Chapter Forty-Nine: Immortality
Dark carried him up the steps and into their bedroom. Just as he was heading toward the bathroom, he stopped and let out a snarl at the imps who had been tailing him. The imps yelped and scrambled from the room, leaving Dark to grumble out. "Damn pests." Giggling, Sean told him sweetly. "Dark... be nice. They just wanna help." Rolling his eyes, Dark carefully set him down, uttering out. "I don't need or want their help with this. I can do it myself." Leaning against the sink counter, Sean blushed. He kind of liked seeing Dark like this. He was trying to be the helpful one and the imps were making him work harder. When he really didn't have to work so hard. Walking over to the large grey stone tub, Dark leaned over the steps to turn on the golden faucet. As the bath filled, Dark playfully told him. "Don't move." Sean raised his hands in surrender, chuckling to himself. Fetching a bag of Epsom salt, Dark quickly sprinkled some in the tub and mixed the water with his hand. Then he rushed off to the towel closet and collected some little black and red candles. Setting them up on the stone ledges around the tub, he lit them with the snap of his finger. Moving back to the closet, Dark collected a bag and sprinkled some black rose pedals around the steps and the edge of the tub.
They must have been scented because an intoxicating smell filled his noise. It was a heavy enough sent that it calmed him but has subtle light notes that made him feel a little giddy. Dark then walked over to him and kneeled before him, giving him a wicked grin before spreading his legs to open the cabinet under the sink. Swatting Dark's shoulder, he watched Dark smile as he informed him. "Almost finished." Dumping the contents of the bottle under the flowing water, Sean bit his lip as soapy bubbles with a rosy tint began to froth up over the clear water. When the tub was filled and perfect, Dark shut off the water and flicked a switch over the faucet, causing the tub to rumble to life as the tub jets bubbled to life. Shaking his head, Sean mumbled out. "You're spoiling me... What did you do?" Walking up to him, Dark purred out. "Why would you think I did something wrong?" Narrowing his eyes on him, Sean grinned over his lips. "Because you never do this. You always let the imps get it all ready. They told me so." Dark's hands touched his sides, carefully easing under the hem of his shirt, when he whispered over his lips. "Tattletales... True. But... maybe I want all the credit today. I can't help feeling like the teleporting was... my fault."
Letting Dark pull his shirt off, Sean warmly said. "I understand your meetings are important... your child doesn't. I'm just glad we didn't get hurt." Rubbing his belly, Dark purred into his ear. "It was a surprise. The whole realm will be buzzing about how I miraculously got you knocked up." Sean pushed Dark way, only to quickly step into his arms for his warmth, upon mumbling out. "Verine has pregnant vessels. It shouldn't be that much of a shock." Kissing his temple, Dark whispered. "Verine doesn't show off his boys. And he... isn't me. They knew Verine could do it. They didn't believe that I could. I'm like a god to my realm now." Hugging Dark close, Sean told him serenely. "Hopefully you can use it as an excuse to cut meetings shorter." Kneeling to help Sean strip, Dark kissed his belly before saying happily. "That is has. I've no doubt that tomorrow I will have high ranking demons trying to wed their daughters to my son." Snorting, Sean blurted like. "He's not even born yet..." Sean shuddered with a moan as Dark's warm lips embraced the shaft of his cock. Giving it a light and sensual suck as he pulled back off it and answered wickedly. "Doesn't matter. My boy will be the most powerful demon and heir to my throne. They will desire him like hungry wolves to a lost lamb."
Placing a finger under Dark's chin, Sean told him with a dark seriousness. "Damien... you will consult me before you accept an offer like that. Won't you?" Rising to his feet, Dark asked him gently. "Would you like me too? You won't know the demons involved." Staring him down, Sean almost growled out. "He's OUR son. I should get a say before you pawn him off like cattle to a butcher." Giving him a quick kiss, Dark beautifully purred over his lips. "I won't pawn him at any price. He's ours first. I will let you handle the affairs of his life. I'll advise you only." Sean nodded, feeling better about the whole thing. Guiding him toward the tub, Dark helped him step in. The bubbling warm water felt amazing on his aching body. Sliding in up to his shoulders, Sean moaned out. "Wow... I needed this." Dark chuckled, moving to the wall by the tub to ignite the little stone fireplace. The soft crackling of the wood blended perfectly with the soft bubbling of the water. Sean then watched Dark strip. Admiring his flawless and muscular body as stepped in. Just as Dark sat down, Sean quickly swam over to snuggle against him. Resting his head on his shoulder and humming out blissfully. "Thank you, Damien. This is everything." Grabbing some soap, Dark began to massage the soap along his body as he purred to him. "I'm only getting started. Relax."
Sean giggled and enjoyed the way Dark took his time bathing him. Until he broke the silence between them to ask. "Did you know... I think Anti is sleeping with Natemare?" Chuckling a bit bashfully, Dark answered. "I heard rumors from my spies of Anti sneaking him up to his rooms." Narrowing his eyes on him, Sean asked softly. "Spies? You're spying on Anti?" Grinning, Dark informed him. "Keeping an eye on him. I was worried that... I know Anti can be a bit emotional. I didn't want him to... hurt himself." Smiling, Sean captured Dark's lips in a kiss and told him sweetly. "Thank you. I was... worried about him too." Kissing his temple, Dark sweetly said. "Now that he knows my son can teleport like him... and knows where he lives... maybe he'll enjoy being an uncle. I'll need his help. I'm sure Anti has power that even I know nothing of." Patting Dark's thigh under the water, Sean giggled out. "Ya. I hope Anti does. My other family seem... uneasy about him. It would be good for him to feel apart of OUR family." Dark nodded, snuggling his face against his neck to kiss his throat. They spent a bit longer simply relaxing, until small knocks rapidly hit the door.
Lifting his head from kissing Sean, Dark growled out. "Not now." The knocks continued, causing Dark to snap aloud. "This better be important!" Hesitantly slipping inside, the little imp fluttered over and stammered out. "Urgent message from the Dominion. They request your presence at once. And that of... His majesty, Sean." The imp held out the thick letter, but Dark scoffed, muttering out dismissively. "They can wait. I'm busy." The imp cleared its throat, insisting lightly. "Sire... Khaos didn't call this meeting. Eos' son did. He's waiting... He's not happy." Taking the letter with a confused look, Dark muttered aloud. "Alright. Tell them we'll be there at once." As the imp fluttered away, it said proudly. "I'll get your clothes ready, your majesties." Raising an eyebrow, Sean asked curiously. "What's going on? Who is Eos and... her son?" Opening the letter, Dark read over the letter in runes that Sean couldn't read, but it appeared to be written in flourishing handwriting, and the ink was in gold! Folding the letter back up, Dark informed him a bit guarded. "Eos is Khaos' sister. Her son is... well. He's an arrogant prick. In fact, all the sons she created are. We need to go. This can't be good."
Climbing out of the tub, Sean blurted out. "I don't understand. What has happened?" Dark's eyes avoided his when he told him. "Just get dressed. It's gonna be a long night." A few minutes later, Dark was dressed in his finest suit with a crown that depicted bulls along it. Normally, he would have dressed to match according to Dark... but his grown belly made the suit pants too uncomfortable. So, instead, he wore a silken black robe that had embroidered gold with bull designs. Instead of a crown, he was given a silver circlet with small bull horns attached to it. Making him appear to have little silver horns. They were cute and he rather liked it. They were driven to the place of the meeting and along the way, Dark informed him. "Don't say anything. I don't know what they'll do with the information. We are rivals to them. They want us dead, and we want them dead." Sean nodded, telling him confidently. "I won't say a word, but what is this about Damien?" Pressing a hand to Sean's belly, Dark whispered to him reluctantly. "It's about us. Or more specifically... after our son." Swallowing, Sean uttered aloud. "Khaos wants my baby... You don't think that... They'll want him too?"
Frowning, Dark answered stoically. "Eos wants to kill him. We're going to find out why." The very thought put Sean on edge. Finally reaching the building, they were escorted up to the meeting room. Where Verine stood just outside. Smoking with a nervous look, Verine informed them softly. "This is going to be hell..." Dark agreed, before they entered the room. Sean glanced around the table to see the Dominion leaders all sitting around the long table. Even Thanatos was present across from his mother Khaos. The only chair open was Gossip's, but she wouldn't be showing. Walking him over to gossip's chair, Dark coaxed him to sit down in it beside him. Sean obeyed, then turned his eyes to the head of the table where Khaos would normally sit. Only the chair was much farther back from the table now and a bright light was almost drowning out the area. It wasn't until he saw the massive feather wings fold down that he gasped and realized why. Eos' son was an Angel! His skin was divine. He was peak perfection with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His white feathery wings sparkled like stars in the faintest of light. The rainbow hues of his smaller feathers catching his eyes. The man almost radiated light and had the chiseled body of a warrior.
His white robe billowed as he fluttered his wings a bit and folded them. Allowing his scowl to be seen more clearly. Crossing his arms over his chest, the man stated in a voice that was soft and beautiful like a birds. "Word has reached my mother. A human bonded with a demon... and the seed of their ugly love grows." Khaos glared at the man, bitterly stating. "Where is my sister? Why doesn't SHE come to bitch about this?" The man glared back at her, answering flatly. "She will if you let that deformed root of evil be born!" Sean put a hand to his chest as he burped a gust of hot steam that made his eyes water. Dark put a hand immediately to his stomach, trying to sooth him. The expulsion got the angel's attention. Turning his eyes on him, he bitterly snapped out. "Have you forgotten your purpose? To punish. Not to breed!" Khaos launched to her feet, causing the angel to jump back as she sneered out. "MY children are not to serve my SISTER'S PURPOSE! This is MY realm! Humans and demons are MY TOYS! NOT HERS!" The angel hissed lightly, his wings puffing up when he told her sternly. "Toy's you are letting get out of control! I thought you told mother that you were going to destroy them! Not let them breed a new generation on their own!"
Khaos huffed, sneering back. "Don't talk to me like that, kid. Accidents happen down here. Where mommy won't save you." Across the table Thanatos told the other lords of hell, rather fearlessly. "She did plan to. Dark was meant to do it... but her eyes are on a new prize. After all... she needs a powerful demon to restart." Thanatos looked to Sean, who bowed his head with disgust. The other demon lords muttered, but it was the angel that snapped out. "You plan to keep that?! Did you not take Eos' advice about that? How dangerous that is?!" Khaos waved a dismissive hand, coolly belting out. "Oh, cheep cheep cheep. That's all you chaste angels do." The angel's face flared with rage, before he told her. "Sex is overrated. Perfect creations don't need it. Kill it, before it becomes too powerful for you to control!" Khaos rolled her eyes, turning her back on him as she said flatly. "The child will be mine. If my sister doesn't like it. She can leave this realm and take you sexless fuckers with her. I will have perfection. I will create something... to kill your kind and shut my sister up for good about... perfection and light!" The angel nodded, shrugging out. "Your intention is clear than... You want a weapon to kill us. Beings that can't be killed. What stupidity. Very well."
Suddenly, the angel removed a dagger from his robe and flung it at Sean, yelling out. "I'll kill it MYSELF!" All eyes turned to Sean with worry and fear. Sean could only stand up, his chair clattering to the ground. He couldn't dodge it and Dark hadn't expected this to happen. Yet, as the dagger spun for him, it just lightly tapped a spot over his heart before stopping in mid-air. Everyone looked to Dark, but he looked shocked too. Verine looked to Anti who was half-asleep in his chair and barely paying attention. The angel took a step back as the dagger flipped over and shot back at the angel. The angel knocked the blade away, letting out disgusted huff... before everyone gasped. The angel was starting to bleed from his eyes. Putting a hand to his belly, he mumbled out to himself. "What are you doing...?" The angel tried to wipe his tears of blood away before the amount of blood increased. Letting out a sudden cough, then angel doubled over and began to vomit blood. Then jerking his head back, he let out a sharp ear-piercing scream before his wings ignited in flames and he disintegrated into yellow sand. For a long time no one said anything. Everyone remained still and breathless.
The silence was only broken by Verine bursting out laughing before stating out. "HA! Immortal my ass! WOOHOO! I like this kid already!" The other demon lords slowly began to chuckle. While Khaos tapped a red nail to her lip, saying with amusement. "The first angel to ever die... What a child. Dark... Let me be the first to put in my request to marry your son. He'll make me a fine groom... when I take him." Sean stepped closer to Dark, hugging his belly. It was only Anti that suddenly piped up over the laughter. "We should be afraid. We're now at war." To Be Continued...
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