Chapter Forty-Eight: A Little hiccup
The next day, Sean rolled over in bed with a groan. His hand reaching out to find Dark. He felt cold despite being under layers of blankets. When his hand slid over the cold silken sheets beside him, he opened his eyes. Dark was gone. Slowly sitting up, he asked an imp that was dusting up the room silently. "Where is he?" The imp jumped in surprise, but quickly bowed and informed him. "His highness is in a meeting this morning. Would you like me to send him a message?" Shaking his head, Sean rubbed his cold arms, mumbling out. "No... It's not important." Fluttering over, the imp hid the duster behind its back as it asked him hopefully. "Is it something I can help you with, your grace?" Smirking, Sean shook his head and told him honestly. "No. I was just... worried about him." The imp bowed, then fluttered away to finish dusting the ceiling corner. Pulling out his journal, Sean began to make a list of things he thought that he'd need when the babies came. It helped take his mind off how cold he was and scrolling through his phone kept him still. The imps brought him everything he wanted and checked on him often. Yet, Dark hadn't. All the imps could tell him was that he was in a meeting with his generals. That it was realm business.
Growing restless, he slipped from the bed with his blanket draped around himself. Venturing to the room where the imps had brought all his stuff from home. They had set him up in a small apartment room. It made him smile to think of it as a home inside a home. Taking the time to set up his computer and organize things the way he liked, he eventually began to play some PC games. He wasn't sure what else he could do. His body always felt so cold, and he was throwing up almost hourly. Morning sickness was a lie. It plagued him all day long. Slumping in his chair, he snuggled deep into his blanket and scowled at the screen as he absently went about building stuff in Minecraft. He couldn't handle any adrenaline games or games with any blood and gore. They only made him sick right now and all he wanted to do was relax and not think too hard. As he played, Chicanery trotted over to him and rested her head down on his leg with a heavy sigh. Rubbing her silky grey furry temples with his free hand, he told her a bit cheerily. "Hey, Pup. Is dad ignoring you too?" Chicanery snorted, her big dark eyes peering up at him with such a lonely expression. He felt bad for her. They'd been so busy lately that she'd been neglected a bit. Left to the imps to take care of.
Turning his attention away from the game, he gently gripped her silky ears and touched his nose to her big black one. Her tail began to wag faster and faster as he told her with a smile. "Poor baby. Don't worry. You'll have more people to play with soon enough. I'm sorry things have been so-" There was a sudden hissing from the screen and he jerked back just as the creeper blew his character. Frowning, he grumbled out. "Ya... That's about how it's going. In shambles." Chicanery sneezed then tilted her head as she stared at his hidden stomach beneath the blankets. Patting her head, he told her coolly. "Come on. I'll let you out." Getting to his feet, he took two steps before having to grab the chair with a sharp gasp. His side flared with pain, until he had to bend over and take deep breaths. Chicanery snorted, then let out soft whines as she paced in front of him. Meeting her eyes, he asked her gruffly. "What are you worried about? I'm the one that just got kicked..." Rubbing his side, he straightened up and started walking again. Only to stop again in the center of the room. With a sudden hiccup, Sean felt the hair on his arms stand up before there was a flash of green. When his vision cleared... he was no longer in his room. He was standing in the middle of Dark's meeting!
The generals gasped and rose from their chairs so fast they clattered to the floor. While behind him, seated in his throne chair, Dark asked him a little startled himself. "Sean? How did you-?" Before he could finish, Sean let out another hiccup and was teleported back to his room. Dropping to his knees, Chicanery dropped into a playful bow in front of him, letting out an excited bark before licking his face. Shaking his head, Sean panted out uneasily. "What the fuck?! That can't be good..." Putting a hand to his belly, he started to order firmly. "Hey! Don't do- HIC!" With another hiccup, he was teleported back into the meeting room. This time Dark got to his feet as one of his generals blurted out in surprise. "That's not possible! He's human! Is Anti aware of-?" Glancing at Dark, Sean blurted out over the general. "Dark? Help!" With another hiccup, he was teleported back and had to lean down on all fours to fight the wooziness that was creeping up on him now. He was getting motion sick from this. Chicanery bounced around the room with yips while imps rushed into the room. They rushed to grab him, but with another hiccup he was gone again. Only this time... he wasn't in Dark's meeting. He was sitting in a beautiful bedroom of black and green. Jars of swirling eyes in green fluid decorated the room and sparks showered from the light sources.
Sitting naked at the foot of the bed, Anti stared at him with wide eyes. He'd put a cigarette to his lips but hadn't lit it yet. His tail jerked upright behind him for a surprise attack. While further on the bed, Natemare jerked upright and belted out in horror. "SEAN?!" Sean didn't have time to care what they were doing. Instead, he rushed out in a panic. "Anti, help! I can't stop-HIC!" Another hiccup constricted his chest so hard that it hurt... but he only managed to disappear and reappear right where he was. Coughing, Sean looked up to see Anti holding out a hand toward him. The static rippling from his fingers. The air in the room filled with an electrifying energy as Anti slowly got to his feet. Walking over to him, Anti kneeled and placed a hand on his shoulder. The second his hand made contact; Sean felt a surge of energy leave him. Grabbing Anti's arm breathlessly, he panted out. "Anti...?" Smirking to himself, Anti flicked his nail to spark his cigarette to life, before chuckling out. "Sean... Lil' troublemaker taking you for a ride already? Impressive." Shaking a little, Sean mumbled out a little scared. "That shouldn't happen... Dark put wards..." Grinning, Anti exhaled some smoke away from him before answering. "Wards to protect you from harm. Teleporting you doesn't hurt you."
Rubbing his stomach, Sean blushed as he averted his eyes from them and said. "I... I'm sorry. I don't know why I was brought here." Patting his shoulder, Anti huffed out as he got up. "Did you call for help? Kid knows what I can do. Probably brought you to me to help." Licking his dry lips, Sean asked softly. "I guess... but... How?" Anti slipped on his black jeans as he replied coolly. "Verine always claimed that demon babies have keen awareness in the womb. They listen to learn. They see and feel things through you. Not hard to guess why it brought you to me. Guess I should take you back before Dark sets fire to a low city." Staggering to his feet, Sean burped nervously, before telling him. "I don't know how many more teleports I can take..." Finishing off his cigarette, Anti flicked it into the green flamed fireplace as he told him simply. "I'll risk it. It would take days to drive you back." Approaching him, Anti took his hands and paused. Sean's fingers were rippling with green static that seemed to scan over Anti's palms and wrists. He hoped Anti was alright. Then abruptly, Anti cleared his throat a little awkwardly as he mumbled out. "Damn, kid... Don't let go." He didn't get a chance to ask what had happened when they were suddenly back in his room.
Turning quickly, Sean hurled into a trashcan. While all around the room, imps were crying and telling Dark how sorry they were. Spotting them, the imps fell silent and Dark exhaled in relief. Anti's tail flicked with agitation when he told Dark bluntly. "Your kid takes after me. Good luck trying to ground him. That hurt your flaming ego?" Sean glanced at Anti who grinned sinisterly. Anti knew he was having twins... but he didn't know that it was Dark's daughter that took after Anti... Not Dark's son. Or was he just jabbing at Dark for fun? It was so hard to tell. Dark shifted on his feet, crossing his arms as he shot back lightly. "I'll manage. Thank you for bringing him back." Shrugging Anti told him calmly. "Just be careful. The kid is cold and upset. Your absence is stressful." Dark opened his mouth then shut it. Without another word, Anti teleported away. Leaving Sean to ask Dark casually. "So...? How did your meeting go?" Huffing, Dark stepped closer to him, causing the imps to part for him. Taking his hand, he pulled him into a warm hug. Instantly, he realized just how cold he really was. He felt like ice compared to the intensity of Dark's body heat. He was a blazing fire against a wintry night! Snuggling against him, Sean exhaled and for the first time saw his breath! His body even began to shiver against him. How had he gotten so cold without realizing it?
Dark's hands rubbed his back, telling him nervously. "I didn't think you would get so cold so fast. Why didn't you tell me?" Shrugging, Sean answered honestly. "I felt a little chilly but this... I don't know." Kissing his temple, Dark told him lovingly. "I need to finish up my meeting... come with me." Sean stayed against Dark allowing him to lead him out of the room to the board room. As they entered, the generals fell silent but watched with sharp glances. Taking a seat at his throne, Dark coaxed Sean to sit on his lap. Adjusting him comfortably to let his legs hang off one arm of the throne. Nestling against him, Sean felt the difference inside him. The babies felt... calmer. Was Anti right? Were they upset and cold? Was his daughter just trying to get Daddy's attention? He smiled at the thought. Dark's hand absently began rubbing his belly as the generals took their seats and for the first time... he realized that he was... showing a bit. One of the generals tapped his table and announced flatly. "Highness... Shouldn't you... take him somewhere else? These are private affairs of the realm. As Anti's vessel..." Cutting him off, Dark boldly announced. "Anti is apart of my realm and mine to his. Sean is your superior as much as I. If that is a problem. You can be replaced."
The generals shifted uncomfortably, before another asked curiously. "Sire? Forgive me but... he's... He seems to be..." Sean sneezed and immediately covered his mouth, because hot steam had burned out of his nose causing his eyes to water. Dark jerked his head back, before a smile formed on his lips. The other generals glanced at each other with sudden fascination before someone uttered. "Well fuck me... He actually did it. He got him... knocked up!" Grinning more brightly, Dark announced. "Yes. The news surprised me as well. Seems my son takes after both Anti and myself. What a prince he will be." Sean blushed, feeling the babies squirm inside him. While a general shot to his feet with a cup and toasted loudly. "Hail to the king! This is glorious news! We should toast to the young prince!" The generals raised their mugs, before the one continued. "To the royal highnesses of Pride and Wraith! May your son be strong and just as fierce!" The generals let out excited snarls, then downed their cups. Dark kissed his cheek, whispering to him. "No wonder he was upset. If he's like me... He needs the steady warmth to keep him cozy and calm." Humming softly, Sean whispered back. "I just hope my body can handle the... special gifts."
A sudden hiccup made Sean tense, but it only made bubbles escape his mouth. Dark gestured an imp over and took some jerky off the plate. Handing it to him, Dark told him sweetly. "Here. Eat. The book says that means he's hungry." Smiling, Sean began to nibble on a piece as he napped a little against Dark. He was feeling so sleepy against his warmth. Dark shifted to the subject of his meeting and Sean caught only pieces of it. It was standard how to punish who for what and bits about his new marriage proceedings. There was even bits on a celebration to be held when his son was to be born. The whole while, Dark never stopped rubbing his belly and giving him little smiles. When the meeting finally ended, Dark picked him up and walked him out, telling him excitedly. "I'm sure you've had a taxing day... but do you wanna take a hot bath with me? The book says it should help loosen your muscles and ease the strain your under." Chuckling giddily, Sean asked him curiously. "You read a lot of that book... You're not going to turn into an overprotective parent, are you?" Dark shook his head, but Sean didn't believe him as he laughed. To Be Continued...
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