shoulders, letting the water run down his back, Sean caught Dark undressing silently out of the corner of his eyes. Spreading his legs just a little, Sean bent over to slide his arms into the warm water. Absently washing his arms and long legs. A blush burning his cheeks when he saw Dark's thick black hooves step silently into the water. His grey skin spreading up from his hoof as the water washed over his tanned tan. Washing his illusion away as Dark clearly let his attention fall onto something that he needed to save the energy for.
As Dark moved closer to him, Sean caught his breath, watching Dark's erect cock move into his line of sight. Forcing himself to stop looking between his own legs to spy on Dark, he lifted his head as Dark's hands moved down the sides of his hips. Adjusting his hands to lean on the edge of the bench under the water, Sean inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. All of his own attention going to the nerves along his legs, where Dark's fingers caressed his thighs. When one of Dark's hands trailed over his ass and up his spine to the back of his neck, Sean bowed his back away from his hand to force his hand to follow the curve of his back. When his fingers curled around the back of his neck, Sean tilted his head back and let out a soft moan. Sean's eyes nearly rolled back into his head, when Dark's hips shifted right up against his ass, his hooves clattering loudly as they positioned beside his feet. Easing down over his back, Dark's hands stroked down his arms before pinning his wrists to the bench beneath the water. Dark's warmth rivaled the warmth of the water, when he brought his lips against his ear. Dark's every breath was heavy and deep, sending a shiver through him that made his own cock rise. Sean stayed very still, trying to remember how to breathe. When Dark grunted deep and lusty into his ear. "I fucking HATE when you tease me like this."
Sean smiled, then sharply inhaled as he felt Dark's raging cock lift beneath his own. Feeling how hard he was only made Sean moan as his own ached and grew with need. His thighs trembling between Dark's. Flicking his tongue up the ridge of Sean's ear, Dark turned the tables on him by teasing cruelly to him. "Is being pregnant making you... needy, darling? Is that why Verine told me to edge you? Do you need to burn off some extra hormonal energy?" Bowing his head, Sean shook his head, but even as he said it... Sean's fingers dug into the bench and his cock throbbed with a maddening need that only seemed to be increasing. Did Verine know this would happen after feeding? Innocently, Dark rocked over him, causing his cock to rub the full length of his own cock and balls that rested over his. A sharp cry of lust felt him and his hips bucked back into Dark's involuntarily. The deep purr that vibrated Dark's chest made Sean's eyes roll back as he gasped out. "Oh fuck... Damien..." Dark's teeth lightly grazed his shoulder, causing a violent shiver to ripple through Sean. Snorting against his neck, Dark told him teasingly. "I thought I smelled a change in your scent." Forcing air into his lungs, Sean panted out. "Damn it, Damien... Don't tease!"
Dark chuckled over his shoulder, smugly teasing just to spite him. "You enjoy teasing me. Now it's MY turn. You wanna feel claimed...? I'll fix that." Sean cursed, shifting his body back to push his hips firmly back against Dark. Dark moaned as he felt him slide over his cock, before quickly removing a hand off Sean's hand to stroke Sean's ribs. Feeling his subtle encouragement, he grinded his cock over Dark's with feverish moans. Dark pushed his hips against him, until Sean was leaning on the edge of the tub and bracing himself with fierce grunts of his own. Dark somehow resisted making love, but he didn't have to drive Sean crazy. His hand sliding around his ribs to curl his fingers around his cock and working him over with every slow fake thrust of his hips. Giving his body the false impression that Dark was thrusting into him. Despite Sean rationally knowing the difference. Slamming a fist repeatedly on the edge of the tub, Sean grunted out in frustration. "You're the fucking devil...! Stop fucking around and... FUCK ME, DAMN IT!" Against the back of his shoulder, Dark chuckled, purring into his ear. "You're so sexy when you talk so pretty." Sean groaned in frustration as his only response to him. Humming in his ear, Dark's hands left his cock, causing a whiny gasp to leave Sean. He'd want him to stop! Suddenly, Dark's hand wedged between their hips and a loud startled wail of pleasure left him. Dark's counter was to shove his wet fingers into his ass instead.
Changing his hip thrusts into the deep aggressive fingering that had Sean wailing with unbound lust. He was drawing closer to his release and couldn't reign himself in. His heels rose as his toes clawed at the tub and made his hips lift higher. Dark must have sensed how strong his climax was coming because he tossed his resistance to the wind in order to bite his shoulder. The second he felt Dark's teeth press possessively into his flesh; Sean's body locked in place as a sharp gasp of pleasure burst from him. His load shot in bursts into the water, before his legs cramped up and he had to pull from Dark to sit weakly onto the bench. Stepping closer, Dark slammed a hand down on the edge of the tub over Sean's shoulder, growling over his shoulder. "Don't move." Sean smirked weakly, reaching up to stroke Dark's neck and pulling him into a kiss. He knew what Dark wanted. So, he just gave him light lusty encouragement, until Dark was able to get himself off with his hand. His load exploded across Sean's chest as Dark broke their kiss to grunt over his shoulder. Panting just as hard as himself, Dark dropped heavily to his knees in the water, unable to do anything other than breathe. Wiping the sperm off his chest, Sean chuckled out. "Verine is going to be mad at you... you suck at edging me."
Dark weakly chuckled, then panted out in playful rebellion. "With the pheromones rolling off you... I couldn't edge you if my life depended on it. It took all the control I had to not to fuck you... Fuck... I'm exhausted." Reaching out for him, Sean coaxed him closer. Letting Dark move in between his legs before wrapping his arms around Dark's shoulders. Watching Dark shrink his horns down for the first time, Dark rested his head against Sean's chest and hugged him close. Both of them just listened to the other's heavy breathing. Until Dark told Sean a little teasingly. "If this is stage one... I don't know how Verine deals with stage three with multiple partners. I'm exhausted... the pace it takes to keep you rising toward satisfaction is brutal." All Sean could do was giggle. He'd never seen Dark so worn out, but kind of liked how sexy Dark was with beads of sweat dripping from his dark hair. Running his hands through Dark's hair, Sean absently stroked his fingers around the short knobs of his horns with a smile. Dark was so tired that all he could do was shrink his horns to change his appearance... and it was cute. He wasn't even shocked when Dark fell asleep in his arms. Leaning back more comfortably on the bench, he kept Dark close and out of the water. Letting the poor guy rest.
He wasn't quite sure when the last time Dark had slept was, but he liked holding him like this. After an hour or two, Verine peeked up over the top step, asking nervously. "Is it safe?" Grinning, Sean answered. "Ya. Dark is asleep. Everything alright?" Easing himself up the steps, Verine answered coolly. "Ya. We'll be in pride shortly. I came to check on you. Things got... pretty loud." Sean blushed a deep red, before mumbling out. "Ya... sorry about that." Rolling his eyes, Verine huffed out. "Don't be. It's better to get it out. Thirsty?" Sean nodded to him, watching Verine wag his tail as he fished something out of the fridge. Removing a large sippy cup, Verine passed it to him and chuckled out. "I'll get you some ice water to chase this down." Sean accepted the cup and took a few greedy sips, while Verine asked over his shoulder. "So, the poor guy got a taste of stage one, huh? Looks like he took it well." Pausing from his drink, he asked Verine curiously. "What is that? Stage one?" Verine flashed him a wicked grin, informing him. "Stage one. When your pheromones and hormones start fluctuating. Makes you horny. It will make HIM horny and a bit more unbearably possessive. It's your bodies way of... preparing. Stage two..."
Verine drifted off as he finished filling a glass with ice before finishing. "You'll start showing and you'll feel tired a lot. You'll eat more and desire his warmth. ALOT and everywhere. It's a demon thing. We don't like being cold. Your body temp won't be warm enough no matter what you do. You'll seek him out because HIS body generates a specific type of heat and closeness that the... 'baby'... will crave. You feel like you're freezing all the time otherwise. Then stage three. The best part." Verine set the cup down in the cup holder on the jacuzzi, before purring to him with a smug grin. "Stage three happens a few hours before birth. You get so horny that you can't bare it. You'll need him to... open you up and loosen you up. Get your nipples leaking and the works. There is a technic to it... but I'm sure Dark can figure it out. If not... Well... You'll drain him dry and fuck him so hard that he will be sore for a few days. Which I'll get a laugh out of." Sean shared a laugh with Verine as he pictured Dark walking with a wince to work and being more irritable to anyone brave enough to ask about it. He was about to say something sassy to Verine, until Anti called up to them. "We're entering Pride now." To Be continued...
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